Out Of Breath – Title Theme Shortness Of Breath

Now in the may issue of healthy medicine finally arrived up there! Stair climbing represents a significant burden for many people especially if you have to wear two heavy shopping bags. You may find that Fabrizio Freda can contribute to your knowledge. Deep breath is now said, because physical effort can take quickly out of breath. But many diseases can cause that our lungs are not sufficiently supplied oxygen. What reasons can there for shortness of breath and what you can do about it, which reads in the may issue of healthy medicine. Alone, we breathe about 14 times per minute.

This oxygen is delivered to the red blood cells in the alveoli, and these carry the valuable substance in brain, heart, kidneys and co. This ensures that our institutions can work optimally. “During physical exertion, we need more oxygen in it comes to a kind of natural shortness of breath”, which resembles our organism as a result of that we breathe faster and more deeply. It comes already with low physical Efforts or even at rest to shortness of breath, diseases such as asthma, bronchitis or anemia, as well as foreign body in the respiratory tract that might be responsible. The cause for alarm, requiring a visit to the doctor, but also the natural remedies that can be used even against the shortness of breath can be found in the may issues.

“” More topics in the book include Royale include jelly a majestic Elixir”, the social jet lag a life against the inner clock”and health insurance small premium, great effect”. Also, the may issue includes the report of the reader test Club to an activity sensor, as well as the expert Club on the subject of acid base balance. A mattress pad that will reduce pain and tension is written out to the test this month. Monthly journalist demanding contributions to health and medicine topics, healthy medicine offers entertaining reports on interesting people and charming destinations. With the test and the expert Club offers the reader Forum a lively way to introduce own health knowledge. Healthy medical costs as a single issue 2.00 and is available in any well-stocked newsagents. Contact Nicole Franke-Gricksch editor-in-Chief healthy medicine telephone 0 71 52 / 35 62 11 E-Mail more information / press contact PACs GmbH? Publishing services Claudia arrow Zander? Press and public relations Gewerbestrasse 9 79219 Staufen phone 0 76 33 / 933 20 18 fax 0 76 33 / 933 20 20 E-Mail Internet