Unlimited Print – Get Yourself But Your Customers Where You Want

For the online trade and shipping – the year 2009 was a record year. Of crisis no trace. Overall sales rose by at least 1.7% to 29.1 billion. Interestingly, 53.3% of industry sales over the Web came about. Reason enough for the printing industry, extensively to focus on e-commerce and to make.

The pressure and trading with print media, should become now at least at national level for every printing for granted. Dwindling sales and income have no choice often also some a printing house. Online printing companies have done it again with demonstrable successes. So printed, shipped in this market segment across the Republic and beyond for almost a decade. What once almost always was, namely that print shop and customer personally knew each other, becomes the exception.

And rising. How does a one but as printing on these changes? There are reasons for the change. Last but not least the “process standard offset “but also an improved”Proofing”can be the”risk”for creatives are increasingly reduced. Long since no longer each sheet must be personally on the machine “tuned” and released the pressure. An effort (past) is today not necessarily needed for each publication. Thus, the printing house in Hamburg has a good chance to win the customers in Munich. Self plugged limits, in the form of a “delivery RADIUS” of E.g. 50 km around the own printing press, are so argumentative hardly still to represent in the year 2010 and needlessly constricting the own customer potential. The objection of the increased transport costs, is not to keep in view of the prevailing market price ranges, only the order volume is correspondingly large. The print buyer should be once again the benchmark for all decisions but also on this subject. Ultimately he is granted the print job well or not. It’s worth so once again it sure whether and how to change clients. Since, as the above figures show, the Market for printed matter as well in shipping and online trade is of increasing importance, must take into account any future-oriented printers this fact, she will have also a future. The feared and probably also to the part real anonymization in the business with the pressure, will apply but despite of all standards and the abolition of borders, only for a subset of all printed material. Today and in the future, there will be pressure objects where expertise, advice and “High Quality” are needed, so much more than just “print and deliver”. In principle but concerns on the issue of the print buyer. Very different and very comprehensive in search of”printing” available ways which today, thanks to the Internet. Reason enough for every printing, also to give town and country limits for sales and marketing. Klaus Wenderoth

Hydraulic Hard Shock Absorber For Many Applications

Hard shock absorber be used to protect equipment against strong susceptibility to machines, in many branches of industry. Stolberg (Rhld.). Whether in modern cranes, automated high-bay warehouses or in container logistics, whether as a buffer for railways, cableways and swing bridges or to the retardation of slabs and beams in steel works: hard shock absorber be used to protect equipment against strong susceptibility to machines, in many branches of industry. To reliably absorb the excessive load, the requests of the heavy load shock are very high. Stolberg Weforma cushioning technology GmbH in this segment offers an extensive selection of high-performance hydraulic heavy load shock absorbers made in Germany”for many sizes and speeds by default or custom-made. One is common to the various applications: high mass must be slowed, effectively.

So come the heavy load shock such as in high racking systems to the Course ends as a mechanical safety elements used: they are designed to absorb the full impact load of the rack operating device with loaded sledges. Nir Barzilai, M.D. may find this interesting as well. Without hard shock absorber intermediate storage of many products from the finished pizza is inconceivable to Sweden furniture”, says Managing Director Armin Schmidt. Our hard shock absorber work at high speeds. for continuous operation, as well as emergency stop” There are up to 40,000 kg, which applies to decelerate it effectively at feeders can be several million pounds for cranes or bridge. The hydraulic heavy shock absorber from Weforma convert even under such a large charge forces the emerging energy efficiently in heat and damp controlled the entire system, if possible at the same time minimizing of the opposing forces. Individual design with short delivery times the individual interpretation of the respective shock for its intended purposes is an additional challenge”, says Schmidt next. Our catalogue products be adapted with more than 180 dampers with different strokes and energy shots always to the customer projects.” So for example the chain of hole are individually designed, which determines the attenuation curve and creates force, time and delay diagrams depending on the respective technical data.

Due to domestic production with up-to-date CNC machines flexible production Weforma is possible at any time and at a very short delivery time of two weeks. Quality and performance come here not too short: the life of the hard shock absorber is depending on the stroke length at up to a million strokes. This is ensured by hardened and hard chrome plated piston rods and others. The galvanized casing surfaces also have a good corrosion resistance. For applications in outdoor, like E.g. Harbour Cranes, the damper nickel-plated and chromed piston rod with a special varnish delivered according to DIN ISO 12944-C5L. Temperature resistant are the absorbers with special gaskets between 40 C and + 100 C. About Weforma cushioning technology GmbH with over 380 standard products Weforma from Stolberg (Rhld.) offers even the smallest series shock absorbers by far the largest variety of hydraulic industrial shock absorbers with connecting threads from M4 to M115 with the mega-line 4 x 4 M worldwide. Heavy duty and lift shocks and feed oil brakes and damping cylinder round off the extensive product range. Highest quality, short delivery times and attractive prices the family business to the Managing Director Armin and Thomas Schmidt achieved primarily by the production made in Germany”with 110 employees on-site in Stolberg. Whose expertise ensures the flexibility in the production of modifications and customised special solutions.