North American

Recognized as first the scholar to use methods systemize for the education of deficient, it was certain of that the intelligence of its pupil was educvel, from an idiocy diagnosis that had received. Another important representative of this time was also the doctor Edward Seguin (1812-1880), that, influenced for Itard, she created the physiological method of training, that consisted of stimulating the brain by means of physical and sensorial activities. Seguin was not worried only about the theoretical studies on the idiocy concept and development of an educational method, it also was dedicated to the development of services, establishing in 1837, a school stops ' ' idiotas' ' (as they were called), and still she was the first president of an organization of professionals, that currently is known as American Association on Retardamento Mental (AAMR). Montessori Maria (1870-1956) was another important educator who contributed for the evolution of the special education. Also influenced for Itard, she developed a program of training for mental deficient children, based in the systematic use and concrete object manipulation. Its techniques for the education of deficient mental had been tried in some countries of the Europe and Asia.

The methodologies developed for these three scholars, during almost all century XIX, had been used to teach to the called people ' ' idiotas' ' that they met in institutions. All these attempts of educabilidade were carried through in view of the cure or elimination of the deficiency through the education. a) THE SPECIAL EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: Some researchers already had evidenced that to describe deficient history of the Special Education for mental in Brazil is not a simple task (BLACKSMITH, 1989; EDLER, 1993; MENDES, 1995), a time that we do not find in available literature studies systemize on the subject. When we direct our look for the history of the Special Education in Brazil, verify that the evolution of special the educational attendance will go to occur with different characteristics of those observed in the European and North American countries.

The Reality

Of the one not to relegate influence of the technologies they are which will be in the current context. I believe that the school lost and is losing much time really to insert the TICs in its projects, especially projects interdisciplinares. It is advancing, but it is an advance that happens the slow steps, when in the truth would have to be the gallop, therefore the school is losing the social race. It is lived in the digital age, then it is impracticable that still if it uses only material printed matter, chalk picture, poster, scrap iron. The necessary school to innovate, the necessary professor to dare, the technologies of the information and the communication must be inserted in the pertaining to school context more fast possible, but it is a pushing and shoving game, the government does not invest in the maintenance of the technological devices, in the qualification of the professional in this aspect. The direction of the school does not locate so that the thing happens and the professor if it accomodates ahead of the situation. When the professor to perceive that working with the technologies its work he will have a result more satisfactory, it goes to charge of the direction a position, this goes to charge of the government that it in such a way invests in the improvement of the conditions of production of the knowledge for the professor how much for the pupil.

The proper professor goes to charge of itself a new position, goes to assume the commitment of if involving of head in this new reality in order to extend its knowledge concerning the subject and of as to use these tools in its lessons, the productions of the pupils, and goes to feel the necessities in accordance with to create projects to the reality of this particular universe. In this new context it leaves gaining the pupil because a citizen of ciberespao will become, the professor who goes to feel more pleasure in carrying through its work, because this will become more attractive, more productive, and it more it will be valued by the pupil and for the parents, it leaves gaining the managers who had had the capacity to dare and summer that the school that they are managing goes to form prepared citizens full to live in this new society and goes to gain the society because it goes to receive the young one prepared virtually to work in diverse sectors, this not because it goes to know to handle a computer, but also because it more will be informed, more clarified, more conscientious of its rights and its duties, goes to produce the proper knowledge and the professor will not be plus that detainer of the knowledge, but yes the mediator of the process, and the pupil goes to learn to learn the educator together with and educating really go to be if preparing to live in this technological society that if it transforms to each day thanks to the scientific advance and that is and runs the wide steps there, or better, fly.

Educational Orientation

Eliane Brito de Lima FURNE-UNIP/PMCG SUMMARY the related work presents a bibliographical study carried through in Disciplina ‘ ‘ Educational orientation in the Bsica’ Education; ‘ , integrant of the Course of Specialization in Orientation and Pertaining to school Supervision, of the University Foundation of Support to Ensino, Research and Extension FURNE, when we search to investigate the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education. We define as objective of our study: To reflect on the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education, evidencing its contributions to the process teach-learning. Our theoretical referencial is based on Schmidt Pear tree (1975), Nrici (1976), Ferretti (1988), Lck (1986, 1994), Grinspun (2003) and Libneo; Oliveira and Toshi (2007) that in them they had better presented theoretical subsidies for one and ampler understanding of the subject. We focus in this work referring aspects to the origin of the Educational Orientation, its concepts, principles, objectives and functions, beyond the relationship of the OE with the different segments of the school. We detach the importance of the Educational Orientation in the mediation of the process teach-learning, evidencing the necessity of action integrated of the OE, adopting a dialgica relation with all the pertaining to school team, in favor of one better performance of the educandos. In this direction, we recognize the importance of the planning for Educational Orientation, aiming at to the elaboration of performance projects that take care of to the necessities appeared in each reality. Finally, we emphasize the main challenges and possibilities of the Educational Orientation in the present time, presenting itself as work field each more complex time in our society.

Foreign Language

Men who are creative, inventive, finders. The second goal of the education is to form minds that are in conditions to criticize, to verify and not to accept everything that they if prope.’ ‘ (Jean Piaget) Hodiernamente the absence of motivation for the learning of the English as Foreign Language has been one of the responsible factors for educational failure. We can observe a constant insatisfao of the professors and the pupils in frequenting the schools. According to Cristvo and Gamero (2009), the professor who leciona children necessary to work motivacionais factors that can contribute for a process that involve discovered, interaction and challenge. According to Freire (1996 P.

32), ‘ ‘ it would not have creativity without the curiosity that moves in them and that it puts in them patiently impatient ahead of the world that we did not make, adding to it something that fazemos’ ‘. Therefore it is of utmost importance to provoke reflections in the more current, different pedagogical professors how much to the application of practical, such as the playful activities, as a form of contribution for an education, dynamic, pleasant and more efficient, as much for the pupil, how much for the professor. Juy (2004) salient that the educative games are excellent chances of mediation between the pleasure and the knowledge. Other important aspects, inherent they, are the stimulaton and the aiding of learning through the interaction between pupils and professors. Importance of interactions in classroom is noticed it, mainly, when the apprenticees are children. The focus of attention of the children is fast. According to Rock (2009), Brown (2001) mentions that the difference between the adult apprentice and the child falls again in the focus of attention of both.