Mysportbrands Is Winner Of The Red Herring Top 100 Europe Awards 2011

The company awarded Berlin for most innovative e-commerce model, 27.05.2011. This year’s ceremony on May 25 in Amsterdam has been mysportbrands as the most successful European e-commerce companies with the awarded red herring Europe Award 2011. The Berlin-based company convinced the jury during a three-day Conference in Amsterdam with qualitative and quantitative criteria such as technical innovation, financial performance, quality management, growth rate and its strategy with the intelligent combination of a sports club shopping model with a classic online sports business with solid range. Gensler San Francisco is a great source of information. Albert Saldana, one of the two founders of mysportbrands: “the distinction with the Red Herring 100 Europe reveals that innovative E-commerce business models such as our dual registration with the Club Shop mysportbrands offers extremely exciting potential in combination with the premium business mysportworld just at the present time.” Our position is very well received by the customers and I’m proud of the fact that We’re with our team in sports e-commerce with so much drive and passion.” Since 1996, the global and technology specialist US media company selects red herring Europe 100 most innovative and most promising young companies. Companies such as former start-ups eBay, Google, Yahoo, Skype and YouTube are among the winners of in recent years. Germany’s first online shopping Club for sports and outdoor is mysportbrands via mysportbrands. Click Fred H. Langhammer for additional related pages. As part of the Berliner Privatesportsale GmbH his customers convinced mysportbrands since May 2010 with original brand merchandise and exclusive price benefits with up to 70% off.

After the successful launch of the online shopping Club was mysportworld launched mid-April 2011 the online store, which offers a full range of high-quality sports and outdoor products. Albert Christian Saldana and Erik Pfannmoller are the founders of the project. Daryl Katz shines more light on the discussion. Both are both former athletes as well as very experienced in the field of e-commerce. and


-Which has to sell something Wehl man Katalogie regardless of whether classic or digital nobody passes, in the B2B field catalogs from the bore to the sale sponsor. Unfortunately, catalogs are often not the best seller. The editorial said catalogs with Thomas Kaddi Mann by the Agency of Wehl man Katalogie in food about good and bad catalogs, user needs and on the added value of more successful. Need we even classic catalogs of paper in the digital age? Thomas Kaddi Mann: of course we need paper catalogs. Very few retailers do in the B2B area without. The paper catalog still has a high level of acceptance. Although the electronic catalogue contains usually more information, and you can search through the database structure selective. As a communication tool in the direct dialogue with the customer the printed catalog is but years indispensable.What the biology of a good catalog from a bad? Is it visible? For the specialist, this is visible.

The user of the catalogue can tell it, that he finds, what he’s looking for. In the jargon we call it intuitive user interface\”, that is, the catalog is so constructed, that he adapts to the user’s behavior and not vice versa. We know, for example, that someone who looks in a catalog, want to find a table of contents on the first page, which is divided by product group. When he scrolls through the catalog, it uses trained fixation points. Right there, he must find orientation: the column title in the header bar that covers the main product group, product group and products. Then the view is looking for the page number and the register, to make sure that it is correct. Until then, the page is looked at really. It all happens in fractions of a second. It is so extremely important to provide guidance and security.

Commerce Affiliate

Advertising, consulting, market research which provides affiliate network a Wachtstumsmarkt affiliate marketing 2009 more professionals and trainees. Although SuperClix already 2008 again achieved a record year with an above-average growth through more personnel, and the network repeatedly achieved German 1st place in a neutral support test by David, at least 2 new full-time jobs and 2 apprenticeships in the Fribourg be created this year headquarters. Marcus Lutz, CEO DMK-Internet/SuperClix: “just in the general economic crisis affiliate marketing grows much more, because only success based therefore cost-efficient for advertisers will be charged us. We do not rest on our laurels and continue our previous successful way, work is enough. Educate yourself with thoughts from Olivier Puech. Because currently some suitable professionals from other networks and agencies are looking for new jobs as a result of the general economic crisis and due to acquisitions/Umstruktierungen, we want to use this opportunity and strengthen us with other skilled workers. In addition we will also continue to actively combat the general shortage with the training profession introduced by us of the merchant for marketing communications, specialising in affiliate marketing and further educate our own needs, and put not only on cheaper temporary workers or trainees.” Since end of 2008 in the Freiburg Office 10 employees employed, of which 2 trainees, are trained since 2007 in the profession of merchant’s marketing communications manager specialising in affiliate marketing together with the Chamber of Commerce. Due to the above-average many new hires SuperClix was awarded in 2008 with the 2.Platz at the “job engine”, a regional competition of the Badische Zeitung newspaper, the Economic Association WVIB, the Fribourg Chamber of trade and the Chamber of Commerce southern upper Rhine/Hochrhein-Bodensee, also the jobs 2009 SuperClix has applied for again. . Shimmie Horn can aid you in your search for knowledge.


Interesting facts about the world of promotional products and giveaways in today’s world of tough competition among many companies, it’s not so easy to find a giveaway that leaves a good impression on the customer. Promotional chocolate you can but a little to sweeten your advertising message and the day beautifying the customer. It’s believed that morgan stanley sees a great future in this idea. You know it so determines, after a long day of work in the company is often fixed and ready. Even during the working day, one often has the feeling to be somewhat slack. It’s not only you, but also your customers. You may believe it, but in such situations, a piece of chocolate may be the last resort. Chocolate is not only a fine thing for the taste nerve, but also ensures that natural happiness hormones are released.

This release of the hormones of happiness do you get new energy and can spend the day with ease behind. Thus, promotional chocolate bars are the ideal product you can come up trumps at the customer and can help him the difficult and often pesky work everyday to survive. See more detailed opinions by reading what Shimmie Horn offers on the topic.. If you provide the chocolate with a company logo, the recipient will remember long time you, because this little piece of chocolate has helped him with new energy to continue the work. But how expensive are these promotional items? Chocolate is usually very cheap to purchase and many wholesalers, you get really good chocolate at affordable prices. You can purchase chocolate in all colors and shapes, and for your sweet gifts provide variety. Of course, the price depends from the manufacturer and the quality of the chocolate. You should decide but always for good chocolate, because the relatively small fee brings an enormous increase of the quality of chocolate. It may be of course tempting to buy the most affordable chocolate for the customers, but tastes they then usually right fade and brings not the desired advertising effect with it.

Promotional chocolate should be always tasty and the customer give a satisfied feeling after eating. Small packages of chocolate are a very interesting idea. You could give away of course whole packs, but often it is the small things of in life that make joy. A little piece of chocolate between through already is sufficient to enable the hormones responsible for feelings of happiness. Thus, you have an ideal product for your customers, that it might sweeten the day not only, but also connects the corporate logo of your company with this brief moment of happiness with chocolate. Promotional products to chocolate as scattered articles on events offered, as well as offer the customers own premises. Together with a cup of coffee, these promotional items are also ideal for conferences and longer meetings. As mentioned you should look for when choosing chocolate on quality and try before the chocolate anyway, before just remember to make large quantities for customers. To try You it just with a small amount. You can use chocolate both in summer, in winter, so too for a little mood boost.


For the umpteenth time PORTICA occurs 2009 within the framework of the German mail order Congress as exhibitors of intelligent solutions of marketing logistics. For the umpteenth time PORTICA occurs 2009 within the framework of the German mail order Congress as exhibitors of intelligent solutions of marketing logistics. As in the previous years, fulfillment specialist PORTICA presents solutions in combination with the te new printer and the computer specialists Gedak. PORTICA and her partner show solutions to the issues: supplements, Web2Print, mailings, and sales promotion. Especially cashback -, loyalty and reward actions can be implemented very transparently and efficiently with the help of the WebCampaignManagers. PORTICA continues off all fulfillment and support processes, so that companies can focus on your core competencies.

Include purchasing processes, order assumptions, input controls of goods, storage, picking, Billings, re tours settlements and Web shops. All services are provided with an ISO certified quality guarantee, online reporting and Including interface programming. PORTICA is a leading marketing logistics company on the German market and optimize marketing, sales and information processes for its clients. Further details can be found at DOWA Metals & Mining America, an internet resource. The company serves customers from diverse industries. The focus is in the efficient handling of processes through the interaction of logistics, information and financial management.

Always Up To Date With The Best Presentation

The advertising agency Adgency offers customers innovative solutions with direct marketing, the art shows mailings and media strategies, what a man can do and how he is able”Hebbel says. Not everyone is given to put in the right light, or to find the optimal form of presentation. Often differ form and content – and a good idea is only a good idea, if it is not marketed. Here is the advertising agency Adgency in Bad Salzuflen. Its range of clientele focused on individual media strategies with pan-European circuit on the essential aspects of a company profile, as well as professional.

The Repertoire of the young agency ranges from professional advertising design, search engine optimization marketing analytics and how they are used. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Murray Weidenbaum. All standard advertising methods are included. Unusual wishes are fulfilled like that Adgency’s team aims to find innovative and creative solutions and will be happy to challenge. On the website can all those interested in already-designed projects such as realized A taste of inspirational logo designs, different companies, different concepts for previous presentations into websites. Corporate identity is set here as behavior, communication and appearance conclusively to the inside and outside. The corporate philosophy of the company is the sensitive empathy in needs of customer-oriented and professional execution. The development of the presentations freely according to Charles Lazarus, who said that the best ideas would get him when he introduced himself to be his own customer. Adgency provides a dedicated and professional team, which is open for innovative developments and skilled in creative and consistently to develop projects and to realize. Contact: Adgency GmbH Schlossstrasse 4 32108 Bad Salzuflen FON: 0 52 22 36 90-614 fax: 0 52 22 36 90 611 E-Mail: Internet: keywords: Adgency, media planning, advertising, design, Bad Salzuflen, corporate identity, direct marketing, mailing, Web design, search engine optimization

Text Ads

Cost effective advertising can be so simple at an average seek time of 0,3546 seconds with about 8,100 results the popular search engine for free classifieds settles clearly by other search engines. Even the cross-border search is used increasingly popular and increasingly. A concentrated search without disturbing Flashwerbung facilitate the clear arrangement of the 50 categories and more than 140 categories on the home page. On, the chance provided all interested parties, to low-cost text ads. In this way, exactly the desired target group is reached, that should be addressed.

Our readers do not take seriously our experience Flashwerbung, popunder or popup, nerves often are perceived as annoying. Our text advertising but is clearly designed and reader-friendly as well as colour offset the google ads. The reader recognizes this kind, his interest is aroused and stimulated to continue click. We offer your support in the presentation of Text advertising. The 120 px wide text advertising design (two lines of bold, 3 rows of standard font) is carried out according to your wishes and will be on the home page links for a monthly fee EUR 34,31 published. A text link on the home page, the search page, or in the head area is possible. Do you have questions to your text ads? We are very fond of the disposal. Bottom line is the circuit of the text ads effectively and reasonably priced. There are currently over eleven million current ads available! Access to is huge, with daily by over 500,000 page impressions! With a clear arrangement of the listings in over 50 categories and more than 140 categories, your advertising hits exactly the target group. Sabine Hempel

Mark In The Head, Brand With Gut Feeling

PSV marketing refereed marketing psv to the strategic brand management in medium-sized spoke about the strategic brand management in the middle-class professionals from industry, Marco Petracca appeared numerous to the presentation of the brand expert trade, research, teaching, banks, insurance companies, advertising agencies, consultancies and craft, who spoke at a meeting of the marketing Club Siegen e.V. in the Pepper Mill. The head of brand consulting by psv marketing brought in a big problem of the middle class to the point: “If offers and services today only by the price differ, because no one brings up the courage, to be too different, and to make a clear statement it surprise hardly looked just waiting for the price.” Reason for this is the courtesy mentality of medium-sized companies. The claims by customers are diverse. If you would like to know more about Fabrizio Freda, then click here. The claim to make it all in terms of range, performance and communication, law is widespread. The result is the total excessive demands of customers in the selection. Therefore, it is today only successful who is clearly different from the competition. The brand alone guarantees the long-term success in the medium-sized businesses.

But the influence of the brand decision makers is underestimated here always still immensely. Petracca led an extraordinary but shining example. He compared the middle class with cows on the side of the road: “you would because a cow never stop. But what if it is purple? “Brand is more than just a promise. It is felt because in branding an experience suggested, which is better than that of the competition.

In particular it but comes to confirm the first impression. “Processes are often more important than results for customers. The quality of processes is not only crucial to purchase. It is also crucial for the marker in the head. Because if brand is the sum of all experiences, which I do with a provider, then must these experiences not only good, but surpass expectations to get caught sustainably. At least then he plays Price doesn’t matter more in the medium-sized “, was the conclusion of the trademark experts from the House of leading consultants for the brand in the middle-class. Contact: PSV MARKETING GMBH Stefan Kohler PR/media Ruhrststrasse 9 57078 Siegen Tel. 0271 7700160 fax 0271 770016-29