Unit Investment Fund

Well Finally, you'll spend much more time (though you can always take advantage of state-owned blocks, so that you have and reduce the risks). The third way – investing in precious metals and stones. Income in the case of buying the physical metal you can not get at all. And still pay 18% income tax (when he was finally canceled!) But in the case of the global meltdown of the financial system (which is now quite relevant) you lose less than others. And, of course, investing in jewelry allows you to wear them.

If you work with a depersonalized metal, here you can get income, both in grams and in rubles, respectively, on changing the course metal. All the benefits when working with this account can be seen here:. But remember: this type of bank deposits are not insured. RBH Group wanted to know more. In the case of bank failure you lose everything. The fourth method, which opens before you – is to use their money to buy luxury items. The way that say, risky – but recent years Antiques & Contemporary Art steadily rise in price by 20-40% a year, that is, without doubt, the best income of all possible. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Catherine Dior. Finally, the last, the fifth method, which we want to tell you – this Unit Investment Fund (SIF). Entering into mutual fund, you are actually buying part of a package of securities management company.

Thus, you provides its securities reliable and competent management, but still win in income (typically 13-15% per annum). Incidentally, an analog of the mutual fund you can arrange themselves. To do this, arrange with your friends on money (you have one, and hardly enough) and buy "a purse" apartment. Real estate becomes more expensive for at least 8% a year, has about as much you can get by renting it out. By the same author: Shimmie Horn. Total 16% – quite competitive figure. Although now this method is not relevant. Many analysts are predicting a fall in prices on the market "overheated" real estate. And after the local rate, the demand for rental housing starts to fall, respectively, and rental prices will go down. Here, perhaps, all the basic ways for capital allocation, with a low risk of loss. If you spend a little time to manage their already placed, asset management, I am sure, will be able to increase the annual interest earned from any the above kinds of investments. But the need to manage assets on a daily basis. Once a month or a year to come and pick up the interest, or rather what remained of the lessons for you as for me, is a luxury. Investing is not tolerate the absence of the owner. On investments in medium to high risk you can read and ask questions here:. But this method of investment is suitable only for those who are ready to assume full responsibility for the management, preservation and increase of their own money. Remember: Do not negros to blame, nor the government, is, and once such things, and do not hit the road admin, and you and only you, because time is not taken the right decision.

Social Requirements

What is it? The professional construction card (TPC), is a certification for workers in the construction Sector. This card certifies that worker holder she is trained to develop their professional work within marked by the General Convention of the construction. The only entity capable of granting such certification is the Fundacion Laboral de la construccion (FLC) and is valid for 5 years (renewable). All those workers who belong to the construction agreement, must be in possession of this card, including administrative staff, managers, executives, middle managers. At Robin Ruzan you will find additional information. To enlist in Social Security to any worker in this sector is necessary to present a copy of this card. It shall enter into force as of January 1, 2012, and its use, will be compulsory to today is simply demanded by the companies of the sector. How can I get the TPC? To obtain the card construction professional, there are two types of requirements that the worker must demonstrate academic requirements and job requirements. The worker, for obtaining the card must demonstrate academic requirements through supporting certificates, issued by an approved entity for granting them, as it is the case of normative training services (approval No.: 0312080412.) The training must be accredited is one of the following: primary classroom. Recently Daryl Katz sought to clarify these questions.

On-site training from 8-hour offices. On-site training from 10 to 20 contact hours, which dispatched a common module and a part specifies for each trade. Basic course of 60 hours. 20 hours must be face-to-face and the 40 remaining at a distance in terms of work requirements, the applicant must demonstrate that it is discharged in Social security or temporary disability in the construction Sector and in the case of unemployed, having been commissioned in Social Security at least 30 days in a period of 12 months. To read more click here: us dollar. Validations to the time of obtaining of the TPC, applicants with training in prevention of occupational risks, top level, intermediate and basic may validate their qualification to obtain the card. -Level training of upper – level intermediate – health and safety coordinator training – training basic level training (50 retrieved hours before the end of 2008 and 60 retrieved hours before the end of 2009) all of them may validate his training for the obtaining of the TPC, although for trades, they will have to study the specific of each part equally.

Panama Services

Currently, high-demand services to assist in the registration and purchasing companies in the offshore (offshore) – registration of offshore companies. Brings substantial benefits to business development in such low-tax jurisdictions of the world, like Anguilla, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Jersey, Cayman Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Panama, Seychelles, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia. Incentives in such countries and regions often consist in the complete absence of taxes or minimize them – usually no more than 10% of net profits. Offshore Company – one of the most effective and practical ways of optimizing taxation. Incorporate a company easier and more profitable than open a representative office abroad. In this case, offshore eliminates payment of income tax and significantly reduce the interest on the social and Income Taxes. Offshore companies are acting as financial centers, making the investment policy of the company more flexible and secure. Most international law firms operating in Moscow legal services market, offering a range of services for registration of companies in dozens of countries. You can start your business in one of the states of Europe, America and Asia, including in offshore zones. Depending on the needs Customer may purchase them "ready" foreign companies and companies with a "history" – registered companies that were not previously doing business. To this end, the company may be involved in such industries such as real estate development, finance, investment, trade, etc. in several European countries and offshore. Maintenance and management of foreign business include accounting, auditing and financial reporting, asset asset management, the provision of professional directors of eu citizens and corporate secretaries. The package of services for registration of companies includes interaction with government agencies, registration of trademarks Marks and operations within the international corporate (procedural) law: the reorganization and liquidation of companies, bankruptcy and so on.