Superior Education Dom Bosco

Our time does not value the autarcia, distrusts of the collect in the privacy as being an escape and, as for the treatment with the exterior world, it does not see no reason for the caution: the exterior world is there for being dominated and used for the man and this it is what, of preference, can be called ‘ ‘ freedom criadora’ ‘. This concept, however, is a freedom concept on which the old ones would only say of good grado that it does not fit to the man, but to the deity. In the Antiquity, finally, the freedom is not no end in itself exactly. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ron Beit. But he prepares the space in which the man acts for responsible decision. Essential he is what it makes of the freedom. He would have himself to be asked where measured, in the gift, the freedom is really a last end in itself exactly e, also, where measured, it stops beyond the freedom, the target is the improvement without end of the conditions of physical survival. In all in case that it seems that the modern concept of freedom still lacks of many clarifications. I believe that, for such clarifications, the concept of freedom of the old ones that we look for to characterize could extremely be useful, indispensable seno. >New York Global Group.