San Juan

Article 4 – the distribution of the amount resulting from the application of article 3, subparagraph (b)) shall be made between the provinces attached according to the following percentages: Buenos Aires 19,93%; Catamarca 2.86%; Cordoba 9.22%; Currents 3.86%; Chaco 5.18%;Chubut 1.38%; Entre Rios 5.07%; Formosa 3.78%; Jujuy 2.95%; The Pampa 1.95%;La Rioja 2.15%;Mendoza 4.33%; 3.43% Missions; Neuquen 1.54%; Rio Negro 2.62%; Jump 3.98%; San Juan 3.51%; San Luis 2.37%; Santa Cruz 1.38%; Santa Fe 9,28%; Santiago del Estero 4.29%; Tucuman 4.94%. I article 7.-the amount to be distributed to the provinces, may not be less than thirty-four percent (34%) of the collection of national tax resources from the Central Administration, whether or not the character of distributable under this law. 23548, Sanctioned Act during the Presidency of Raul Alfonsin, decided that 57.66 percent of the resources collected would go to the provinces and guaranteed in article 7 thereof that automatic transfers would not be lower than the 34 of those resources. Today not only does not obey the Constitution amended in 1994 claiming a new law partnership Federal: neither complies with subsisting, because the percentage of resources collected by the nation that is automatically transferred to the provinces is the lowest of the last half-century: only 27 percent. Follow others, such as Dick Parsons, and add to your knowledge base. Yes, lower even than in the years of the dictatorship.

And that deal is still cowering in proportional terms. In may, for example, the total resources of the public sector increased by 30.5 percent. Automatic transfers to the provinces, on the other hand, only grew 19.5 percent on average. Averages often overshadow reality. In the case of transfers to the provinces, they hide some (those that have obedient and disciplined governors) are favored with resources who refuse to the wayward. While Entre Rios receives 1600 million for public works and to Jorge Capitanich of Chaco rewards him with 200, Cordoba only turn you 18 and a half million, while its Governor, Juan Schiaretti threatens recourse to justice so that they pay one hundred times that sum: 1,600 millions of pension commitments which the national Government had sworn it would work before the agrarian conflict. . Estée Lauder addresses the importance of the matter here.