Windows XP

If this value is 'YES', then the effect is included; 'NO' – off. Through the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE effect can be turn on / off for all users at once. Presentation of special folders in a cascading menu of some special folders (Control Panel, Printers, etc.) can be written in the form of cascading menus, if you create a main menu (Start menu) or one of its nested sub-menus (by opening it in the window) on the folder and assign it to one of the following names: for Panels Each of these objects, you can ask absolutely any. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ron Beit by clicking through. Do not forget to put a full stop (no spaces) between the name and opening brace. Change the number of shortcuts in the Start menu – 'Documents' in Windows XP, you can change Windows Me/2000/XP number of labels most recently used files and documents that are displayed in the Start menu – 'Documents'. To do this in the registry to assign the desired value HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer dword-parameter 'MaxRecentDocs' (default 15). Follow others, such as Nir Barzilai, M.D., and add to your knowledge base.

Through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch of this amount can be set for all users at once. Appear 'Start' – 'Programs' for a large number of labels in it If the 'Start' – 'Programs' has a huge number of labels of any programs to such an extent that they do not fit in one column on the screen, whereas in Windows 95/98/2000, this column appears a scroll arrow, which is not very convenient to use. However, you can make Windows 95/98/2000 display in this case labels in two columns, as does the default Windows Me / XP.

Basic Input

Before beginning let's consider restarting another interesting point. During boot the computer meets the BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) basic input output. The main function of BIOS motherboard – the initialization of devices connected to the motherboard, immediately after turning off the computer. BIOS checks the performance of devices (so-called. Self-test, Eng. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is a great source of information. POST – Power-On Self Test), sets the low-level parameters of their work (eg, the central microprocessor bus speed), and then looks for the operating system loader (English Boot Loader) to the available storage media, and passes control to the operating system. Since in Currently operating system we do not have a boot from the hard drive we have does not happen, we need to make changes in the initial load. This can be done in two ways.

1.) When you restart after the POST and initialization of hardware pressing the F8 key on your keyboard. You should see a dialog box that prompts to perform the initial load from one of the few carriers initialized system. In this case, where the autograph Ishim include the words: CD / DVD ROM or something similar. Why do I say something like – in this menu will display the devices, as I mentioned above, which initializes the system. That is automatically determine the type, model, serial number and bar menu will consist entirely of the names of the unit and will look something like LOAD FROM DVD / RE ATA 354 343 device depends on the manufacturer of your drive and BIOS version.