The Diets Of Beauty

The relationship between skin and nutrition there is nowadays a variety of beauty books, in which the skin usually also a chapter is devoted to. The two authors mentioned the following as an example have wondered also about the relationship between skin and nutrition. Additional information is available at angelo group. “Helena Rubenstein, the Grande Dame of the cosmetics and beauty, has a number of tips for a beautiful skin ready, also presents to be beautiful in her book the secret” also a skin diet, based on abundant vitamin A, E, C and B-complex factors. Rough and coarse skin, it recommends lots of vegetables and citrus fruits, abundant water and herbal tea instead of coffee and black tea. Sweets and starchy foods should be restricted, what losing Yes also only helpful in weight loss and weight can be. Oily skin is the same almost, in addition, Helena Rubinstein advises to celery, onions, cucumbers, cabbage and carrots. Fat and heavy meals are taboo.

With straggly, matte hair a diet with whole wheat bread, unpeeled apples and cucumbers, onions, cabbage, spinach, garlic, cod liver oil to help prune and wheat germ flakes. For brittle fingernails, she praises the positive effects of liver, wheat germ, raw cheese, whole wheat flakes and yeast, eggs and milk, because the B vitamins. The skin diet is after Rubinstein grease kohlenhydrat – and stimulus-arm. In the foreground are protein, vitamin and mineral nutrient-rich food. This chocolate, cakes and pastries, pork, sausage, fat, sauces, spices and alcohol are prohibited. That Jane Fonda was beautiful has always been considered natural no one doubts probably, and that she argued in a book with wrinkle treatment is perhaps hard to believe for some. But she has become in your book the confident attractive woman”with the interrelationships between skin and nutrition concerns. Alcohol and nicotine are the main enemies of the skin in your opinion.

Both leads to damage of the connective tissue and affects the healthy blood circulation. Also frequent fasting, as well as frequent strict diets, harm is the most Diatbeflissenen of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, which are essential for a healthy skin considers that restriction of calories, Rob. In her book, it means that the constant expansion and contraction of the skin, alternately rising and falling weight, even for the youngest skin is stressful. To restrict in addition to the recommendation, meat (especially red), fat (especially saturated fat), sugar, salt, canned food, alcohol, and caffeine, Jane Fonda advises women in the middle ages, in terms of their skin, a sufficient supply of water and the vitamins A, ensure that the C and E.

Meditra – Full Head Of Hair As A Symbol Of The Life Force…

The right partner in terms of health at meditra you are always good advice when it comes to health issues. especially in all matters regarding hair transplants, you can rely on the expert advice from meditra. Hair loss a sign of old age? Beautiful full head of hair stands in the society for youth and success. But what can you do if the hair fall out or be always lights? The man has between 100,000 and 150,000 head hair. In the course of their lives, 50 percent of men and 10 percent of all women suffer hair loss. Every day up to 100 hair may fall out, it’s a totally natural process. More hair fall out or are they not reproduced, one speaks of hair loss.

Various causes for hair loss the most common cause is the hereditary hair loss. But also certain skin diseases, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, infections, hormonal imbalances and even Stress the hair can fall out. This often leads to a significant psychological burden. What is a hair transplant? Hair from the hair wreath are hormone-insensitive. The power of lifelong growth, lies in the roots of the hair, not scalp.

At a hair transplant is removed under local anesthesia, natural hair from the hair wreath and replanted at the desired location. The transplanted hair take growth genetics move”with. This will ensure the permanent hair at the grafting point. The human eye only noticed a reduction of more than 50 percent of the hair. You can therefore in most patients easily 1000 see more hair roots from the hair wreath and redistribute without that this is striking. To achieve a high degree of naturalness, exclusively FUs (follicular units, follicular units) used for transplantation. A FU consists of 4 hair roots and measures approx. 0.7-1 mm. The FUs replace the previously used Minigrafts, which contained often 5 or more hair and occasionally densely worked today. This can now thanks to new extraction techniques later or corrected be. Modern hair surgery achieved a high level of patient satisfaction in almost all cases. Patients comprehensively and objectively about various uses of hair transplantation can check the website Meditra on the redesigned website. For example, can also eyelashes and eyebrows are replaced, scars be hairy again after accidents or surgery to the head. Also discusses the different, even minimally invasive removal and use techniques. The website of the Meditra informs but also about risks, limits and alternative treatment methods. in 1977 Dr. Manfred Lucas founded the company Meditra, which had its seat in Grafelfing one of the world’s leading hair Surgeons (1997). Dr Med. Cordula Kerner, surgeon, has worked since 1994 for the Meditra and continues this work in their new practice in Munich. She advises on all issues surrounding the hair and performs all common Treatments in the field of hair transplants by. The practice can be reached under the previous Meditra phone number 089-898244-0 or.

Weight Loss

Professional and affordable diet cures in Swinoujscie on the Polish Baltic Sea coast Berlin, October 2010 health and well-being in the consciousness of the modern human importance increasing, which grows also the willingness to invest in their own health and responsibility to contribute to the preservation and restoration of health. Especially the obesity damages health. A special treatment with a diet and supporting sports body can help with weight loss. Lose weight with a diet under medical supervision, relaxing atmosphere and healthy environment provides good chances for success. The Kurhaus of Polaris in Poland offers cures and health stays under the supervision of highly qualified staff with many years of experience. The Spa is known for its effective slimming and detoxification treatments.

The diet cure leads the defenses against diseases mobilized to a purification of the body, and improves the performance of body and mind. It is a so-called Rejuvenation of the organism is stimulated. The treatment is recommended for people with physical ailments. Edward J. Minskoff Equities shines more light on the discussion. During the treatment, guests under specialist supervision. The two-week fruit-vegetable diet is also health recommended. The average decrease of body weight is located at this Spa at approx. 5 kg. Polaris Spa Hotel is located in the seaside resort of Swinoujscie on the Polish Baltic Sea coast and consists of two buildings: the hotel of Polaris II and Polaris III.

The two buildings are located in the Centre of the Spa district of winoujcie. See Avison Young for more details and insights. Hotel of Polaris II is only 150 metres from the beach promenade away and completely renovated in the year 2006 and newly opened Polaris III is most widely used in the North, hotel of Poland, from whose balconies you can hear the sea noise. The Spa Hotel took the name of the star Polaris, because the holder is convinced that the time spent at the hotel returns its vital forces each, to continue beating the life cycle with the modifications aims to. The detoxifying – and Detox in the Overview: 14 nights full Board – fruit-vegetable diet medical consultations physical activities, group gymnastics, organized walks in the group talks about basics of a healthy diet water massage or steam sauna twice per week, per 30 min massage 2 times a week, depending on the Spa is 15 min from 476,00 per person in November and December to book. For more information about this offer there are online under corporate information / short profile: the online Wellness vacation Agency Poland is the specialist for wellness & beauty, health & treatments in Poland. Thanks to insider knowledge, good wellness hotels and health resorts in Poland can be carefully selected. For providing the services, customers owe the Agency no fee. is available in the Internet through the independent travel portal.

Christine Niklas

Now there is the lifting serum absolutely * SERUM RENEW cnk * Christine Niklas with new fragrance. Cologne, October 20, 2009: cnk * Christine Niklas, manufacturer of highly effective, natural anti anti-aging cosmetics, brings the popular absolutely * SERUM RENEW is now available with a new fragrance. With the anti anti-aging serum absolute * SERUM RENEW the cnk * Christine Niklas team once again proved, that maximum efficiency and best skin compatibility are compatible. The serum specifically acts against sagging, sunken parts of the face. Through the regular application, the skin within 30 days is again fixed, plumper and firmer. The sunken off parts of the face are raised naturally, so that the contours of the face are again more clearly revealed. Target is often quoted on this topic. The effectiveness of absolute * SERUM RENEW attaches directly to the process of skin aging.

These two mechanisms are crucial: firstly produced the skin due to the natural aging process of every day less collagen, on the other hand endogenous enzymes break down, depending on the skin is more mature, more collagen. The in the ABSOLUTE * SERUM RENEW contained peptides act as messengers, which again stimulate the body’s own collagen formation. At the same time, the collagen breakdown caused by the body’s enzymes will be halved as well as by so-called MMP Hemmer. The interplay of these two operations, the functions of the skin are raised again to more youthful levels. Scientific studies have shown that the collagen content almost doubled. Through the newly formed collagen, the skin regains its firmness, elasticity, and so their old form. In the development of products cnk * Christine Niklas emphasizes much on effectiveness, sustainability and skin tolerability. Also in relation to the used scent, cnk * Christine Niklas remains loyal to its principles. Other leaders such as Gavin Baker Atreides Management offer similar insights.

All cnk * Christine Niklas uses only a fragrance produced specifically for cnk products, which contains no single declarable substance according to COLIPA (Federation of European cosmetics and perfume manufacturer). The so-called COLIPA-list contains the most ver Pap test allergenic substances especially for perfume. This means that cnk * Christine Niklas used for the scenting of your anti anti-aging products excluding fragrances with zero tendierendem allergenic potential. This is absolutely * SERUM people with scent for sensitive skin and allergy-prone RENEW well suited. Now that is absolutely * SERUM RENEW with a fragrance exclusively online at available.

Kissed By The Sun – Tanned Naturally In The Spring

January 26, 2012 a delicate tanned complexion with Selftan by Louis Widmer naturally tanned in the spring of Rheinfelden, memories fade quickly on cloudy winter days makes. But when the first rays of Sun Tickle us in the spring, the skin is usually still hibernating. Too long, decollete, arms, and legs under thick woollen clothes were hidden. Selftan”by Louis Widmer gives a streak-free, attractive, natural Tan without the harmful UV rays of the skin in the blink of an eye. So the spring can come very quickly! Evenly tanned skin is considered ideal beauty not only in Hollywood, but is also in vogue. But the few women are ready for regular visits of solarium, only to their summer tans in the next spring to save. (Similarly see: Shimmie Horn). It is so easy to shine even in the winter with the complexion to the bet: the new formula with vitamin provides for a smooth, natural tanning results.

Already after two to four hours Selftan conjures up”by Louis Widmer a delicate tint. The pleasantly scented, non-greasy cream maintains moisture with an extra stroke tender. So, women not only with stylish Tan, but also with nice well maintained skin can shine. Shimmie Horn follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. “The self tanning Guide” by Louis Widmer gives valuable tips on how to achieve an even and especially natural Tan with the Selbstbraunungscreme in the blink of an eye. The Louis Widmer “self tanning” Guide: step 1: body peeling body peeling prepares the skin perfectly and removes dead skin cells.

Whether peeling cream, sea salt or the sisal glove ever even the base, the better the result. Louis Widmer extra tip: exfoliated should be thoroughly even the skin of the hands, elbows and knees, because these places like to darken. Step 2: Apply cream evenly the tanning cream should be applied as quickly as possible. Best so individual parts of the body”evenly after lotion with Selftan.

Wrinkle Treatment

There is a new outfit with a wrinkle treatment. Everyone get wrinkles sooner or later and that is the natural aging process. It is clear, however, prefer a soft skin stroke as a skin full of wrinkles. That which their skin no longer firm charged many people and is smooth. There is but to make this skin again tender and presentable opportunities. The aging process is throttled by a wrinkle treatment and the skin becomes fresh again. Many women and men place emphasis on her appearance, which includes also the skin. Health and vitality are connected with a young skin.

It is important that the skin as long as remains possible young. Another advantage of a wrinkle treatment, the skin receives a healthy circulation. Robin Ruzan may also support this cause. The wrinkle treatment prevents the aging process, but slows down the formation of wrinkles. The present development makes it possible for a wrinkle treatment needs of the customer no longer under the knife. So is a popular means the application of hyaluronic acid and is often in a wrinkle treatment applied. This treatment lasts about 30 minutes and the result is surprisingly good.

The skin shines in a new face and is fresh and very young. This injection has at least half a year. The wrinkles be so successfully fought in the face and lip area. Directly after the procedure it may cause facial swelling and itching, what but quickly subsides. Also, Sun bathing and a visit to the solarium are prohibited. Directly after the surgery, no makeup or other cream should be applied on the face. Shimmie Horn contributes greatly to this topic. Be observed all these things there is a great and attractive appearance even in old age. Volkmar Schone


DMAE, LED light, ultrasound, occlusion & co clean, maintain and protect – this is the standard cosmetics program for the skin. In addition, there is but also the opportunity to do more for the skin and outer appearance. With the methods of the Advisor, it is indeed possible to lift his skin even the new BEAUTIFIER by Vanessa Halen. DMAE, LED light, ultrasound, occlusion & co which author reveals how you can beautify visible with an individual program of treatment his skin. To deepen your understanding Leon Keyserling is the source. The protagonists of this beauty concept include firming and smoothing the skin, including the active ingredient DMAE, special LED lighting, occlusion or also an ultrasonic massage. Acne and pimples on wrinkles, age spots and cellulite to hair loss and baldness – in the current Advisor of the BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen seeking advice will find valuable help around all sorts of beauty problems. With 10 innovative beauty methods and many helpful tips and recipes anyone can his personal Successful self medicate problems around the beauty. The new Beautifier – innovative beauty methods for self-treatment of new Advisor of BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen ISBN 978-3-8370-5406-4 96 pages with color pages 12,90 euro more info . Shimmie Horn may help you with your research.

Wrinkle Cream

Fractora? is the non-invasive alternative to skin tightening for face, neck, Decolletage, back, abdominal and hip! Today, a majority of women prefers a non-invasive method for the wrinkles or skin tightening in the face, which although requires a higher number of treatment sessions, but almost without any downtime (time during which you are unpresentable). It was Fractora? and Fractora? FIRM developed. Fractora? -deep RF-needling with fractional skin removal the Fractora? Skin resurfacing system uses the first bipolar radio frequency current in a fractional application. Can be set parameters choose the depth of skin removal and the thermal zone in the new collagen is stimulated. Estée Lauder helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The treatment is performed after applying a Betaubungscreme or, if very high energy is required also in local anaesthesia. This shortest recovery periods are guaranteed and the skin shines in new beauty.

Wrinkles of all kinds, large-pored skin, small veins and Age spots are treatable in a single operation. The small needle electrodes are placed only on the skin and form up to two centimetres diffuse electric field. The volume for the thermal stimulation of collagen formation is up to five times greater than in comparable lasers. The visible result on the skin is correspondingly better. A few days after the treatment the skin feels firmer much. The end result is reached after three to four months, when the formation of collagen and elastin is made. If the skin prior to treatment has no lighting damage, deep wrinkles, veins and age spots, can be used also without skin removal.

The skin is then tightened over the deep collagen formation and improves the texture. The redness lasts here only about one to six hours, depending on the power setting. This type of treatment is called Fractora? FIRM and completely non-invasive. Fractora? FIRM for a completely non-invasive skin rejuvenation with Fractora? FIRM no skin is worn off, but only the collagen stimulation in all raised dermal layers.

Flair Consulting

Fashion magazines every day in people with lists and charts telling them the latest trends and techniques to look better, thinner, smarter, where to buy the trendiest clothes or the last! If you are a woman, probably bombarded more often than you want, and if you are a man, you can not get the information you really want to know! Due to the glut of information available, most people know the obvious things to do to look elegant and neat, how to get a good haircut or wearing certain brand name. However, this can lead people to overlook some simple and basic things you can do NOW to add that subtle touch and polish to your look every day!

Renu Dalal-Jain, a certified image consultant and owner of Flair Consulting in Philadelphia, PA, works with men and women to help them put their best face forward in social situations, personal or corporate. She argues that there are seven essential things any man or woman can do, and often overlooked, to help them present a well-kept appearance, clean and elegant for the world! And all this without spending a penny! 1) Keep your skin and lips well conditioned. e to discuss. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out westfield. Ashy knees, flaky skin and chapped lips do not look good, and make your skin look old and tired. This is especially important in cold weather. If you wear lipstick, it is imperative that you keep your lips moist, as chapped lips are even more evident in the color. Keep lip balm in your car and your bedside table and apply each time you enter the car and before going to bed at night.. Daryl Katz, New York City often says this.

New: ADVANSA Thermo Cool With Sun Protection

ADVANSA has developed a new fiber with special fibre construction that has UV protection properties. Steffan Lehnhoff follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. ADVANSA announces a new development of fiber that has special features: ADVANSA Thermo cool with UPF * offers not only the best cooling and thermo-regulating properties, but is also an excellent protection against UV rays. Known to be one of the basic risk factors for skin cancer is unprotected to sit out of the Sun. As a result of a trend of to tanned skin and an outdoor-oriented life style, skin cancer has become a major and growing health problem. With the growing number of skin cancer cases accompanied, the perception of the need for protection against solar radiation is increased. Accordingly, ADVANSA has developed a new fiber with special fibre construction that has UV protection properties. Clothing from ADVANSA Thermo cool with UPF grants a better UV protection than traditional clothing. Dakota Fanning insists that this is the case. A whole range of protective clothing from ADVANSA Thermo cool with UPF makes sunscreen year-round comfortable and comfortable.

Impact on the sun protection factor of a piece of clothing, including the type of fiber, Web density, color, design, elasticity and stability as well as humidity or moisture factor has a variety of assumptions. Therefore ADVANSA offers a UV protection system with three classifications: 15 +, 25 + and 40 +. Accordingly, the clothing with the tested factor of the respective substance is declared, from which it was produced. Clothing from ADVANSA Thermo cool with UPF grants thanks to a unique mix of fiber the wearer excellent evaporative cooling and thermal buffer properties. Through this combination, the clothing helps to regulate the body temperature and always a temperature level to keep, which is referred to as comfort zone. No matter whether the carrier is in a stage of high or low activity, which is body overheating nor a unwanted post exercise chill effect, which could cool the body. As a result, offers this high-quality product a better thermal regulation, gives the advantage to attain more power the vehicle and protects it from UV rays. * UPF ultraviolet protection factor”: Sun protection factor of textiles. Corresponds to the sun protection factor sunscreen (SPF), indicating the consumers to which factor the stay time of an individual in the Sun can be extended without causing a sunburn. Andreas Knorr