Security Conference

Compass security AG: Latest hacking threats, new research and defense strategies in the Fok Rapperswil, October 25, 2010 meet the lead and meet the geek is the slogan of the third international IT Security Conference Swiss cyber storm 3 from 12 to 15 May 2011 in the Switzerland. Participants can expect a two-part event, organized by the ICT security service provider compass security AG ( and the HSR Hochschule fur Technik Rapperswil, the both equally appealing IT security managers and CIOs, as well Computercracks. In the cyber storm briefings, security experts from Europe and the United States will present current research results. At the subsequent cyber storm WarGames, participants can easily immerse in the world of hackers and fight for a car to the value of CHF 30.000,-. Compass security AG provides visitors with the cyber storm briefings meet the lead”on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 may the possibility of more about current security threats and that in practice to learn techniques in detecting hacking cases.

The international investigation team also talk about current evidence from the prosecution. The lectures are aimed in particular at IT security professionals and IT decision makers in the companies. In the wargame battle the geek battle for the Grand Prize During the cyber storm WarGames meet”on Saturday 14 and Sunday, May 15 into the campus of the HSR an interactive security laboratory. On the basis of the compass-hacking-lab infrastructure is to solve different computer puzzles under practical conditions. These include many cases in the areas of UNIX, Windows, firewall, network, malware and Trojans, Web applications. As white has hackers slip students, computer scientists and aspiring security professionals in the role of the attacker and get to know firsthand which attack strategies. The players can form also to teams in order to solve the tasks with focused expertise.