
THE Sun the wall located behind children represents efforts and past events that have occurred both on a physical plane as spiritual, which were overcome, and now they feel safe. The mutual embrace of children means joy and happiness. Awaits the success, the result of their projects is favorable, but you will want to pay attention to not try to modify the situations too. Right: His appearance on our picture of exposure is sign of good omen of good luck, invites us to hope, because it is near the time of a good event, a great event, speaks of a happy union, in a good mood, perhaps a newly known friend make us an invaluable favour, shows a creative time, poetic inspiration, sensibility.You can represent in the set of letters to beloved man, the partner or husband, if who interrogates the tarot is a woman does not indicate that we are capable of taking life as it comes, and accept it as it is. Key words: material happiness. Marriage or happy relationship, collaboration. Success. Pleasure, power, motivation, inverted inspiration: solitude above all, perhaps due to a rupture of relations or an engagement, difficult, little suitable moment that can force us to cancel our plans, lost things of value.

Key words: discomfort, hypocrisy, arrogance, vanity. Commitment or lost work. Probing in the dark, disorientation. A desire to appear. Interpretations: In concrete terms: the wishes will be fulfilled and everything will be resolved in a satisfactory manner. Stage of great protection.At work: excellent working conditions which foresee success and triumph. In money: great fluency in revenues which will be abundant, as well as waste.In friendship: Buenos amigos with those who enjoy the pleasures of life.Family: harmony, understanding and unity. Health: care for the heart.In love: period to remember the intensity experienced in love and happiness.


The months passed and I did not know that still do, my body was changing and growing up, the only thing that occurred to me was hide me, you I said to the father of the baby because of my studies I was going to be very busy, ofcourse not I gave him the happy news, that was the easy part, how difficult was to carry it out, I woke up before that everyone at home, I just listened to dismiss me and came back when all mainly my parents were in their room Goodnight already reached; It was the routine of every day, no one had to find out, at least until you think about something or accidents happen when you least want it. But when you consider it as your only hope to God they never go out. Sometimes without giving me account went my hand through my belly every time more great, felt his little body move as saying love me Mommy, and wanted to feel free to shout te amo baby but my lips were sealed by fear, shame and loneliness. He wanted so much to tell you who is what was happening to me, listening to someone say don’t be afraid, is only a baby, your you can get ahead, I’m going to help but that never step. Childbirth is he approached and my parents although I know that they suspected, I believe that they also chose to not believe it. The cycle in the Institute ended and no longer had grounds to disappear throughout the day, I knew that the inevitable was about to happen; my baby had clung to my with all their small forces despite the fact that he had not taken any control, much less had taken any vitamin or supplement necessary during pregnancy.