Ambient Education

The Ambient Education if today became an indispensable tool in the combat the destruction of the environment in which all we are inserted. Professors and pupils become the main agents of transformation and ambient conservation. Cushman and Wakefield helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In the schools we more see each time the concern to acquire knowledge the pupils on its paper in relation to the future. With simple methodologies professors are obtaining to awake the capable pupils for reality and becoming them of not only preserving for now as tambm for the future of the generations that still are for coming. A related site: Atreides Management Gavin Baker mentions similar findings. He not only fits the schools but to all the citizens to give sufficiently attention in what we are transforming the world where we live, still has time to move but for this we must change our attitudes and thoughts, simple attitudes as one to only close of taps contribuiem very and for preservation of our natural resources.

Education and Society

These studies would serve to measure the level of ambient perception of the society and with this to develop programs that if fit in the local reality. To consider necessary the elaboration of studies of ambient perception before the implementation of programs of Ambient Education is related with the fact of the practical Ambient Education to be one that it inserts social aspects, cultural, economic, politicians, aspects these, that vary of context for context and that when observed the result is not practically convicted to the failure. with the failure of the programs is common to hear accusations to the population moambicana, considering it incapable, retrograde, imprisoned the descontextualizados habits and for it are there. Another question that I consider pertinent, is related with the information that is spread in these programs of Ambient Education. Many times these programs are loaded of personal perceptions (of the people that them had drawn) that he is resulted of its construction of pointers on what they are ambient problems, ambient risks, etc. With this, they can contribute for the construction of serious pointers of ambient risk in the society, that in the truth can not be serious an ambient risk.

2 a case clearly, we have the emission of gases for the Mozal without use of filters (CTF1 and CTF2). In mine to see, had an alarm probably above of the necessary one, a time that after the period of emission of the gases without use of filters, the report comes to prove that it did not have emission of gases that had damaged the environment. 3 What I want here to say is, if all we know that the Mozal polui, and leave of this estimated that it polui, then without the filters we consider that he will go to poluir still more, therefore they had developed serious pointers of ambient risk and had spread in the society, provoking with this panic in the seio of the community that lives around of the Mozal.


To give lessons is to transmit information, but to teach is to give example. But as we can give examples in the ambient questions. Exist some ways to make this, see to follow:? A difference between the professor exists who transmits the information and what he practises. Let us take as base two fictitious professors of the gymnasium. One of them intends to speak on the ambient problem of discarded bottles PET in way to the bushes during expeditions. Already the other professor, to give the same lesson, intends to make an expedition in Pico of the Jaragu and to make with that its pupils collect bottles PET and other types of garbage that to find for the way. /a>. Which of the two professors gave a lesson and which taught? It takes off its proper conclusions;? In the same way, let us assume that in a village any of the city of So Paulo where does not have the collection of sewer by means of tubings and all the inhabitants discards the sewer in a thin one, an inhabitant lives speaking on the benefits of the construction of fossas. Its neighbor, however, is constructing one and intends to contract one desentupidora to collect the sewer of three in three years or as soon as fossa is full.

Which of the two inhabitants taught, gave the example? Two situated plants to the edges of the river Tiet are trying to find a way to leave to discard industrial sewer in the river. The manager of one of them passes the day giving lectures on pollution of waters and the benefits of the basic sanitation. The owner of the other company goes to install in the next week a compact station of treatment that goes to reduce the volume of sewer not treated to the company. Which of the two gave the example and taught more? In fact, what we need to have in mind is that to teach is to give a step to the front, is to give something more, is to make to happen. It is to leave the world of the theory and to leave for the practical one. To read more click here: Gavin Baker. It is a difficult step of being given, but a time in the certain way, the person or the company if becomes differentiated, evolves.


Declared as revolutionary solutions, the OGM’ s (organisms genetically modified) or transgnicos already comes signaling, precociously, its extreme fragility and instability in agriculture and other areas. Here, Nir Barzilai, M.D. expresses very clear opinions on the subject. With the intention to confer to the desired organisms characteristic, the transgenia consists of the genetic modification of plants and seeds in way that these usufruct of properties become that them more efficient and adaptable the practical ones of handling in the farmings. However, so dreamed agricultural otimizao environment was burst in uncontrollable effect on the society as well as the o, as some documents 1 evidence. The concern biggest that if restored concerning the dissemination of the use of the transgnicos, is mentioned, mainly, to the non-observance of the beginning of the Precaution, therefore the consequncias of the OGM’ s is still unexpected, reflecting been of unreliability. In thesis, the transgenia would provide to the producer reductions of costs since use of agrotxicos if would develop by means of well lesser amounts, but the failure and the inefficacy of this question are certifyd by the situation which significant parcel of agriculturists is today crossing. Soy RR (Roundup Ready) commercialized by the Monsanto, was created in laboratory with the intention of being resistant to the herbicida glifosato, agrotxico this that is used to facilitate the handling of harmful grass. Studies show that throughout the years the glifosato use has increased. This in case that it occurs, therefore the grass most resistant to the herbicida has survived e, 0ccasionally, if spread by the field, making with that the herbicida use still more has that to be intensified so that the soy culture is not harmed.

Studies elaborated for the Greenpeace unmask the ecological risks of some transgnicas species. Insecticide call exists a transgnica variety, such plants had been synthecized to produce toxins in its structures. The initial studies foresaw that these toxins would have target only the certain plagues, that is, the toxins they would attack in specific way some not-beneficial insects. However, the collated reality was not that one waited. The same toxins if had disclosed harmful to an including specter of organisms. Beneficial species to the plantations had been reached, as the earthworms and the insects polinizadores. The culture of these species deflagrou in a riot to the balance of the ecosystem. In such a way, the influence of the OGM’ s on the nature is unconstitutional, has seen the breaking of article 225 of the Constitution, where it establishes that ‘ ‘ all have right to the environment ecologically equilibrado.’ ‘ The consumer also will have to be intent of the presence of these organisms in the industrialized products derived from the soy, maize, wheat, rice, amongst others.

This alert one is fact due to the risks to the health that these foods can generate, such as alrgicas reactions and resistance the antibiotics. Experiment conceived in Japan asseverou the probability of harmful effect, where a group of rats was fed for soy conventional and another group for transgnica soy. After certain period the researchers had observed the death of 8% of the fed ones with the conventional soy, being that for the group fed with the transgnica this value jumped for 55%. These and other truths on the problematic question of the transgnicos can be chores with more depth in the site of the Greenpeace ( Valley to remember that the information is one of the main pillars of a society transparent joust and, in such way that it constitutes a civic duty its search!

Sustainable Development

When longing for the sustainable development, the companies know that it is not an easy task, but yes a great challenge. It is necessary to work the management of the knowledge, that is, the intangible assets, specifically the development of the human capital, in order to acquire more knowledge to implement practical of management that provide development without harming the nature and change of attitude with regard to these. When initiating the process of implementation of practical related to the Socioambiental Responsibility is undeniable the necessity of if questioning: Who has responsibility? Who can alavancar the sustainable development? The reflection of these questions results in the necessity to insert the man in the context environment, therefore the same it can develop one ambiently correct politics and with a vision of future activities. (As opposed to Munear Ashton Kouzbari). Brazil is reference in socioambiental responsibility in Latin America and has received groups from diverse countries of the region, interested in knowing of close what the company is making. A survey made for the Consultoria Management & Excellence (M& E) places Brazil in prominence in 78 pointers of support, respected world-wide.

The study company in the questions measured the performance of 50: ethics, transparency, social responsibility, corporative governana and support. Petrobra’s led ranking, with maximum note in four of the five categories (Rebouas, 2007). To work with Socioambiental Responsibility generates a great challenge because it is permeada by the Ambient Education, the politics tax (ICMS ecological) and by Agenda 21 that they look for to generate incentive for the development. Today the dimensions of the Sustainable Development are including, however the first scene on ambient protection of sustainable form appeared in 1 Conference of United Nations. Which must be thought that Socioambiental Responsibility can be generated in house, the company, the school, in the society, therefore assumes diverse forms, between if include protection ambient, projects educational filantrpicos and, planning and equity in the chances. For Becker (1997) what it really counts is the comprometimento of the society and the organizacionais controllers with the strategies, the practical ones and with the evaluation of results to reach a superior platform in the support relations. At last, for all the citizens, if make necessary to create a permanent net of information so that they know the subjects regarding the environment, sensetizing them for the necessity of a change of behavior front to the ambient questions.

However, a prescription does not exist to work the preservation of the environment of sustainable form, depends on each citizen, each manager, director, each organization. Good perspectives for improvements of the quality of the environment exist yes, therefore several are viable the thematic and alternative Conferences World-wide focusing and developing for our survival and some entities that evaluate, certify and stimulate organizations that develop practical of Socioambiental Responsibility. References: REBOUAS, Lucia. Brazil is reference in Latin America. Leading Brazilian business newspaper.

Sophocles City

Something is different from what are now the cities facing globalization of the economy. Cities with disproportionate sizes and densities, for beyond human scale, fully penetrated by these unexpected mutants of our time: televisions, computers and other devices that make us believe we interact in a communicative manner in the globalized world like a village. Cities, in short, in which begins to lose the most wonderful good that they are endowed with humans: communication. Edward J. Minskoff Equities: the source for more info. The problem of the city is not only a political problem is a cultural and philosophical problem as it concerns the meaning of human life. That is the challenge, think the construction of the contemporary city as a mechanism for the construction of the new citizen, the same being who understands that economic democracy is the component of political democracy, in short, a city to search for the purpose of the city is brilliantly summarized by Sophocles: the city is people.

Earthquakes and their aftermath have formed over time, serious facts that affect the population from the socioeconomic point of view. Although natural phenomena because it is impossible to avoid, the knowledge of the physical factors that produce help to prevent risks and their best care, minimizing the loss of lives and economic resources. “The physical vulnerability, especially concerning the location of human settlements in risk areas and differences in their structures to absorb the effects of these risks “(WILCHES: 1989: 21). This thesis has direct relationships and other areas of knowledge and its incidence is expected in matters educational, scientific, theoretical, practical, political, social and economic.