Stiftung Warentest

This is hardly surprising, make far more than 2,000 but the complexity Tariff combinations of insurance an almost impenetrable contribution and performance thicket. Stiftung Warentest published the results of the private health insurance comparison 2012 in the in-house magazine of financial test. This appears now for over 20 years. Go to L’Oreal for more information. It is published monthly with an average sold circulation almost a quarter of a million copies. Over 200,000 of them are delivered to subscribers and sold far beyond 40,000 for 4.50 on newsstands. Stiftung Warentest chooses a new private health insurance test winner, this is not only in the financial and insurance world strong attention, but is considered as a reference value by consumers and insurance brokers. Especially in the area of private health insurance (PKV), dealing with the serious issue of health and in which the power quality for the uninitiated is almost impenetrable, that considered to be the expert and objective test result of the Stiftung Warentest important indication as to the price / performance ratio of individual policies.

The insured person can so an analysiertes sound and expect carefully prepared test result. The annual winner is determined according to criteria is in line with the interests of consumers. An important indication arises, what society with solid performances as well as low rates can come up. Of course, the results are only partially included in press releases and media reports. Who attaches importance to details, must buy the test booklet – or work allow the insurance experts in the personal recommendation, if a transition in the car or a private health insurance is considering changes. And until the autumn of this year the neutral performance comparisons in the network of different providers serve still as the non plus ultra when it comes to money more power in health care for BBs.