Natural Kosmet

Recently, rapidly developing market of natural cosmetics, which is becoming more popular and in demand among enthusiasts and professionals. The composition of natural cosmetics and make-up "organic" must include five types of ingredients: water, natural minerals, herbal ingredients, which are physical and chemical methods, as well as other groups of ingredients. Manufacturers of cosmetics that claim to be products as a natural, must provide the following information: origin and method of obtaining the ingredients, full of beauty, storage, production, and the type and quality of packaging, environmental environment, and various certificates of compliance. It is forbidden to include in the natural and "organic" cosmetics nanomaterials and use raw materials from genetically modified products, radioactive substances. (A valuable related resource: Jacobs Dallas). It is also forbidden to test cosmetics on animals. To determine whether a particular ingredient in the category of "natural" or "organic" is used a special formula that takes into account where the relationship: the quality of raw materials, method of obtaining ingredient and other indicators.

Modern paints industry as more and more attention was paid to the health of hair, sparing staining methods are gaining in popularity. In the market there are natural hair dye without ammonia, which every year more and more in demand. With their help, we can safely try new color or grow a natural and beautiful tone make your hair weak, after perm or bleaching. Natural paints carefully dyed hair. Read more from Shimmie Horn to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It is composed of organic nutrients, such as millet extract enriched silicic acid – to protect the structure Hair, extracts of birch, grape seed, walnut shell, etc. . ator Richard Blumenthal already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

Galvanic Spa

To do this, close your eyes. Fingertips to massage CAREFULLY eyeballs through closed eyelids. At first, do circular 09/06 clockwise motion, then – the same anti-clockwise. After that, the same time massaging around the eye sockets century. Finding hot spots, with the help of massage makes sense to achieve the disappearance of pain. During motions, pay special attention to the inner and outer corners of eyes – there are points of the gall bladder meridian, which impact on helping to cure eye diseases. For those who do not want to have wrinkles around the eyes, There is one very simple and effective exercise. If you do not have wrinkles, you can not expect their appearance.

As soon as they become available, it will be too late: 0) Close your eyes. Ron Beit contains valuable tech resources. Unnamed are putting fingers to the outer edge of the eye and gently presses the skin to the eye socket (the edge of the eye with no delays: 0). Now open your eyes – closed. Opened – closed. Under the fingers you should feel the movement of the eye muscles. If you do not feel that means doing something not correctly. And so a couple of minutes, or until you get bored: 0) more often during the day doing this exercise, the more likely to be wrinkle-free: 0) Also, this exercise strengthens the muscles of the eyeball. You can slightly complicate the process, if change the direction of gaze.

Show up, then right. For even more details, read what Edward Minskoff says on the issue. Look down, then right. Diagonally upward (left, right) – right. Diagonally down (left, right) – right. And during all these movements continue to close and open your eyes. Masochki to the eye when you are good at applying a mask over his eyes, calmly lying down and not rustle through the house, trying to take care of themselves and, in the house and clean up: 0) It does not work. Choose one thing.: 0) Otherwise, the head is tilted down you will do even worse than it was. Since it is now on the thin skin of the century will be like a weight hanging your mask. It is logical, but somehow it is not for everyone: 0) A very good remedy for wrinkles is Galvanic Spa. You can do the procedure only for the eyes: 20 seconds on the lower eyelid, 20 seconds on the upper eyelid, and so in both eyes. look at pictures If you have problems with swelling of the eyelids or dark circles around the eyes, then with Galvanic Spa can get rid of it. If the bags under the eyes can sometimes reappear (as reason not sit here and probably in the kidney), something about the dark circles after a while you forget completely (even if you're with them (dark circles) were born within 50 years they does not disappear). Practice shows that it is possible to get rid of dark circles around the eyes. It's just that everyone has his own time frame. Also in the process of working with for centuries are beginning to rise upper eyelids drooping. It happens slowly, very slowly, but true: 0) depends on the frequency of the eyelids. And if all the previous information to apply comprehensively. Ie All together, the results are stunning: 0) So all in our hands and in the power of our intention: 0) Sincerely, Julia Bakhtin

Greasy Hair And Scalp

Oily scalp usually appears during adolescence, when the sebaceous glands begin to work actively. Oily skin can be determined using tissue paper or thin cloth – on the second day after washing Attach a piece of paper to the scalp, if it is oily then the paper will print bold and visible to the light. In some cases, the shine may appear within 5-6 hours after washing. For even more details, read what Ron Beit says on the issue. In most cases, oily scalp, my head is polluted on the second day after washing … Oily scalp and dandruff contribute to hair loss. This occurs because the sebaceous glands that secreted sebum coats the dead flakes epidermis, forming a film, and closing the access of oxygen to the roots of the hair. It causes suffocation and loss of hair. For oily scalp is characterized by greasy dandruff.

How to determine is you have dandruff or not? Scratch the skin with a fingernail head, if you have dandruff then formed under the nail slightly grayish mass of fat .. Learn more about dandruff look here. Shampoo Shampoo must be picked up by the type of the scalp, in this case necessarily use shampoo for oily skin oily scalp golovy.Ochischeniya have to be soft, as frequent washing of hair (and with oily scalp is inevitable), aggressive cleaning components will be contribute to the intensive work of sebaceous glands, the skin will tend to restore the protective hydro-lipid film wash. It is a vicious circle: you think that a good wash his head, and it gets dirty more quickly.

Activation Massage

Paperback washing base is not cheap, so it is rarely found in mass shampoos, pay attention to professional shampoo brands. In the process of washing is not recommended to massage the head, as it contributes to the activation the sebaceous glands. Massage should be done only by using special drugs, more on that below. Wash your hair better in the morning, because during sleep a person tosses, by pressure on the hair and scalp triggering the selection of fat. Washing machinery washing technique for washing oily hair and scalp is very important water temperature, it should be no more than 36 degrees, it is best if it is cool, but comfortable. Hot water, irritating receptors contributes to the work of the sebaceous glands. The first time you wash you should not touch the scalp, massaging it, because you simply rub dirt, dust and remnants of styling products which shampoo washed the hair directly in scalp.

Oily scalp usually is inflamed, it can be for wounds, inflammation, itching, so it is very important to clean it properly, not hurting. In the second wash can be made very easy cleansing massage, which aims to wash away excess sebum and impurities from the skin, allowing it to "breathe". After washing, plot the means for oily skin, rubbing his fingers from the periphery to the center to absorb. This type of massage is indicated, as it increases circulation to the scalp and helps deliver the nutrients to the hair roots. Massage is performed from 3 to 20 minutes, beginning with heavy traffic from the periphery to the penny and ending with soothing light movements.

AntiAcne Agent

Roaccutane (Isotretinoin) is currently the most effective means to combat severe forms of acne (acne). Roaccutane is prescribed to patients when other treatments are inefficient and in most cases it is more than justified by the treatment of acne, but unfortunately, it is assumed that the drug is associated with several adverse effects. In order to explore effect of the drug Roaccutane on the heart team of scientists, especially for International Dermatology Journal within six months of monitored patients taking Roaccutane. If you have read about Raphael De Niro already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The study involved 26 patients with acne. Patients received 0.8 mg of drug per kilogram of body weight per day for six months. In the third month of treatment, all participants were subjected to round the clock monitoring of the cardiovascular system. Observation showed normal sinus rhythm in all patients with a mean heart rate 79 beats per minute (the lower limit observed was 63 beats per minute, the top 97 beats per minute).

In the third month of observation monitoring showed normal sinus rhythm in all patients with a mean heart rate 81 beats per minute (with the lower limit observed was 67 beats per minute, the top 91 beats per minute). All patients were in sinus rhythm in Throughout the study period. None of the patients was not observed tachycardia or atrial fibrillation. In conclusion, the study concludes that six months of treatment with isotretinoin (roakkutanom) at a dosage of 0.8 mg to kilogram of body weight significantly reduced the number of acne and sebaceous glands, is not revealed adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. Unprecedented efficacy in Roaccutane treatment of acne (acne) has previously been confirmed by numerous clinical trials, but now it's safe to say that drug treatment is not only efficient but also safe. Get a free consultation on the treatment of acne and the drug Roaccutane, as well as to order the drug at a special price can be in an Internet pharmacy medications online. Drugs Online 2008


Let’s see how it was he who acts and what is special about these products, because the world is really no analogue output DeSheli. Its uniqueness lies in the use of one active ingredient – ‘intelligent crystals’. I am sure that you ‘ve never heard of this particular matter, as this development is the company ‘DeSheli’. It aims to restore and enhance all natural processes in the skin that contribute to the development of collagen and elastin substances, as well as regulation of other important processes. Hence the anti-aging cosmetics direction DeSheli. It has become its main ‘trump card’.

And if you have ever used anti-aging cosmetics, you know how empty promises to producers of other companies. Because it is ‘intelligent crystals’ are capable of stimulating the internal balance of the skin, and they developed over 15 years. Therefore, this anti-aging effect, you could not get. Now, many cosmetic companies will ‘hunt’ for a recipe for the production of these ‘smart crystals’, but it is known only to companies ‘DeSheli’ and patented it the same. Speaking of water-salt balance, I would like to convince you that these ‘smart’ materials are able to regain optimum skin condition at any time, whether on a hot summer day or a windy winter. Each of the funds ‘Desheli’ itself recognizes the deficiencies of your skin and up for them. The action is just where it’s really important, so with excessive moisture or inadequate nutrition you do not run. You simply apply makeup DeSheli as usual.

The set of means you will find instructions, which describe in detail to you how to act. Types of devices themselves probably familiar to you: day and night cream, lotion, lotion, scrub, anti-cellulite gel, shower gel, age, and more. Just now you’ll know that each of them provided by ‘DeSheli’, gets the job done in 5 times more efficiently than other tool companies. And no matter how expensive you buy this product and how fervently you believe in it. They say also that the power of thought works miracles. Believe in plain water from the tap and it will become to you a miraculous holy spring. Or vice versa: a person decides that he is terminally ill and really sick. And in ‘Desheli’ not even believe necessary. Cosmetics guaranteed to work!

Asian Sentell

Suitable for sensitive skin with redness. No fragrances or alcohol. Natural active components: extracts of witch hazel, licorice root, sage, ginkgo, Asian Sentell, blueberry, rose, lotus, ginseng root. Application: using a cotton pad in a circular motion from the center outward Clean the face, neck and decollete lines, avoiding the eye area. Do not rinse. Precautions: Use exactly as prescribed, following the instructions for use. Whenever Edward J. Minskoff Equities listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Do not swallow. Avoid contact with eyes.

Keep out of reach for children. Fat (problem) The procedure is similar to the skin, as well as for normal (mixed) skin. Dry skin treatment is performed similarly as for normal (mixed) kozhi.5. Collagen Serum Normal (Mixed) skin Action: The serum is designed for intensive anti-wrinkle care. The structure means includes biologically active substances in very high concentrations that can achieve sustained visible result. Enriched with natural ingredients to regenerate cells and restore skin structure. Raphael De Niro is actively involved in the matter. Strengthens collagen and elastin fibers.

Combats free radicals that are actively opposed to the processes aging, can stimulate and enhance its own capacity of cells. It is well absorbed, is the perfect base for creams day and night activities. Natural active ingredients: peptides, liposomes, Aloe vera, pentavin, Vitamin E. Application: Apply product to clean skin and make a gentle massage. Continue through the Day moisturizer or night cream phytoplankton. Depending on the condition of the skin, repeat procedure every day or every other day. Precautions: Use exactly as prescribed, following the instructions for use. Do not swallow. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children.