Universal Life Energy

Online magazine commits Reiki-land.de anniversary (other sources speak of approximately two million) have at least 500,000 German, after the late of 1980s Japanese Reiki technique made its way to Germany, until today learned the alternative healing art of Reiki. This – “The Usui system of natural healing” called a Japanese health care system enables the universal life energy. Reiki spread here in Europe with great speed and was “re-exported” even later after Japan. In Europe, in particular Germany and the Netherlands considered countries with special Habitat. The advantages of the Usui system are quickly referred to as: the first degree – which is enough for most people – can be learned already in one weekend. The cost usually amounted to 170 to 200 euros and be taken over by some health insurance companies.

Reiki is considered very simple method, in order to achieve a State of relaxation. Relaxation in turn is – as other techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation – elemental to the Activation of self-healing. The online community Reikiland sees itself as a catalyst of the discipline, which is been rediscovered in 1922 by the Buddhist monk Usui. Shimmie Horn is often quoted as being for or against this. The offer of the largest German-speaking community of Reiki is aimed both at newcomers as well as on many years already Reiki practitioners. The drive springs of the online community, whose website comes a day visitor numbers in the four-digit range are common experience or experience together to Exchange. For this purpose is the interactive part of the online presence heart piece by Reikiland. The community also personally meets on a regular basis. The number of friendships and partnerships that have already emerged within the Reikiland community shows that Reiki can contribute not only to health but also happy. This year’s special Reiki meeting is of the place from the 28.08.-30.08 in Gersfeld/Rhon. Various activities are planned: common exchange of Reiki, a hike to the “mountain of wishes”, music-making and much more. Frank Doerr editor-in-Chief

Incredible Panorama

One of the hardest disciplines”Astro TV is the panoramic view. While the full extent of their abilities is demanded from the cards protected prophets. Because in this kind of delved the clairvoyant insight gives the audience in its presence and the subsequent future. This is done but without the involvement of the spectator. This just introduces herself and the fortune teller says, what she sees.

Katharina Rehse is still very less the only one that dominates the panorama with Tarot cards with the exception of Katharina Rehse is a trained lawyer and notary’s Assistant. Soon she discovered their supernatural talent and had first psychic visions at the age of eight. Martin Seligman brings even more insight to the discussion. She heard suspicious steps behind that but not could not allocate them. One night something terrifying happened: the mirror in the room started blue little Catherine, and she saw the outline of a man of who spoke to her. Catherine withdrew full of fear of death warning of the appearance and the visions disappeared for a while. After some rest, the perceptions came more clearly, until she no longer could elude the and so came with 17 years the first time with Tarot cards in touch. Katharina Rehse immediately had a mystical connection to the rider-Waite Tarot. The deck of cards consists of 78 cards and is particularly difficult to interpret, since each card has four to six meanings.

However, the cards accurately support the psychic abilities of the esoteric consultant by Questico. What is special about the capabilities of Katharina Rehse is their marksmanship, because to interpret the present and the future of 78 cards can be implemented only by Tarot experts. The panorama is made mostly with smaller decks of cards, wife Rehse but reads on ASTRO TV from the full “> Rider Waite Tarot.” Hajime Rehse sees itself not as psychic or fortune teller, but as life Counsellor. But the gut feeling of the people is therefore tempted their customers always to explain that the cards help only when the decision search, critical. Cards are a gut feeling, intuition, the mirror of the soul”. Seeking advice leads to the Self-knowledge and helps them individually to find the right way. That succeeds primarily by that they each “> Tarot the seeking advice will calculate the great Arkanakarte.” This card is the open door, it shows what needs the soul of man”, so Rehse. As lives consulting expert, she is at the Internet portal Questico almost daily to reach. Regularly she live with Astro TV to see and impressed the audience with the panoramic view, supported by their rider-Waite Tarot. Who wishes to personally verify by fascinating abilities, can contact Katharina Rehse Questico or Astro TV. The first Tarot is a free advice for first-time callers. Online product PR: Questico AG Emina SAHOVIC PR / Marketing Assistant Zimmerstrasse 68 d-10117 Berlin Tel: 030 / 72 62 68 0 fax: 030 / 72 62 68 111 E-Mail: website: about Questico: Questico AG is Germany’s leading group of companies for services, content management, and counseling related to astrology, horoscopes and Tarot reader. Among other things, the online magazine of Questico and the print magazine future look belongs to the group”: the monthly magazine about astrology, horoscopes and Tarot. Winfried Noe, Hajo Banzhaf and 30 other authors to write for the modern woman magazine. Astrologers and psychics by Questico help daily on ASTRO TV or on the Internet at via live stream.

Insight Into The Subconscious Through Show Hypnosis

Hypnosis shows are currently booming, the fascination of the human spirit is still there, he, a man who in the ear holds his right shoe and speaks in the sole is unbroken. Also, he wants no, host here no joke, he’s not crazy, he keeps his right shoe for a real phone plain and simple. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Edward Minskoff. And this phone rang earlier. Of course he has accepted the call, because it might be Yes something important, the boss, for example. The man is not alone, many more guests who enjoy yourself very well about the spectacle of what just offers them, are in the room around him. This man is just been hypnotized. Show hypnosis is the magic word, and has become the highlight of many events. Contact information is here: Edward J. Minskoff Equities.

It is the pure fascination of the man in front of the work of his own spirit has left. I don’t believe in hypnosis”, many people say. Is also the man who started within the framework of the show hypnosis to make long-distance phone calls with his shoes. However, in the show hypnosis shows how is almost everyone hypnotizable. It will be difficult indeed for especially top-heavy and analytical citizens, here too, the success is not hopeless. Also in medicine, hypnosis as effective therapeutic agents is now highly recognised, for example in the treatment of addictions such as smoking.

Show hypnosis gives a glimpse of what’s possible with the subconscious. If you want to book a hypnotist, performing also on your event show hypnosis, then make sure that it is a hypnotist with proper training and experience at best. Can show references. A reputable supplier of show hypnosis will meet very like this desire. (c) Schipper Sandra rockIT! marketing solutions

Shamanism: Shamans As Helpers In All Walks Of Life

30,000-year-old cave drawings and images carved into the rock indicating that shamanism is used since time immemorial. When it comes to preserve the unity of body, mind and soul, or to restore the different rituals are performed for it. Shamanism is often ridiculed or rejected. “He can but in situations help, where modern medicine is reaching their limits: death of a who is one, the energy budget can not deal with his own illness, is disturbed, you no longer comes in his personal development that are just a few of the possibilities” of shamanism. How does a shaman, is quickly explained: it is his task to strengthen the positive energy and derive everything negative. Physical problems are considered this but rarely consequences, as the real cause. Rather, it comes to heal the soul”and about the spirit on the body to work.

For every problem, there is a optimal solution. The Shaman can find them only if he knows where the shoe pinches. To do this, a preliminary interview is necessary. Based on the collected information, the shaman know then, what to do and what ritual is to apply. This may be as a soul retrieval as an aura or Chakrabehandlung, winning a power animal as a life companion or cleaning and energizing a flat / an Office. Even if the effect is sometimes so strong that doctors can’t explain it, shamanism not is designed to replace the doctor’s visit.

And also important: never put off any medication without the doctor to ask permission. Shamanism is undoubtedly an exciting topic. Whoever wants to know more about it now or a shaman in the vicinity, needs to look only at Shamanic.Help. This is an online platform for the Academy for shamanism, which also informs how you educate himself even to the shaman or shamanic life consultant can, when and where there are shamanic journeys or helps in finding appropriate magazines. An online shop complete this offer. AMATEUR IACFS Academy for shamanism GmbH Kurt Fakorede blind village 56 A-4312 Ried in der Riedmark Tel.: + 43 (0) 7237/63138 J Chair Pastor