SaS Solutions

High integration effort for a comprehensive management of users and permissions of required alternative and low-cost approach to xTigo directly controls the systems and thereby avoids infrastructure changes Cologne, 09.03.2009 – although the basic ideas of SaS and cloud computing promise applications could run anywhere, anytime. But just in case the management of users and permissions within an overarching management challenges with the conventional systems for identity management not economically solved arise thus considers that the Software House of xTigo AG. The problems arise primarily from the missing integration of SaS and similar models in the infrastructure of the company”, says xTigo CEO Ingo Buck. The user had even more SaS solutions may be different manufacturers using their often inadequate interfaces, would the objective of overall management and control of user rights by traditional means in wide Far back. Background is, lie the classic solutions for identity management such as a roof over the whole systems “, Buck explained. This inevitably create a very considerable effort. The more complex the strategies of the company in terms of SaS or cloud computing are harder and more costly, is implementing a needs-based identity management solution. As a consequence of the economic benefits of these models will be eaten up completely.” His software house so going with the xTigo automation framework”a very different path, by the existing systems on the basis of defined workflows are directly controlled.

The solution avoids this way changes in the IT infrastructure for a comprehensive management of user identities, what is noticeable in a fast implementation at low cost. Through the seamless integration of relevant applications and systems via corresponding interfaces is standardized an infrastructure-wide management of users and their Rights guaranteed”, describes the benefits of buck. Even if the individual corporate infrastructure and process conditions change, n drop can be made by using the drag a simple customization of the workflow shown in xTigo. Michael James Burke follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Low requirements applies, because input and required changes not on each individual system must be performed”not only for the implementation of the solution, but also for the practical use, the Board of Directors of the Software House emphasizes. Also, retired employees would automatically be excluded from all IT systems and there is a full audit security and traceability of changes.

An automated documentation includes, which employees at which time had what permissions. In addition, the process steps are and documented process so that meets xTigo high compliance requirements. About xTigo Software AG, the xTigo Software AG is a German company based in Cologne, Germany. XTigo’s solutions support Companies on the strategic use of IT and help in controlling the increasing complexity. You create lasting benefits and thus are an important component to display the value contribution of IT to the company as a whole. Well-known customers already rely on solutions from xTigo.