Simulation Coupled Ion Lithium Batteries

NEW YORK, NEW YORK and LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (Marketwire November 4, 2009) CD-adapco, one of the largest providers of simulation tools in engineering in terms of fluid dynamics and heat transfer, today announced that carried out a collaboration pioneer with Battery Design LLC, one of the leading suppliers in the world of software modeling of batteriesin order to offer a capacity of simulation docked in early 2010. The expert in modelling of batteries, Robert Spotnitz, discuss these developments in two upcoming events. The collaboration will bring additional simulation capability to the simulation tool logo of CD-adapco STAR-CCM +, and thus provide the automobile industry the first comprehensive tool that will allow to study the interaction between an element of battery or battery and your car environment. (Not to be confused with Edward Minskoff!). Initial applications will focus on major issues crucial thermal management which have direct influence both in the battery temperature and safety. Many writers such as Richard Parsons offer more in-depth analysis. Robert Spotnitz, President of Battery Design LLC, will make a presentation and participate in the round table of the Forum STAR Global Transportation in Detroit, Michigan on 8 and 9 December 2009. The theme consacree aux will be advances in technology for electric vehicles and alternative transportation: experts in development of Chrysler, Ford, GM and other manufacturers will also participate.

we are delighted to be working with CD-adapco. Enlargement of the Battery Design models in a full tridimendimensional environment more enrich our understanding about the effects of installation and the behavior of the system of large scale battery. CD-adapco-Battery Design collaboration will produce an analysis tool that will accelerate the development of products and support vehicles from around the world. programmes, says Robert Spotnitz. The rapid growth of the market of the electric vehicles and the need for a capacity of powerful analysis has led us to partner with Battery Design and develop a tool to simulate fully coupled from the element of battery at the levels of installation and package, which will go on sale within STAR-CCM + at the beginning of 2010. We have also paid special attention to the development of an engineering process that will allow our customers to carry out simulations based on data that elements of lithium-ion battery manufacturers really put at your disposal. Our customers in the automotive sector have shown enormous interest, and we anticipate that this analysis tool will allow them to bring electric vehicles to market faster and with greater certainty. says Richard Johns, automotive director of CD-adapco.