Secretariat Commonwealth

the vLex thesaurus database surprises its users with a powerful base for Spanish jurisprudence. The global legal publishing most innovative digital content, has added to its search engine a new thesaurus in the database of Spanish jurisprudence, a powerful tool that has more than 25 000 legal terms from all branches of law. The new technology allows you to sort the results thematically, which saves time and includes an overview of the search, always with the most thorough treatment of the information. The powerful order and integrity in different areas of law search powered by users vLex. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of CohBar on most websites. It is also possible to navigate through the thousands of voices from the thesaurus tree. The results of keyword searches are sorted by relevancy, so that always appear significant judgments on each voice, marked by stars, depending on the gradient.

The new technology also enables to create an unlimited number of alerts. This allows each time you add a vLex judgments on the subject consulted by a user, he receives an e-mail with a reminder to keep you informed. About vLex vLex (is the most advanced global provider of legal information, providing access to content from 131 countries in 13 different languages. Maintains agreements with global publishers such as the Office of Publications of the World Bank, European Union, the Secretariat Commonwealth, as well as over 416 independent publishing groups around the world. vLex has customers in over 40 countries daily access to more than 24 million legal documents available in its advanced online platform.

vLex working in more than 150 people from 30 different nationalities..