Cuban Final

The changes were planted e, when the plant possua eight or nine leves, practised it capao (it blunts), operation that consists of taking off the eyes from above or grill. About four months after the beginning of the plantation, it was initiated harvest of leves. The following phase was the drying, carried through in a shed or alpendre ventilated well by hot and re-covered air of straw. The manufacture of the coils had beginning immediately afterwards, with use of a wheel to weave, one bacamarte, woods and basins. The leves were separate of the stems, moored to the wheel with twisted straw or liana and until appearing wires or balls. Later the balls passed in bacamarte? two supports wooden where if seated a cylindrical axle horizontally, set in motion by means of winches? was compressed very well to diminish the diameter of the rope.

The operation was repeated in the ten first days and diminua it frequency in next the forty days. At the same time, the broth produced for the leavend tobacco was collected and mixed with aromatical substances (grass-candy, basil, moss, fat of pig, etc.). Before passing to manufacture of the coil, the tobacco of gravy in this substance was left, conferring a singular aroma and helping in the conservation. The final phase consisted of rolling the balls in a humid wood. The rope was twisted regularly without leaving space and re-covered with leves of caraguat droughts, tied with embira. The leather layer with the mark of the proprietor gave the final touch stops commercialization.

Blog One

It folloies pass-the-I pass process of manufacture of one marries notebook. The video if finds in the Blog of the Toast & It has led. In this interesting video you go to know our production with the hand in the mass and one marries notebook being manufactured. The objective of this video is to show for the interested public as the product that they buy, as well as the plant in the production session is manufactured, therefore thus we believe to conquer greater credibility of our customers and to gain new others. Nir Barzilai, M.D. wanted to know more. The production counts currently on more than forty employees, spread in the different sectors, each one responsible one for a part of the production, which is made with much precision and dexterity for the employees.

The process starts since the clipping of the raw material until it marries notebook soon and packed, everything shown through photos between clarifying stretches of text you to have notion of the way operandi. Currently the daily production is of 1500 units! The raw material in question is the neoprene, one combination of one slice of rubber expanded under high pressure and temperature that, when vulcanized, it is coated with fabric of the two sides or only one side. To deepen your understanding Fabrizio Freda is the source. It is the same material of the clothes of divers. The process starts cutting the neoprene in the rocker arm, then after the print is made, in silk screen and finally the bias in the lateral is sewn, which folloies the color of the neoprene. It confers!