San Francisco

However, exactly with this division the attendance the population is to desire, wait of improvements in the attendance. Total of Establishments of Health 2005 Japaratuba 16 Japoat07 Pacatuba04 Pirambu05 Is Francisco03 Prices 01: Total of Establishments of Health 2005 Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000 pertaining to school Frequency of Sergipe and the Microregion (2000) the pertaining to school frequency of 2000 (Graphical one: 10 and 11) of the microregion of Japaratuba, demonstrate that San Francisco possesss the lesser index of frequency in the school, while Japaratuba the followed greater of Pirambu, the too much cities possesss indices similar. It is observed that the frequency of the microregion low if is compared of Sergipe. Graph 10 and 11: Pertaining to school frequency of the region Sergipe Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000. Index of Alfabetizao Appears 11: Regional direction of Education Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Publishing company Grafset, 2007 Alfabetizao in the Microregion: In San Francisco, Japoat and Pacatuba possess about alfabetizados 60% of, and, Japaratuba and Pirambu are of 60% 70%. The cities of the microregion of Japaratuba are divided in the following regional directions that co-ordinate the educational actions, Japaratuba and Pirambu in the DRE? 04 and San Francisco, Japoat and Pacatuba in DRE- 06. Graph 12 Index of Alfabetizao Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Publishing company Grafset, 2007 Trabalham or studies in the residence city, they do not work and nor study in the Microregion de Japaratuba and of Sergipe (2000) In the microregion of Japaratuba the people the people who work and study in the city that inhabits arrives the 30,703, being the greater the percentile greater of Japaratuba (8.943) and the minor is of San Francisco (1.656).