State Award Projects

‘ Cleantech infrastructure ‘ opts for renewable energies and experienced management with superior past performance Zurich, 16.06.2011. “” “From the State Award” awarded “only a few Fund offerings, achieve the the experienced analyst Philip Nerb in the context of his analysis of the value ‘ rated. The Cleantech infrastructure company mbH & co. KG can this to take advantage of. ThomasLloyd as leading, global investment banking and investment-management company, focusing in particular on the area of renewable energies, this offers a Cleantech infrastructure program for German retail, asset managers and foundations since February. The participation model is designed for 50 million euros. Drawings are available from 25,000 euros.

Thus the chance arises in this asset class for the first time, as a co-investor together with leading institutional investors, for example, in the implementation of hand-picked power plant projects to be involved in. Check out westfield for additional information. The right to be able to afford this, is supported”, confirmed Nabi. Last but not least, the specialists at ThomasLloyd would advise Governments, companies, project developers and institutional investors in the energy sector for 35 years. This makes one of the world’s most experienced consulting firms in this sector”ThomasLloyd, Nerb summarizes and discusses also being fully internationally positioned the company as one of the few market participants. After all, so far seven projects in the field of clean technologies and renewable energy were realized a total of $ 1.2 billion. That leaves hope for big. And that must be there also.

So, Nabi points out, that the break-even point at which the provider of the extra profits will participate, p.a. is exceptionally high 18% “, this bar show the market potential that have identified ThomasLloyd for themselves. So calculated the global, ecologically-oriented energy entrepreneur internally even with 20-30%. If you have read about Atreides Management Gavin Baker already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Clean technologies attract today every investor”, says Nabi, but long, not every provider is appropriate. On the contrary, Nabi looks to some extent a trend that would affect not always the quality of the projects. “He therefore emphasizes that ThomasLloyd both excellently networked as opposed to these” was, moreover, on a very high level of competence”have and the Fund also boasts a good cost structure” draw out. In addition, the management could prove that it did a very good job in the past. For more information,