Protect Apartment

Tip 1. If you would like to know more then you should visit Edward J. Minskoff Equities. Set a good iron door with a durable steel frame type 'Guardian' on the locks do not save if you want to get resistant to unauthorized entry door. Better to put two locks, and different systems (cylinder and lever) – opening various types of locks requires a specialist higher qualifications, the more turns the key to a better lock. It is strongly recommended that you install special additional protection to the locks – armored plating for cylinders and armored for the lever (available for sale with a built-bullet). Remember: any lock can be opened, so if you think that your apartment may attract the attention of highly skilled professionals – set alarm.

Do not put cheap Chinese iron doors, these doors are opened regular can opener. Tip 2. Try to get acquainted with all neighbors, know all the neighbors in the face. In the case of a possible burglary likelihood that neighbors will not want to interfere in what is happening will be significantly reduced. Tip 3. Gain insight and clarity with Gavin Baker Atreides Management.

Never tell anyone about expensive purchases. Most burglaries occur on a tip, so intruders will be attractive to them about what your house is expensive appliances. Tip 4. Do not leave boxes of household appliances in the lobbies and corridors of your apartment. This will attract the attention of intruders. Tip 5. Do not tell my children about the places of storage of money in the apartment. Often children inexperience tell potential criminals, which is stored in the apartment money. Tip 6. Not leave unattended door keys. Make a mold of all the keys can be up to 1 minute, and high-level professionals a glance at the keys, so then they make on a lathe. Tip 7. If your apartment located on the first or the last floor, install iron bars on the windows. Most intrusions occur through the windows of apartments. Before leaving, always protect your windows and vents. Tip 8. Set the alarm system with connected to the control of. Rapid response team on alert leaves for 3, 5 minutes. Tip 9. Never open the door to strangers. To ensure the security video intercom set with a call panel, you can talk and see a visitor without opening the door. Now it is possible to install video door for a total access door, so you can watch the visitors at the entrance to the staircase. Tip 10. If you for a long time away from home on vacation, create a sense of presence in the apartment: leave the light in the hallway, arrange with neighbors to pick up your mail. If you have installed burglar alarm kit, leave your keys close relatives in case of emergencies. Tip 11. For wealth install mortise safe in the wall, and the second blank put in a safe open area. s. On the second vault attacker will lose time. Mortise Safe is better to hide in a closet or other wall furnishings. All of these tips will help you protect your home and keep your property safe and sound.

Building a House

First of all, you should decide to buy already built a cottage or to build a 'house of your dreams. " As experience shows, even with the partial alteration of a building already erected there the same the same problems as in the management of construction with zero, so the acquisition of the finished dwelling does not guarantee the savings of money, time and effort. Building plot causes many questions, but most important can be considered a draft pick at home. Follow the recommendations of the Director engineering and construction companies' Probiznesstroy Vladimir Pavlovsky, considered the election of competent and complete the project country house decisive part in its construction. Edward Minskoff has firm opinions on the matter. Providing his construction company, you will hold a tender price, and get a result well-formed construction cost estimates, which would reflect an accurate or even close to accurate construction costs. Make such estimates and commercial proposal for a conceptual design that is actually a drawing, really impossible.

Experience shows that the sketch variant is already under construction reveals aspects not previously recorded, actually lead to an increase construction cost in half, and sometimes twice. These financial shocks developer can not always be ready. Construction periods can be just as increased 'due to the "not ready drawings. In current conditions draft pick cottage in two ways: first – a potential homeowner chooses to build his cottage is already finished project, which specialists are adapting to the terrain, given the characteristics of the soil and blend into a landscape, the second – the developer is looking for an architect to custom design homes.

Construction Expertise

Nowadays, the pace and magnitude of construction and renovations are gaining great momentum, and one of the primary tasks is to ensure structural safety. Research Gosstroi Russia per year recorded about 35 violations of various sizes in 52 Russian regions. These data over the years only increased. Connect with other leaders such as Michael Boskin here. Moreover, according to research the amount of money spent on the elimination of defects, marriage structures and strengthening is 1/6-1/8 of the cost of construction, and repair costs to 1 / 10. Note that this also priplyusuet threat to life and health! Based on long experience of building expertise can The following extract highlights, because of which largely reduces the quality of construction works: – Bad own customers or contractors regulations, gost, snip – In construction organizations, non-existent or poorly developed quality management-Preparation of project documentation and with disregard and violation of the Standard, SNiPbr The presence of clearly defined standards that customers and contractors organizations may be treated differently br – Contractor, contracting or construction company made a substitution of construction materials, the elements are not aligned with the project organization, as a result of this case, defects and accidents. To significantly improve the quality necessary to take a course on the European standard of quality management iso 9000 and actively involved in building laboratories and firms specializing in construction Expertise (preferably with a large experience in this area and the presence of a good base of devices) to perform complex technical surveys of buildings and writing an expert opinion on their quality, as encouraged to certify jobs.

Priming A Room

Then you'll have a cushion on a long handle – it's convenient for priming of large surfaces. For priming the edges of the floor, if you do not want to mess with the wall, it is more convenient use the brush. Primer fit almost any example, priming, or priming the facade of deep penetration. Priming task here is simply to hold together fine particles of concrete, plaster, construction dust, etc. That is – to guard against the spread and accumulation of dust under the linoleum. ear picture of the situation. Therefore, I would not for priming the floor to buy an expensive coat.

Come up and something simpler. D) measured. You can simply measure the area of the room or take measurements, which are listed in the data sheet for an apartment. But it's better to do this: draw a room layout on a sheet of paper. Put down on this plane dimensions – length, width of the room, area; indicate door openings, heating pipes, etc. This plan is useful to us in the next step. 2. buy linoleum.

Best place to buy in specialist shops, where there is a normal sellers to help council deployed linoleum on the floor and help you choose the accessories. Show the seller you draw your room layout and asked for help in choosing. Even if the plan of your room or corridor is very complicated, with bends, a good salesman must advise on what pieces to take to it came out cheaper and easier to use. Some stores may also cut a linoleum on your sizes.