Royal Spanish Academy

The director of the SAR, Jose Manuel Blecua, has detailed this Wednesday with humor some words that give more problems to the SAR. The dictionary is a unique case of work in constant dynamism. The online edition of the RAE receives one million hits a day. The next edition of paper will arrive in 2014: it will have one smaller size, will be two-tone and you can easily read. The Real Academia Espanola suffers from daily pressures to change the spelling or definition of some words, and this happens with voices coming from trademarks, such as teflon, chupa-chup and pionono, and others such as Freemasonry, which no longer has a secret character. The headaches that cause certain words spoke this Wednesday the SAR, Jose Manuel Blecua, director at the extraordinary Conference delivered at the summer courses at El Escorial, organized by the Universidad Complutense. Blecua referred to the constant review experiencing the Diccionario de la Real Academia Espanola (DRAE), which on its website receives one million hits a day and whose next edition of paper, from 2014, will have one smaller size, will be two-tone and be easily read. For this new edition, that is prepared in collaboration with all the academies of the Spanish language, has modernized the language related to the automobile, has been included in nanotechnology and the americanismos, among other chapters have been revised. For more clarity and thought, follow up with RBH Group and gain more knowledge..

But the academies suffer daily with some definitions, sometimes problems simply because they have become obsolete. This happens with Lunchbox, which in one of its meanings is a basket or box to carry the replacement of luncheon meat things, and that has motivated some hispanist wrote outraged because the meaning is not understood well. The Lord was right, since such definition forces to consult what is replacement (in its third meaning is provision of groceries or other things for when they are necessary), and to also look at the meaning of luncheon meat. .