Distance Education

Traditionally, applied to distance education virtual platforms allow form to those who cannot attend formal education or simply do not possess the necessary time. But thanks to the advance of information technology, there are many students who even though they can make a career or an on-site master, choose distance education. Discover the benefits of racing and master online. The development of information technologies and communications has represented a major advance in the field of education. Back has been the traditional correspondence and delays that it implied.

Distance education is now almost instantaneous and has little to envy to the classroom. However, courses or online masters to be possible, virtual platforms play a neuralgic role. A look inside the virtual platforms virtual platforms are an environment where teaching and learning processes that normally occur within a classroom are recreated. Through a series of programmes managed all educational gear, from educational materials to the communication between students and tutors. In practice, virtual platforms allow you to store all the relevant information to any course or masters online but also support the creation of forums to enable students to discuss and raise their concerns about the different themes.

Obviously, each platform has its own system which facilitates the monitoring and evaluation of the learning process. Currently there are different types of platforms, some are extra and can imply a significant cost for the educational institution while others are open source. The latter are not only much cheaper or even free but it also allow you to make changes to the code in order to adapt them to the real needs of the learning environment. The benefits for the student virtual platforms are the average educational ideal for students who wish to follow its own pace along watercourses or masters online. This system will not have to take notes because they can access the conferences at the time wishing it. In addition, they may ask questions to your tutor during 24 hours a day and will be able to refer to the discussions which have been made through the forums. Obviously, the possibility of receiving a personalized attention and the fact that the student can choose the time of day that is most receptive, results in the quality of learning making it more efficient and durable. Why based distance education in the virtual platforms has begun with the basic courses and masters online but now is spreading even to the undergraduate degrees.

The Culture

No less effective stimulants were corn steep liquor and yeast karatinoidnye. In aqueous emulsions of corn steep liquor (5 mg / l), the number of bacteria reached 0.5, and karatinoidnyh yeast (5 mg / L) – 0.4 mln.kl. / ml. Making them into the culture medium allowed to maintain a supply of trophic brahionusa at a high enough level. During the experiment (11 days) in the number of bacteria ranged from cultivators to 116.8 223.7 mln.kl.

/ ml. The results are show that stimulation of growth of bacteria when cultured brahionusa, other species of rotifers most efficient use of feed mixtures of fodder (hydrolysis) of yeast enriched with 6% lysine (10 mg / L) corn steep liquor (5 mg / l), karatinoidnyh yeast (5 mg / l) and chlorella (1.5 – 2.0 mln.kl. / ml). Each component must be soaked for 20-24 hours prior to the introduction of cultivators. Chlorella should be made fresh daily.

To obtain Culture brahionusa used dried resting eggs, harvested early. After drying at 35-40 C temperamtype they remain viable for at least 4 years. Original culture can brahionusa receive introducing a small amount of resting eggs (3-5 mg) in a glass of water 50 ml, containing at 24-26 C. The period of egg development for about 3-4 days. The day before hatching of juveniles, to ensure food needs, the glasses have made the culture of Chlorella, the rate of 2.0-2.5 mln.kl. / ml. After the appearance of juveniles initially seated in the small blood vessels (100-150 ml) and with increasing numbers of culture depending on the needs were transferred to larger capacity.

Want Language

What grades did you get in school in a foreign language? It is better not to remember? And as was the case in the institute? Indeed, it is good that some things in the past. For example, such as evaluation of someone your English or another foreign language. Rather, this evaluation is now, if you're in the process of life takes a job in a foreign company or surrender of any tests. Even when you travel, the local population is quite can discuss your accent whispering while you order coffee, or ask how to get to the library. However, all is not so terrible – so we teach the language to use them in appropriate situations and not worry about who and what We think. And here in the U.S. city of Dallas is not so long ago the incident occurred, which was almost turned into a public scandal.

Some woman was fined on the street for … that she did not speak in English! Cop first stopped her car because she made a prohibited turn. For some time he was studying her papers, and then started asking questions and discovered that she does not speak in English. It turned out that the woman had recently arrived from a east of the country and not really had time to learn the language. Diligent police, not taking into account its circumstances, sent her a card penalty for not knowing English! Later it turned out that a police officer in addition to being overdone, and yet no law.

The U.S. does have a law prohibiting individuals who do not speak English, drive a car – but only cargo! More concerned taxi drivers, who by law must know the official language of the country, but not common people! As a result, police were accused on several counts, including the racism against immigrant women. All ended well, the incident deemed accidental, but Police and his colleagues were sent to courses to repeat the law. Therefore, if you were going to go to the U.S. and take a ride on a rented car, but not yet speak English, do not worry, no you will not be arrested. However, this is not a reason not learn the language. You're not just going to ride in a car in the U.S.? And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Want to practice the conjugation of verbs studied your language? Then go here! Language Resource – English. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

Message Text

On the other hand, simultaneous translation is required create the translation together with the receipt for the translator of the original text, so the translator seeks to begin the transition as soon as he received the information within the meaning of the group. Here, the value of a unit process transfer is determined by a segment of speech, have a relatively independent meaning, and allows the interpreter to choose the structure of a sentence in the translation. In simultaneous interpreting is often the minimum unit translation process is a whole utterance, especially if at the end of its elements are essential to understanding the message. Consequently, the actions of the interpreter is always possible to find two interrelated stages of the translation process, different nature of speech acts. The first stage of the interpreter are associated with extracting information from the original (clarification of the meaning). At this stage translator receives the information contained both in the translated segment of the original, and in the linguistic and situational context, and based on this information, make any necessary conclusions about the content, which he will play in the next step. The second – the entire procedure of choice in taking the necessary means of language when creating text translation. In the first stage of the translation act translator acts as a receptor of the text original. In a sense, an understanding of the original translator differs from the understanding of the same text receptors perceiving it without the intention to transfer.

State Education

On this Menegolla (2005, P. 10) it concludes saying: In this manner the professors start to perceive that the planejamentos requested they do not pass of bureaucratic requirements or defenses of certain pedagogical modismos. Such procedure, in accordance with the perception of the professors, would result in the pedagogical envaidecimento of certain sectors of the school. The planning must be instrument of organization of the pedagogical-administrative work for all the sectors of the school, therefore together they are imbudos in one same objective that is to prepare man to construct its to live well. Leaving of this transforming vision of planning it is defended idea only not to depend on the action of the professor, but of a collective work inside of the school, especially a critical conscience on the part of the management and coordination of the school that must be involved in all the educational process. The Pertaining to school Controller must know and know to use theories, principles, concepts and methods of organization, planning and organizacional change.

He must understand and know to explain the relation between general educational objectives with the Lines of direction of the National and State Education and with the Proposal Pedagogical of the School. He must know still to set in motion the mechanisms that take the school to reach the objectives. In this direction, it is important to place that the planning, when taken the serious one and with dynamism, provides changes of a real situation. Menegolla (2005, P. 27) says: ' ' The planning cannot be limited for an individualistic vision, that it looks to conform the human being to a system of restricted vises, without its basic necessities are satisfeitas' '. It contributes when the bureaucratic work of the school defends the fact of the supervisors not to be able to limit it, they are organizadores of this didactic and pedagogical action, together with the professors, and are co-responsible for the process to excite, in the professors, the taste in planning the pedagogical work, since they are them actors who work directly with the professors and search an education more democratic.


I, the undersigned, being of sound mind and clear memory of the day I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life for themselves. I am a person who loves to live. Therefore, I seek not just to survive but to live with dignity, full advantage of all the good things of life. But I realize that nothing is taken for granted, simply because what I want, so I strive to be successful in every area of your life. As a reasonable person, I understand that there is a law Cause and Effect, whereby in every phenomenon there gave birth to his cause.

And that reason is not visible or obvious, does not mean that it is not. What I got and I'm now in my life, also has a cause. AND reason for this – my choice. Every day, every hour, every minute I make a choice. Small or big. Significant or not. Pleasant or unpleasant.

Consciously or subconsciously. To act or not. And even the decision not to do choice – a choice too. And this whole series of elections in the amount of brings me closer to success or alienated from it. I understand that in whatever way I did not choose, consciously or unconsciously, under pressure or not, I'm doing it, because I want and I think most beneficial to themselves and, therefore, only I am responsible for what happens to me in life. The choice made by me in yesterday, gives the result today. The choices that I made today, will result tomorrow. That is why from today I start to make informed choices. I pledge to make decisions that bring me to success, rather than alienate him. As of today I do choice myself, but do not let yourself do it for someone another. After all, I understand that if I follow the choices made for me, it's just my choice. From now on, I choose to take responsibility for their lives for themselves. I promise not to shift responsibility to others State laws, circumstances, destiny, because it is unproductive and does not lead me to success. As of today I do choice to live life with joy and pleasure. Because we realize that to be a bleak, miserable and unsuccessful, it is also my choice, but I do not want. From now on, I choose to tell people about principle of responsibility. Because we realize that the more people become responsible for their own lives, the more harmonious environment I live, and it helps me even more success.

Course Work

Course work for a couple of test stands with the final stage of passing students of any discipline and results in some research that enriches the theoretical knowledge and practical skills student. It will show the level of theoretical and practical training of students in this science-based self-study and synthesis of the literature and practical experience. The text of the work shows the ability of Developer critically describe the theoretical principles and current practice, the ability to draw their own conclusions and reasonable proposals to improve the analytical process. The value of the work boils down to that during her student writing establishes and applies this knowledge on the subject, and improves the skills required of independent research. Development of the course work is the final verification specialist training to work independently, in addition the most important form and method of improving the skills of independent work of students in the final phase of training.

Objective – to identify the class theoretical and practical training the student, asking him to prepare his own practical and research work in this profession at present. Student work should be written by him, contain a description of different perspectives on the topic and the necessary formulation of meaningful recommendations. Results of performance and job security is largely predetermined by the receiving threads. At determining the topic the student should be guided by their skills, themes previously written essays, research papers, just not important enough writing experience in other disciplines, based on the content specialized literature on the subject. Just in the selection of title of the topic to get into a site with free lectures, such as abstract Download set-off or any other, where there is a similar free term papers, and select a theme finished course or lecture. Then a student, a little fix it immediately able to write and defend its a good score. Information made from course work describes the ability to critically describe the student theoretical concepts and current practice, the ability to make correct conclusions and reasonable proposals to improve the analytical process.

Free Species

On intraspecific competition as the driving force of evolution we can speak only in the event that the relationship of individuals within a population of birth to your own – intraspecific – natural selection. But in this case unit of selection is not individual, and population. Population of the highest quality to compete with other populations, increasing their number of individuals and creating new high-quality population, in the final finally, after some number of generations, the ecological niche of replacing all of its competitors. And if individuals of this population in the evolutionary process undergone significant morphological changes, comes a new kind of animals. Perhaps the evolution of the animal world is mainly done by denying the same species born again kind of negated. The divergence of species, probably occurs much less frequently when filling the free ecological niches.

Extremely simplified manifold interactions of animals with their environment, we can say that the kind of predator and prey species, form a system of dialectical unity of opposites. The emergence and resolution internal dialectical contradictions of the system will look like in the form of antiphase oscillations relative to each other quantitative and qualitative levels of these species. For example, the minimum level of quantitative predator species with the highest level in this period, its quality is the maximum level of quantitative form of the victim with a minimum during this period the level of quality. The maximum level of quality in the kind of predator this period is determined not only by the presence in him a certain amount of vysokouniversalnyh populations, but populations which, together with highly versatile features purchased, giving them some new benefits Suppression of populations of victims, the symptoms, the set which creates a kind of excess levels of quality, the predator species over the quality level of the victim.


' ' For this optics, it is perceivable to understand the education as complex phenomenon that, as practical social, is carried through by and with human beings, but modified by the action and relation of the involved citizens, professor and pupil. this points in them with respect to a distanciamento of the understanding of the didactics, originally sight inside of the normative scope, as 2 considered Comnio i, under the prism of the lapsing of methods and technique to teach that, still today, it appears arraigada in the mind of many professors. In this direction, if in it designates a ressignificao to them of the didactics, the one that brings for the bulge of the quarrel the practical professor as base for the constitution of new knowing in didactics. Still according to related author, they are the demands of the practical ones that they go to give the configuration knowing of them above designated, a time that education occurs in specific social contexts, as the lessons, the schools, the systems of education and, in this case ' ' the task of the Didactics is to understand the functioning of education in situation, its social functions, its structural implications; to carry through an auto-reflexiva action as component of the phenomenon that studies, because it is integrant part of the tram of teaching (and not a external perspective that it analyzes and it considers practical to teach); to set in relation and dialogue with other fields of constructed knowledge and in construction, a perspective mlti and to interdisciplinar, because education if does not decide with an only look; to proceed the constant critical rockings from the knowledge produced in its field (the techniques, the methods, the theories), stops of it if to appropriate, and to create new ahead of the new necessities that the situations to teach produzem.' ' (ANASTASIOU, 2002, p.49) If on the other hand this prism presented for the author in them extends the direction of the didactics that, distanciando itself of the false one idea to have as north ' ' valid creation of techniques and methods that can be applied to any situation of ensino' ' (Idem, ibidem, P.) on the other hand it approaches in them to the understanding of that the actions that the activity to teach demands to know on the basis of them accumulated its true object of study consists.

Physical Education

The lessons must provide to the pupil the learning by means of the reflexiva abstraction, that is, must be given it chance to it for anger beyond practical intelligence on and by means of this content, considering it as a knowledge socially constructed and historically contextualizado. Therefore, so that the objectives of the lessons are reached it is necessary that the children are defied to solve problems or to face situations that need forms to think different of those used ones until then. A significant learning demands, beyond the interlocution and of the experimentation of the movement of the body in the space and the use of the mental structures to relate the received stimulatons forming clear concepts. Thus being, for Delore (2000), since infancy the necessary human being to know and to acquire learning to know, to learn to make, to learn to live together and to learn to be. Currently, the area of the Physical Education evolved in such a way that it encloses multiples knowledge produced and usufructed for the society in general related to the body and of the movement. Between them, if they consider basic the cultural activities of movement with leisure purposes, expression of feelings, affection and emotions, and still with possibilities of maintenance, promotion and recovery of the health. Kunz (2001), also believes that Physical education must develop the Social Function and Politics, and affirms that it is inherent to all its pedagogical action, and that through this action, its practical especificidade could be transformed into desirable pedagogical tasks. In such a way the relation between body and movement inside of the pertaining to school context makes possible to the pupils the development of the capacities and motor abilities in order to inside assist the construction of diverse knowledge of the process of human development. The sport and the games ahead of the proposal curricular of the So Paulo project make school.