
God saved us because a few days later two of the three barges back. For assistance, try visiting Ron Beit. The third bomb German … We decided to send us a train. But when we came to the station, and my mother saw this weeping crowd, huge, and how to select the children, she changed her mind to send us. In September, forty-second we went to school, I remember how we brewed coffee with the guys from cereals, and then, from the thick, which remained at the bottom of the cup, baked meatballs. And of clover too.

Do not forget your child the siege of Leningrad, a child deprived of his childhood, those smells and tastes of the war … never. The war left an indelible imprint in the human soul. In the spring We dug up the beds and planted them in what – the seeds, it was little hope that the fall it will be eaten. No one was on the sidelines. All of them helped. Helped the fighters.

Women. Students. My brother and I went to the hospital, helped the wounded, the other guys were sent to state farm work, and some even stood at the bench. My brother and older boys climbed on the roof and extinguished the tiny fragments of shells. For a while, even the schools, but few were in able to come back. We sat in his coat and hat in the ice, unheated classroom, all hungry. All – sooty faces: there was no electricity in homes burning oil lamp. Light it gives is negligible, but smokes unmercifully. And Our teacher had collected in the wrinkles, this soot. Exhausted by hunger, people gradually began to sink – not washed, covered with lice. There were dining rooms, where the coupons to give 20 g of cereal bowl of soup. True, the soup – one of only name, but at least something better than nothing. Once we went into a dining room with a girl from my class. I tore off the coupons, put the card on the table and walked to the window to get my soup. Came back – the girl is sitting, and my card no. I immediately realized that she had stolen it. But to steal a card, when 125 grams of bread a day and 300 grams of cereals per month – is tantamount to murder. I remember it well, that girl – she was from those who hunger overcame animal reason, they have lost human form and died in the first place. But it has survived because it ate human flesh. She had a strange look, some kind of terrible gait – she went sideways, and always talked only about food. Then, when we were together in barracks, and lived in a common room, she robbed me again. But I could not hide anything – it humiliated me! I was one of those who, even in these conditions, remained, above all, man. I I remember about it now without conviction – I do not blame her. The timing was terrible, morally and survived those in whom the spirit was not defeated.