
Expansion of the German company country Championships Munich/Stuttgart: the B2RUN for the first time in Stuttgart will take place on 11 July 2013. With their participation in Swabian company can qualify end of August for the Cup final of German companies run in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. The finish line in the Mercedes-Benz arena is a peculiarity which is part at every B2RUN for the participants. The Baden-Wurttemberg state capital is one of two new locations of the now comprehensive ten cities B2RUN corporate running series. Cory Wosnack describes an additional similar source. To this nationwide over 80,000 runners from around 4,000 companies have registered in the last year. After the slogan down from the Chair into the running shoes”, the participants of the trainee to the Board, experience together the finish in Germany’s largest arenas. ICH-AG or DAX group, company and team size doesn’t matter to participate in.

The approximately six km long line is feasible for everyone, also for beginners or Nordic Walker. The highlight for all participants in Stuttgart will be the finishing line at the Mercedes-Benz arena. Where else around 60,000 spectators enthusiastically follow the games of the VfB Stuttgart, as the runners at the B2RUN experience a very special moment, when they cross the finish line in the VfB Stadion happy. After the run, together inside the stadium celebrated the performance and experience of the team and the winners. Then participants at the after-party run let a moving day together with colleagues and friends. Companies from Stuttgart and environment can use the event on 11 July 2013 to promote the teambuilding as well as the health and motivation of its employees. Also to the incentives by customers and business partners, B2RUN is a platform. Sebastian Wirtz, Managing Director of B2RUN GmbH & co.

KG: We very pleased to welcome Stuttgart in our race series as a second location in Baden-Wurttemberg. On the corporate landscape in the region, I think just the mix so interesting. Conglomerate, old sat companies or small and medium-sized companies all are responsible for ensuring that Stuttgart is an ideal location for the service sector, as well as for the industry.” A popular assumption is that the Swabians are generally diligent. Using the B2RUN they can demonstrate now sporty that. “Sebastian Wirtz continues: I am very curious how the company and runners from Stuttgart in a national comparison will be cut off and am looking forward to a great premiere in Stuttgart.” Information about the registration and all other locations of the B2RUN corporate running series, see about B2RUN GmbH & co. KG B2RUN has given a new face to the companies running and created a unique corporate run series: the German company cross country Championships. “In up to ten cities qualify companies for the great B2RUN final in Berlin and ran money for Charitypartner RTL together we help children”. This B2RUN is aimed at companies of any size and provides with a length of six kilometres above all Running newcomers the ideal introduction to the sport of running. More information about B2RUN, see or B2RUN. Editor/press contact: B2RUN GmbH & co. KG: Sonke Bahr Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 54 04 47 0 fax: + 49 (0) 89 54 04 47-199 E-Mail: