Bundeshaus Bonn World Conference Center

Nearly 60 top companies use the fair Convention women & work for your search of Bonn 14.2.2011 – or Germany’s top companies are quota discussion looking for female junior leaders. The trade fair Congress women & work, proves impressively which take place on May 14, 2011 in the plenary building of the World Conference Center Bonn is booked out right off the bat. On May 14, 2011, largest trade fair Congress for women, in the Bundeshaus Bonn World Conference Center held the women & work, Germany. 56 top companies use the event for their search for female managers. We want to allow companies with the event, women & work, to present itself as an attractive employer and actively recruit (would-be) female managers for your company”, explains initiator Melanie Vogel the concept of women and work.

Still there are few women in management positions, still always outdated stereotypes dominate our thinking and still can be found in many Company structures, which are little women – and family-friendly. We think it’s time to change that. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is likely to increase your knowledge. Detection of female talent is no longer an orchid issue. “Female recruiting’ is an economic necessity.” Employment gap and the time is short. Shortage of skilled labour and a steadily progressive demographics problem should be reason enough, more naturally than so far in the working life to integrate 50 percent of the population. But also the pressure on the part of the EU, which calls for a women’s quota is at least as important. Many States have already introduced them – and if not a quota so clearly better created political and social conditions, to combine work and family. We should take us an example, that should inspire us to make social and economic foundations for women, which eliminate the need for a ‘either or decision’ in Germany, regardless of a quota, and allow them in the future, professional and quite naturally to connect family”, says Melanie Vogel.

Cooperative Education

Berufsakademie practical, useful and good! The idea of the dual degree is to combine that benefit students and businesses alike from theory and practice through high-quality programs. The main task of the vocational colleges is to educate qualified and practice-oriented young for the economy. The study has a regular study period of six semesters and characterized by a special tight connection between theory and practice (dual system). One half of the training in the company provided and the other half in the professional Academy. This theoretical and practical phases alternated then in the rhythm of about three months. Also abroad are possible depending on the company. The number of companies that offer dual places in collaboration with a professional Academy, has risen rapidly.

Also the number of the offered dual degree programmes is increasing. This development shows impressive, up how much dual degree programmes are now perceived by the economy as a way qualified professionals for their own use to train. There is also another indication how much has increased the competition for top talent. A dual course of study requires the Abitur or the Fachhochschulreife (vocational diploma) and the completion of a training or employment contract at a partner company of the professional Academy. The selection of students for a dual admission is made by the company.

There are no strict allocation only after Numerus Clausus. Other factors are taken into account. These include among others the Abitur grade as well as the individual notes – especially in the subjects of study-middle. Also commitment and team work, be evaluated among others appreciatively through previous participation in organizations or clubs. The Berufsakademie degrees are usually just accepted as the technically comparable diplomas of universities of applied sciences in the labour market. The dual study ends with a Bachelor’s degree (BA). Then usually starts regular employment in the partner company. Note: Many dual degree programs are also internationally-oriented for some time. Foreign language teaching is often a must. Abroad, such as internships and exchange programmes, are many. Advantages and disadvantages of cooperative education – guide/study/dual degree is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for schools, parents, students, trainees, graduates, students and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.

Stuttgart Education Fair Horizon

The world’s fourth largest economic power and education paradise – India hosted by Stuttgart-based education fair horizon Mannheim, the 8.2.2008 – 16 and February 17 the horizon, the trade fair for study and qualified education and training, takes place in the Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft for the second time. Institutions conveyed 75 universities from throughout the country, businesses and background information present themselves and their offer. All who are interested in topics related to the study and career planning are invited: pupils of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, whose parents, students and young professionals. As one of many highlights the Regierungsprasidium Stuttgart, Department school and education, its educational partnership Baden-Wurttemberg India presents this year: the project organized student exchanges between Indian private schools and schools of Baden-Wurttemberg. In addition to the students and their teachers, students, teacher candidates, teacher educators, principals, and school administrators maintain the intercultural dialogue. The project has many non-formal partners in the private sector as well as at the universities.

Since the economic reforms at the beginning of the 1990s, has evolved into the world’s fourth largest economic power India and has not exhausted yet long its potential: the largest democracy on Earth, which by the way has a very well-functioning school and legal system, in the first League plays particularly in the area of software development. Each year more than 300,000 engineers are trained in India, because the country invests more than any other nation in the education of its citizens. By increasing globalisation India will be more interesting and more important worldwide for the professionals. Students can therefore not early deal enough with the topic and the possibilities that it offers. A decisive advantage on the way to globalization is the Indian affinity to English: English is spoken everywhere, otherwise could not with each other, communicate also Indians from different States. In relation to the horizon, visitors will receive information about the german Indian exchanges and other ways to study abroad in India. Detailed information around the horizon, including the full programme, as well as directions, there’s under. The horizon takes place on 16 and 17 February (Saturday and Sunday) in the Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft.

Conference Manager

Almost everyone wears it. Edward Minskoff does not necessarily agree. To be able to work the unmistakable sign of a crew, which is no doubt proud, in a famous Hall, where “Show sizes occur such as Joe Cocker and sting, Mario Barth, Dieter Nuhr, where the local basketball team before an enthusiastic audience denies the Bundesliga home game, where congresses, trade fairs and presentations by companies and even the ZDF his bets that?”Directed the show. On the phone, Patrick is the youngest member of the Group of the trainee triple team that this year the ice age wuppen age of 21″needs. Okay, we come over, see you later”, responds Benjamin. Filed under: Raphael De Niro. Little later in the cool stylish conference room of the opposite the Lokhalle administration building which calls everyone in Gottingen medienhaus, because is also a branch of the NDR and a Publisher works.

Sasse and the other two sit Patrick with a stack of documents at the table with them two young women. Jennifer Kaufmann and Nina of’s son were in the same situation last year, now they are young men with help and advice. Recently they have their training to the Conference Manager completed, both with honors and the top notes 1.6 and 1.8. Main thing passed”, says Jennifer. It is this understatement that underlines the professionalism of their work considered. Who bears responsibility as early as in the locomotive halls team, builds a deep understanding of the profession, learn to think the objective look for what is feasible and especially entrepreneurial spirit. You closer to a seven Meilenstiefel step the later engineer learned from thus.

Good ideas such as those with the penguins, who last year earned Jennifer and immediately achieved, are in demand. But the sober calculation of costs is equally important when designing and organizing events such as ensuring the smooth running up to the wrap-up. What looks simple, is the time before the start of the ice age in early December rather complex will pass in flight and the to-do list are a number of issues surfaced.

Coaching and Education

In the wake of – crises require decisions – decisions require great depression knowledge women are half of all employees… The proportion of female managers should be in top positions of German companies on average only 10%… Many women want to make a career, but few succeed. Studies have so far shown: men with the same qualifications to occupy higher positions than their female colleagues in the hierarchy of a company. Some studies questioning the reasons: the compatibility of career and family is difficult? Is it still the structural circumstances? The women are about “fault”, because they are less trained, her career goals to pursue vigorously the cause for this result could be many reasons. Some reasons have social backgrounds, show some knowledge of the opportunities at the right time the person himself…

Apparently we have in our society with the still widely used Understanding of the role to do. Studies, international and national, proved not only a different communication style between women and men. No, they were also a different approach when it comes to represent the professional interests and to enforce. We do not employ us here to lift grown structures. Why also? Rather, we see a virtue in that differences may exist. Exactly this diversity can be moistened as an opportunity.

Just now can show up very crucial training for success in the economic crisis. A coaching education can be important not only for a professional career. Successfully used a trained coach for example: collegial case processing, moderation of groups, Losungsfokussiertes, Perspektivenwelchsel, nonviolent communication, etc. She can be used as well as in private life. Not for nothing a coaching includes training areas such as: non-violent communication, communication after Schulz von Thun, comprehensive insight into the method NLP/neuro linguistic programming, moderation of groups that regard interaction in the systemic environment, cooperative case handling and supervision by the education management coaching cases from practice, Burnout Syndrome, intervention in the coaching, creative methods, Losungsfokussiertes work, confrontation and provocation in coaching, the Interior team according to Schulz von Thun, work with metaphors, change of perspective, team development process u.v.m. A basic knowledge which is used for the different work areas, fields of activity. In addition, learning various forms of coaching belong to a good solid coach training. As coaching, job – and Karrierecoaching, the Motivationscoaching etc. A coaching training solves many “nodes” in the private sector. So this may very well for the development of private uses are. Conflict resolutions, dealing with problems up to the detection of existing family structures. The broad based knowledge enables a more subsequent specialization in different areas. 1 certification exam: written coaching practice case description 2 exam: oral Colloquium – case studies, which will be presented in the context of a presentation prepared.