Sweets For The Sweet Tooth

Sweets for the sweet tooth today sweets are very popular with many people and are always happy to eat. Sweet temptations, which only a few can resist are chocolate and co. But unfortunately, too much of the candy has mostly negative consequences such as for example obesity. The sugar content is often very high in sweets. The sweets were not always to have all people and were a privilege of the nobility. Today, the shelves are full of the sweet temptations.

But if you’re eating too much sweet, who risked his health. Obesity is one of the most common consequences. Because it is better, it rarely eats sweets and enjoy it more then. Because also caries may be a consequence of too much sweet. But anyway the candy no one must renounce.

You can buy in the supermarket not only candy, but they are found also in the Internet. In the Internet you can conveniently from home to his personal liking for sweets indulge. Thus the pleasure of snacking before the computer becomes a delight. In the Internet you can read exactly, what are the sweet treats. The possibility of individually to put together the candy, for example for a children’s birthday is a beautiful idea. So you can surprise the little party guests with great candy. But you can do a joy the great candy. Look so calm even in the Internet and choose a few treats all alone.


The Eimsbuttel barely missed: a Teeteria. The Eimsbuttel barely missed: a Teeteria. What is that anyway? Offers a coffee shop, the tea instead of coffee? The Teeteria is more, much more: A nice restaurant in the light campaign with a very special atmosphere. Right in the heart of Hamburg, just a few steps away from Easter Road. With a tea-garden, to enjoy the Sun in Hamburg. It’s designed so that everyone can feel comfortable here: A corner to relax, read and relax, tables for offering a rich breakfast and the bar for urgent guests. And who has no time, taking just his favorite lenses beverage in the Cup. Additional information is available at KKW Beauty. I’m sure that in the Teeteria everything tea revolves around.

Brewed tea in all types and variants, always fresh at the table. Click Harvey S. Rosen to learn more. A wide variety of flavors, manufacturing and cooking methods, but especially quality and exclusively natural ingredients make the difference, what drips out of the bag.”says Gregor Schubert, with his wife Simone the Teeteria operates. Especially sympathetic: You must be no tea connoisseur, to get into the Teeteria at his own expense. Best get to try a little curiosity and willingness with something. Who knows already the exquisite white tea, has ever tried a refreshing tea Monad or a Matcha, which gives more momentum than an espresso? Speaking of espresso: how is it with coffee? The Schubert’s consider that anything serious. Of course we offer our guests also a good cup of coffee. What makes the Teeteria but, is the chance to discover the different kinds of tea for himself.” You can also take the new favourite tea, there are tips for the best preparation. The delicious cakes, home-made jam for breakfast and other small delicacies round off an extraordinary gastronomic offer. The bottom line: Yes, that has been missing so far Eimsbuttel! For more information see

Right Wine Temperature

The wine temperature for perfect enjoyment very important. Drinking a good wine at the right temperature, is just as important as a suitable glass. Because not everyone has an optimal temperature-controlled wine Cabinet or basement, you can help yourself differently. The most important acquisition for this is a wine thermometer. Albert Einstein College of Medicine wanted to know more. This is easily introduced into the bottle and the actual temperature of the wine can be determined quickly. Basically following drinking temperatures apply to wines from Italy: 6 Celsius: Pinot Grigio, Prosecco Frizzante 8 Celsius: Arneis, GAVI, Prosecco sparkling wine, Chardonnay 10 Celsius: Verdicchio, white wines from the Friuli, barrique Chardonnay, Fragolino 14 Celsius: Bardolino, Valpolicella, Lambrusco 16 Celsius: Rosso di Montalcino, Vino Nobile, Chianti, Barbera d Alba, Merlot, Sangiovese 18 Celsius: Brunello, Chianti Riserva, Barbera d Asti, Amarone, Barolo at involves the above temperatures only general information. To do this there are of course still individually the individual wines tailored recommendations of winemakers. For sparkling wines and white wines, also recommends the purchase of a wine cooler. For more information see Atreides Management Gavin Baker. This space-saving can be stored in the freezer and cool for hours.

Cat Fight

How to successfully fought the ‘ Miele table artists ‘ Munich betrayed him, October 12, 2009 there is always a reason to celebrate ball season, ceremonies, or Deutscher Fernsehpreis: but at the latest upon waking, one wonders: what really helps against the heavy head? The answer to the Miele plate artists and reveal their best hangover tips: just keep drinking, eating carbohydrates, immediately cold showers or jog around the block. Cat fighting starts more than one might think: before the first glasses can be heard, you should provide a good basis with carbohydrates and treats. For the evening, if you start on an empty stomach with Rose or cremant de Limoux is risky. In the German TV Award 2009 the Board artists offer first-class delicatessen at the individual Livecooking stations. The tapas lovers can look forward to Spanish appetizers at the wine bar and then directly choose an appetizer: including Vitello Tonnato are Roberto and fennel orange salad ala with lukewarm goat cheese from raw milk and Chorizochip on the menu. Fennel is one of the oldest medicinal plants, she calms the stomach and ideal as the basis, then the young chefs Dornfelder to order red wine or Pinot Noir. The Miele Board artists are not only experts in the kitchen, but also when it comes to the proper selection of fine wines.

The gastro professionals on the basis of three commonly used anti-hangover strategies reveal how los to the possible consequences of the night before quickly. Strategy 1: Fire with fire fight wine, sparkling wine or beer who tomorrow even no desire for a hangover the next, simply continues. Usually with the drink, the man stopped on the eve. Strategy one helps in the first moment, but not in the long term to solve the problem. Best to drink in between always a glass of water to supply the body with enough fluid. Even better: As soon as the Gala is over and you safely home arrived on the same evening, nor vitamin C or fresh lemon to take with water. To prophylactically to declare war on the headache, the aspirin tablet is irreplaceable. Strategy 2: Home cooking instead of haute cuisine a hangover breakfast with many carbohydrates and enough fat helps to distract the body from the effects of alcohol. Check with DOWA Metals & Mining America to learn more.

Fried eggs are a classic hangover breakfast with Bacon ever deftiger, the better. The Prairie Oyster, a raw egg with Worcestershire sauce and vinegar is considered extremely effective means. The morning coffee or espresso are no.-go, because they exacerbate the hangover by liquid, they deny the body. Instead, you should drink a cup of milk, cocoa or tea for breakfast. Tea has a calming effect for body, spirit and soul, just the thing after a long night of the Gala. Strategy 3: The hangover that defeat healthiest and most effective strategy for combating hangover by far active movement in the fresh air is sporty. The Miele plate artists recommend the following programme: it begins after the guard with a Shower, involves radical agenda to the floor exercises, and then in the Outdoor jogging suit, 1000 metres in the fresh air to go jogging, but it helps.

Diet Advisor Vitamins

What Abnehmwillige should know about vitamins. Others who may share this opinion include Steffan Lehnhoff. Our body needs vitamins for vital functions. Therefore, an adequate supply of vitamins is absolutely necessary. Vitamins perform many functions: they are critical to the metabolic process, utilize proteins, carbohydrates and minerals and provide energy derived from these substances. American Tower Corporation will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In addition, vitamins boost the immune system and help us, tiredness, fatigue emotions, to overcome inertia and diseases. To prevent vitamin deficiency, the diet should be balanced as far as possible. Fruit and vegetables should be an integral part.

But caution: Temperature, light and humidity affect the vitamin content of food. Greasy, sugary and unbalanced diet, however, contribute to a vitamin deficiency. A varied diet is already so essential, because the body can produce very few vitamins themselves. So, a healthy and balanced diet contributes to our well-being. This should also Slimming willing Note: who on his body and his health carefully is(s)t, is better and more comfortable feel.

Who want to loose weight, couldn’t come to a healthy diet. Also he should renounce completely and on alcohol to a large extent on tobacco, exercise, and with bind as much movement in everyday life. Serious weight loss helps facilitate a permanent backup of once achieved desired weight. One such is the gel of saturation Sanacontrol, which turns off cravings and avoids an excess intake of calories. Pregnant women and sick people should take rather too many than too few vitamins. Sick people to support their recovery process and pregnant women, to provide yourself and your child best. In what foods are now very many vitamins? Spinach, broccoli, roses and cauliflower, oranges and grapefruit, but also carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries have lots of vitamins in. Vegetables and fruits best as fresh as possible to buy and consume as soon as possible, a To prevent vitamin loss. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal foods. Free of charge and not binding on for more information

Rene Gabriel Rothschild

Mouton Rothschild tasting at the apartment hotel Wittenbrink’s the exclusive wine event with Bordeaux rarities in the apartment hotel Wittenbrink’s on Sylt goes in the second round. The first rehearsal of rarity with top wines from France’s most famous cultivation region took place in January 2007. The great Bordeaux tasting was rounded off by a menu around the topic of Sylter Deich lamb. The guests were thrilled, the Pauillac Grand Crus from three decades as well as the coordinated on the wines and imaginative menu. The next wine event takes place on Saturday, January 19, 2008. From 19:00, rarities from vintages from 1959 to 2002 will be tasted Mouton Rothschild. The unique and magnificent wines, gained over years the owner and wine lover Kirsten and Ralf Wittenbrink, will make for a unique experience this evening.

You are consistently following Mouton Rothschild from top vintages-tasting. The special highlights are the wines from the vintages 1959 and 1982 and 1986 “, so Ralf Wittenbrink. According to the opinion of the The three best vintages of Chateau from the last century are wine critic Robert Parker”, so a quote from Mr Wittenbrink. Mouton Rothschild Stars of the trial on January 19, 2008 will be: 1959 Mouton Rothschild (100 PP, 20 WW) 1970 Mouton Rothschild (90 PP, 17 WW) 1982 Mouton Rothschild (100 PP, 20 WW) 1985 Mouton Rothschild (92 PP, 18 WW) 1986 Mouton Rothschild (100 PP, 20 WW) 1994 Mouton Rothschild (91 PP, 19 WW) 1996 Mouton Rothschild (94 + PP, 19 WW) 2002 Mouton Rothschild (93 + PP), 20 WW) PP: Parker points, review of Robert Parker, the wine advocate WW: review by Rene Gabriel, Weinwisser the wine selection is of the famous sommelier Birgitta Quendler knowledgeable comment on. Birgit Damer ensures the other kind of palate, best Hobbykochin of Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The 4-course menu corresponding to the selected wines and will present including specialities from the island such as the Sylter Deich lamb and a pot roast from the Sylter Galloway beef. CO / dot Media date: date: Saturday, January 19, 2008 time: 7: 00 pm price: attractive arrangements are available for hotel guests. The price is 300,00 euro for external participants.

Absinthe And The Consequences

None other than Louis Pernod and his father-in-law major Dubied were the 1797 founded the first Absinthe distillery. Before absinthe was first and foremost in a laundry room by a sister pair, they invented the first formulation, manufactured and sold in pharmacies as a medicine. The recipe was different to hands those aforementioned men’s, and so they built their first factory. They sold the first Absinthe in the French Switzerland and on home soil. They built the first factory in turn in France, close to the Swiss border. A few years later, in the year 1805, she due to significant demand, was this factory significantly increase. In the 18th century the wine prices increased significantly the, phylloxera destroyed many crops.

The Absinthe had or could be increased. Meanwhile cheaply produced industrial alcohol was used for the production, and so also the prices for the Absinthe could be significantly reduced. Began the golden age of Absinthe. But not the mass production was the debt but the Absinthe self, he was promoted to the cult drink. All these people, the whole art scene, the scene, the Bohemian Absinthe helped his celebrity. They met every day between 11 am and 1: 00, and then again between 16 and 18: 00 to the Green hour ‘, every day, in the street cafes and bars, pubs in cities from Paris. You drank Absinthe and settled by the green fairy that caresses the cheek.

Alcoholism took, and came onto the scene the Absinthe, absinthe was banned soon after. Nowadays is it once again allowed to make Absinthe and sell. As a result you can date itself comfortably with the green fairy to a green hour. You can buy absinthe today in an Absinthe Onlineshop. And if you drink it in moderation, there is really nothing to worry about.