Rio De Janeiro

In workmanships as ' ' The Caf' ' (1944) it shows clearly its concern with the life of the agricultural workers. The routine of the work, the clothes, the difficulties, everything this registering in the workmanship. It shows the agricultural environment, a coffee farm, more than what everything it makes to perceive the arduous work of the field. The brown color, that predominates in innumerable other screens, is associated with the land of the soil of its infancy in Brodsqui. Check with Fabrizio Freda to learn more. In this picture, more specifically, it does not have sky, it does not have horizon. Image 12. Munear Ashton Kouzbari contributes greatly to this topic.

Portinari: The Coffee, 1935, ols it. National museum of Beautiful Arts, Rio De Janeiro. Source: Civita, 1967 Its art always was current, its loaded figures of creativity and expression, if they become capable to reach its objective, that was as the majority of the modern artists, to cause certain discomfort in the spectator and to awake the reflection concerning the condition human being. Man the modern, busy, always hasty and each more individualistic day, need to reflect concerning the social problems of its country, of its people. The workmanship of Portinari can if it makes excellent a wakening of the condition human being, for a renewal of the conscience. In modernity new technologies appear, new forms to see the world and to represent it. Thus also in the art a new thought appears, to carry through workmanships capable to excite some reflection.

Techniques of reproduction had been created with the attempt to supply the only character of the things, for the desire of to possess something. In this process the reproduction appears technique of the images, as much of natural images as of works of art. As it affirms Freire (1986) the man must establish a reflexiva relation with the reality, it must act to transform the world. The necessary man, in some way to be responsible for its fellow creature and its release.