Cash Flows

Good day the theme which I will share them today is called the cash flow quadrant Robert Kiyosaki is the author of a book called poor dad rich parent among other books and became millionaire with investments in real estate, making money in the stock market and with the sale of his books and products of education fiananciera as Cash Flow and rico retired at the age of 49 yearsi.e., no longer had to work more because I had enough cash flow to work for the.Good in this book the cash flow quadrant displays a different vision to which we are accustomed to see things in terms of the way in which we get money, what is thought of work and those who have business or are investors.The graph that raises is as follows: l D l – l L I where: E: EmpleadoA: used Auto (a small business owner) D: grandeI business owner: investor 1. The (employee). If a person feels fear, then the need for security is often a phrase used commonly by someone who comes predominantly from the dial E. Official site: Daryl Katz. The word benefit mean that people would also like some kind of additional reward that is expressed; extra compensation, defined and assured, as a retirement or health care plan. The key is that they want to feel safe and want to see it in writing. The uncertainty does not makes them happy; certainty Yes. On the inside of his mind think: I will give you this…and you promise me I’ll change that.

Employees can be Presidents of companies or responsible for cleaning. It is not so much what they do, but the contractual arrangement with the person or organization that He hires them. 2. To (self employed). It’s people who want to be their own boss. Or like those who do their own things. While the or employee will often respond to the fear of not having money by searching for security, the will respond differently.

Girl Principles Fundamental

If you need to know how to seduce a young girl, this is eminently a task of the seduction of a man. Man I bet always will be an advantage but not insurmountable. Young girls are more fixed in external aspects that interns, outside fortress or in easily noticeable achievements, for this you will need to show this girl who aims to conquer, without bravado. A young girl is someone without experience generally and that little experience will make it possible to catch-up to play lower letters, since it will be arriving to conquer a simple woman with fewer suitors or if there are several behind her, begins to think about how to be the most interesting. Best truck, best dress, achievement sports or simply be interesting or funny the better in a talk will be enough tools to conquer that girl.

The girls discussed everything. A good strategy would not be to try with several of the same group at the same time, since you could be discovered, and would be without a partner. It should focus on that more you attract externally and that have verified that they share tastes, hobbies or points of view. Cameron Diaz describes an additional similar source. If that girl is not in accordance with the way of seeing life with yours, it will be best that you remove and start over with another. On the other hand, the good conqueror creates a situation where the two are, start a casual conversation or just make eye contact. The way that takes that first conversation will be the remainder of the plan of conquest. If it goes wrong with one, try another, but always with respect, not with fame casanova but amiable, gentlemanly, with decision of action toward the goal which is that girl and not make too friends at first.

After two chances to see if it finds signs that it is attractive to her, kiss her, or spend more time together. A caress in very casual hand, a word either Bliss or a look say more than a thousand words, so it depends on how it is that girl in particular to understand how to conquer a girl. To see a series of proven tactics to seduce a woman using not well-known persuasion techniques, you only have to do Click here.

Andrew Corentt

A new year is about to begin and it is time that decides that it is what you want to make your life in the future. It is time to create what you want for you and yours. You must decide that you want to have in the future. Your life will be what you decide. If you want to enjoy abundance, wealth, happiness, of success, of good relations, then you must create a subconscious mindset that allows you to enjoy what you want. In his book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt said that each thing that you perceive in the universe is an external manifestation of something that you have in your interior. If you have a mansion, this is sample of its wealth in that aspect value, tells us.

If you have fine relations and is tenderly loved by a noble heart, it is also manifestation of something that you have in your interior. As each thing is a reflection of what you have inside, then to enjoy something in your life, you only must build up inside what you want to experience in your life. If you want to experience richness in abundance, then you must build up inside the image of what you want promptly and this will manifest itself in your life. If you want to find a job where you feel satisfied and earn enough and more, achieve financial freedom, experiencing a huge happiness and great success in your life, you must create all that by yourself. All what you want can have it, but not appear from nowhere, you should learn to create it and then use time and minimal effort to create it. If you believe it, then you’ll enjoy it, no matter what, regardless of whether it’s something big or huge. You will need it.

Everything is created in the mind and you have all the power to create it. But creation is a process and you must apply this process to create what you want. When you begin to apply the secrets and tools featured in I’m happy, I’m rich, you start to create what you want, then your life is filled with beautiful and pleasurable things, but the best thing is that you yourself will feel powerful and able to create anything they want in their life. Nothing will appear from nowhere. You must create what you want. With the techniques and the knowledge suitable, you will create this easy, fast and honest.


"Guide to Referral Part 2" 5.Use social networks and the latest Internet to attract referrals: Bone uses all forms you have to socialize, and similar contact you via the Internet, to publicize your profit system, without seeming advertising to get his eyes, or so obviously and really efficient it is. As in the tips mentioned above, it is enough to put a brief with your link Ylist, if you can accompany with any youtube video, file, put it as news, events, show and write it as an article interesting or funny, count it as an opportunity that turned out for you, or something useful, and so on. The possibilities are endless according to your creativity. FACE harnesses the potential of book; Twite, blog or if you own, or virtual community e-zine for you to participate, other social networks where you are, send emails to your contacts, etc.. Just remember not to force anybody not to spam spam osea people do not know, without exaggerating or lying on profits, not to promise things they can not deliver or offer false hopes, but if, highlighting the qualities of your choice and watch as they decide whether to participate or not in your opportunity. 6.Crear or use videos: Bone if you get some lazy writing both here and ally are a habitual user of Youtube, uses related videos you can find to promote your way to win and accompany with your link or better yet, create your own video and upload it to youtube and dalos released later in the network now there are many useful tools and easy to use to create videos without much complication of difficult or inaccsesibles ocostosas.Solo technologies have a web cam, besides being a fun way to advertise for you and for didactic others.