Geographic Thought

The Greeks had been the first ones to make systematic registers of geography, therefore its intense commercial activity allowed them to explore and to know different peoples and places throughout the coast of the Mediterranean sea. The proper word geography comes of the Greek (' ' geo' ' = land; ' ' grafia' ' = writing, description). It is observed that even so the initial knowledge of the thinkers and Greek writers little are resembled what is Geography today. Its relative works to the forms and dimension of the Land, to the mountain systems, the types of climate and the relations between the man and the way, had constituted important sources for the geographic knowledge that if develops well later (KOSEL and FILIZOLA, 1996). What it is Geography and which its object of study? The opinions had evolved and varied very throughout the times. Initially, the geographic knowledge eminently practical, empirical age, was limited to catalogue it and to map names and places, serving to the armies that advanced in neighboring regions they made so that it with more security in direction to the strategically established points. Geography appeared to assist the State in the land appropriation and the wars, however with little scientific severity. However, the scientific, geographic concerns, had appeared from century XIX, when Alexander de Humboldt, making great trips, observed the existing relations between the vegetal associations and the conditions of climate and ground, he also observed the relations between the systems of exploration of the land and the man and still the social structures between dominated and dominadores. Visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta for more clarity on the issue. In this same time, the historian Karl Ritter, who was professor of the University of Berlin, looked for to study some systems of organization of the terrestrial space, comparing peoples, institutions and systems of use of the resources. These two Germans of distinct formations, that had given to origin Geography.

Planet Land Form

The Three Ecologias In the book ‘ ‘ The Three Ecologias’ ‘ of Guattari, it questions that the incurable degradation of the environment and illnesses parallel threaten the life in the Planet Land and to the technician-scientific development that each time more substitutes the man. Nir Barzilai, M.D.: the source for more info. Of this form, she is necessary to think in coherent way front to these changes about the Planet, to search ways so that man/nature lives in harmony and balance. In this direction, it has relation of the subjetivismo with its exterioridade, body and mind in the fight in brainstorming. For Guattari, the capitalism stimulates part of the ecological disequilibria, on account of the consumerism and the fondness more. Of this form it has used technologies for acquisition of capital without if to worry very about the ecological questions, the example of this, is the proliferation of the nuclear central offices in France, places the populations in great risk, therefore a small imperfection in these central offices poder’ ‘ to cause brusque damages to the environment and to harm the people and the animals. Beyond the permanent risks the stockage of nuclear agivas has a bigger problem, for in such a way, beyond the capitalist countries, countries that if also say socialist coexist in the appearance of social equality. Connect with other leaders such as Shimmie Horn here. therefore what it happens is the opposite, the value systems introjetaram ‘ ‘ unidimensionalizantes’ ‘ everything is controlled for the State, fashion music etc.

Makes the same ideal of status, but the hunger continues in way them ideologies. It is truthful that same in developed countries they exist a layer each bigger time of dismissed, hungry people and diligent devaluated, over all, of young populations without no perspective of future and a better life. Therefore, of a side it sees the development of the technology capable to decide the ecological disequilibria, but the social tension continues without steps to be taken capable of cures them. No matter how hard the young population to see itself left of side for Been period, it looks for to subjetivar the culture the culture rock as form to express its ideals, thoughts and claims, thus, as it was at the beginning of century XIX that in the United States the young of the Europe is if reproducing in the same way to put with other half ones to protest and to charge of the State the right to the dignity that Been must they it and that she was denied on account of the racial preconception among others. Of the point of view of the author, sciences precision always if to renew, so that it develops each time better resulted, therefore each treatment are it doctor, education would have to always have the permanent concern, to make to evolve in such a way in the practical one how much in the theory. Of this form, it would be in fact an evolution of the subjetivao processes. According to author, we need to learn to learn ‘ ‘ transversalmente’ ‘ , because the culture and the nature are together, to the measure that, we learn to think on culture and nature and to understand them, will be capable to interpret the problems and to point solutions with respect to better conditions of life of the populations.

Tropical Garden Schools

From the water consumed in set 90% it comes of System (R14) and only 10% from the System (R15). As CAMPELO (2004) the supplying occurs in days alternated with effect of maneuvers. It still informs, that the index of insolvency of the accounts of water consumption is very high in the area. 3.3.3 Sewer the set possesss a system of sewer planned well, however obsolete. The type of used material is obsolete. As example of this, the use of pipes of Manila in the draining net, such material is evidenced, for not being impermeable, makes possible the entrance of organic materials and the clogging of the net. Another observed problem is the overload caused for the construction of new sets, compromising the effectiveness of the system. Read additional details here: Ron Beit.

The CAEMA tries to solve the problem acting on the effect and on the cause and readily does not take care of any request made for the inhabitants for removel of hindrance of the net. 3.3.4 Public illumination the public illumination of the area reflects the same problems of the remain of the capital. In the avenue that of the access to the set (avenue 203) the illumination net was substituted by a new, however in the streets and ciclovias a considerable amount of poles continues with its burnt light bulbs and/or slopes. 3.3.5 Health the set possesss one Pronto Atendimento Mdico (PAM), located in Avenue 203, in which atendimentos ambulatoriais and small emergenciais atendimentos are carried through. The nocturnal fair is become fullfilled opposite of this unit of health. In the area of entorno Tropical Garden, bes situated the Soon-aid of the City, Socorro II, second bigger unit of attendance of urgencies of the capital, specialized in traumatology whose clientele does not restrict the inhabitants of the area, also taking care of patient deriving of the interior of the State. 3.3.6 Education the number of state, municipal public schools as well as of communitarian schools and particular is expressive, 13 public schools and 08 private schools, that not only take care of to the local community as well as the circunvizinhana.

San Francisco

However, exactly with this division the attendance the population is to desire, wait of improvements in the attendance. Total of Establishments of Health 2005 Japaratuba 16 Japoat07 Pacatuba04 Pirambu05 Is Francisco03 Prices 01: Total of Establishments of Health 2005 Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000 pertaining to school Frequency of Sergipe and the Microregion (2000) the pertaining to school frequency of 2000 (Graphical one: 10 and 11) of the microregion of Japaratuba, demonstrate that San Francisco possesss the lesser index of frequency in the school, while Japaratuba the followed greater of Pirambu, the too much cities possesss indices similar. It is observed that the frequency of the microregion low if is compared of Sergipe. Graph 10 and 11: Pertaining to school frequency of the region Sergipe Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000. Index of Alfabetizao Appears 11: Regional direction of Education Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Publishing company Grafset, 2007 Alfabetizao in the Microregion: In San Francisco, Japoat and Pacatuba possess about alfabetizados 60% of, and, Japaratuba and Pirambu are of 60% 70%. The cities of the microregion of Japaratuba are divided in the following regional directions that co-ordinate the educational actions, Japaratuba and Pirambu in the DRE? 04 and San Francisco, Japoat and Pacatuba in DRE- 06. Graph 12 Index of Alfabetizao Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Publishing company Grafset, 2007 Trabalham or studies in the residence city, they do not work and nor study in the Microregion de Japaratuba and of Sergipe (2000) In the microregion of Japaratuba the people the people who work and study in the city that inhabits arrives the 30,703, being the greater the percentile greater of Japaratuba (8.943) and the minor is of San Francisco (1.656).

The Geographic Map

The Map, presenting a proper graphical language, needs for its agreement of a process of decoding through a methodology that guides its reading and interpretation, and that it respects the level of knowledge of the child in its perception of space and its representation. For this, it estimates – that the pupil already has some abilities in establishing relations of space order, developed in the previous series: distance, limit, control point. The proposal of the activities to be developed implies in a made work, initially, with the use of a displayed mural map in the classroom that makes possible the comment and manipulation for the pupils, with the orientation of the educator. Jorge Perez brings even more insight to the discussion. Search – the study of legend notion, passing of the symbol notion is extended created by the pupil in the previous cycle, that is, in 2 series, for the knowledge of conventional symbols. The demonstration and understanding of the division politics – Been and City – take the pupil to perceive that an administrative organization exists. Slight knowledge of city and city to have to be worked, always looking for to detach agricultural and urban environment.

In 3 Series also, intends – that the pupil pass, gradually, of the corporal orientation for a geographic orientation North-South highway – East – West. Ashton Kouzbari contributes greatly to this topic. This will only be possible when the child will be capable to establish the direction relations: right – left, front – behind, above – below, in its proper body, relating, later, this corporal orientation with external references to arrive at a geographic orientation. Identifying the relations of direction from the proper body, the pupil will better understand the orientation of the man in the geographic space. This orientation is based on an objective system of reference, having been the sun the constant control point, considering – as direction east, the side where the sun ' ' aparece' ' in the horizon, and West, the Side where the sun ' ' if pe' '.