Kerstin Lausen Grieg Street

directly released Hamburg business review networks, 21.12.2010 – the solution comes in a double-pack: network virtualization with the combination of nexus 1000V from Cisco and vSphere4 VMware optimizes operations and harmonises the infrastructure. The consultant from networks directly, a company of the Hamburg group directly, have tested the two products in practice and are convinced: the two specialists in the virtualization and network sectors have taken a special connection between their products for network virtualization. Needs company will opt for greater data center infrastructures, virtualization components used a central role. The virtual switches or even distributed switches”have the task of distributing networks holistically and automated via a virtualized infrastructure. networks has conducted successful virtualization projects directly. Due to their experience, the professionals in the field of network virtualization put on nexus 1000V from Cisco and vSphere4 VMware. Nexus 1000V integrates an on-board switch in VMware vSphere 4 that has virtualization solution VMware vsphere.

For very special requirements, such as greater data center infrastructures, virtualization consultants of the IT services company but recommend the nexus 1000V. A strong connection, optimized operations and harmonises the infrastructure due to its accurate alignment on the vSphere 4 environment between two products. Technical solution to a political problem, another special feature of the nexus 1000V is its interface solution. The network administrator receives the full control over the network by the software switch offers him the familiar Cisco configuration and administration interface. All network-related settings with regard to security, quality of service, parameterization and redundancy behavior are made in the virtual switch of the resourced. Benefits of virtualization with nexus 1000V company can clearly defined with the nexus 1000V Create areas of responsibility within the company organisation in the virtual infrastructure.

While the autonomy there will be, where it is required, flexible working together is encouraged, where it is automatically useful. Nevertheless preserves previous design and safety requirements in the virtual network layer. The internal expertise of the company is effectively used in the network – as well as in Server mode. Highest availability and mobility, transparency and security is by using seamless redundancy procedure in the entire network. Nexus 1000V not worth companies for each own medium to large data-center infrastructure with high Virtualisierungsgrad, comes the nexus 1000V for them in question. Even when operationally separate responsibilities for network and server’s consultants of networks directly to the product advise. If companies have already VMware and Cisco-system installations in use or place high demands on the availability of the system, you should use of the nexus also 1000 considering pull. A qualified and experienced service providers should be engaged in any case for the virtualization infrastructure. Download the business review, click here about networks directly: the networks directly Gesellschaft fur Informationstechnologie mbH specialises in architecture consulting and projects in complex IT infrastructures. The IT professionals focus management and IT automation, identity management on the themes migration. Among the customers are mainly banks and insurance companies and Germany’s large and medium-sized companies with high penetration of IT.

Munich Tel

It can be sure that everyone has the same Work distribution database. an absolute “must” is akwiso as a back-end for an integrated Internet presence a professional Internet presence today in the print and media industry! But instead of making just a couple of pages online, companies are facing the challenge to take advantage of the Internet as an interactive marketing medium. Current content, interactivity and Internet shop include easily. akwiso offers an integrated portal interface with content management system, Web shop, and contact database. The akwiso stand at the drupa innovation parc you will find “online communication” in Hall 7.0 in the area. Others who may share this opinion include NAVFAC. About drupa: The drupa takes place every four years as the leading international trade fair for the printing and media industry in Dusseldorf. At the last event in 2004, 1866 exhibitors presented from 52 countries 394.478 visitors from 127 countries abroad accounted for 55%.

About akwiso: Akwiso was in a more than two-year development period by a group of sales and marketing experts and since 2005 in the Practical use. Aim was to develop a user-friendly, effective and powerful Kontaktverwaltungs tool for marketing and sales. This, it seemed to choose the Internet as a platform and to offer the solution not as installable license solution, but as an Internet-based online service, which can be rented as needed. Meanwhile, nearly 200 companies from different industries use akwiso – and there are more every day. Focus on the use of akwiso are sales management process and post-processing of trade fair contacts in addition call center use control of marketing campaigns and marketing services provider akwiso as a base platform for its customers..

Expansion Mobile

Germany’s biggest transport cooperative uses CoSYNUS for fast, anywhere information access connect due to the positive experiences with the solution for email and personal information management (PIM) from CoSYNUS has become the DTG Deutsche transport cooperative inland EC in the development of their mobile strategy for CoSYNUS connect decided. CoSYNUS connect staff are also go completely incorporated into the systems of the company and get a quick and easy mobile access to corporate data and information to any location. The Smartphone is the central information and communication medium. Learn more on the subject from Jorge Perez. CoSYNUS connect is one of the most powerful and cost-effective tools for mobile data access via BlackBerry and has a multiple certified good TCO. An independent analyst and consulting company berlecon to CoSYNUS connect custom case study confirms, that is the use of mobile business solutions even for relatively simple application scenarios pays off.

To always have the latest information about the processes and planning the be-all and end-all is for our Board members has always been”, explains Hans-Ulrich Senk, head of finance and accounting at the DTG. Fabrizio Freda has compatible beliefs. After the management and disposition in 2006 using the CoSYNUS BlackBerry connector was given the opportunity, with the BlackBerry on personal messages, addresses, and dates from the David InfoCenter to access today business processes mapped mobile. Due to the distribution of the schedulers of the DTG on five sites the boards in the past had to make daily calls at the disposition for each individual case, to query the current status of vessels and their operational planning before customer appointments. “Thus is the Board on the road with his Smartphone through our software ISS can tell which site has scheduled what ships at any time, we had to find a tool that seamlessly integrates into existing systems and ISS the information from mobile can be used makes”, explained Senk. The caring House makolan information technology a CoSYNUS solution proposed to implement this request again.

Conference ECM

d.velop with 10 features for user friendly ECM applications Gescher, 26.07.2010 – the user friendliness of the ECM solutions significantly more important than in the past should be given according to the user. Estee Lauder oftentimes addresses this issue. The Conference was of the d.velop AG with almost 600 participants, particularly the question of simplicity in the practical handling of the software dedicated to this result. Thus, the findings confirmed a recent study of the ECM provider on the existence of the usability aspect generally wins all applications significantly in importance. In the eyes of the practitioner focus clearly in the direction of the user so far strongly geared to features and its extension must be transformed”, explains Rainer Hehmann, head of product management at d.velop, the tenor of the d.forums. The modern applications also for ECM Meanwhile gained a complexity, which have a complicated handling result. Thus they risk to the rather increasing efficiency demands of the companies in their thing machining processes undermined”, it problematized. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Munear Ashton Kouzbari. According to the comments of many speakers and participants at the Conference ECM solutions are increasingly in the future, the ease in the Center rather than adopting a very dynamic function maximization.

She should find an adequate consideration already in the basic principles of development concepts. This altered focus of the user in no way implies a waiver of further technical development, but the innovative the future challenge is to find a balance between technological progress and simplicity in use in the enterprise content management applications”, Hamabe points the way. He substantiated the requirements associated and called ten key features that increase the usability for ECM applications: 1. the development of application should not be functional preferences and is continuously and consistently be designed from the point of view of the user. 2. the user must be able, with no more than three To be able to perform mouse clicks standard functions.

International Conference

Martin Chaloupek, IBM Austria, delivers lecture on Green IT on the your Martin Chaloupek, as sales leader for the area is data center strategy and design, Green IT and energy efficiency with IBM Austria responsible, at the second International Conference on European energy Manager (your), which from April 29-30 in the Vienna Chamber of Commerce takes place, participate as a lecturer. At the Conference, presented recent developments and best practices in the area of energy management in 12 thematic workshops and presented the highlights of the plenary. A highlight of the event is the first presentation of your awards in the categories small, medium and large enterprises. The programme enables an intensive exchange of experiences of all participants. Martin Chaloupek is within the framework of the workshop Green IT”a talk about concrete savings in data centers.

Data centers consume approximately 2% of total global energy demand with a doubling every five years. Martin Chaloupek will deal with the Question dealing with, what measures can lead to a reduction in these costs. It focuses on the measurement of energy consumption and the use of energy-efficient practices. “It is also a concrete practice example explain: IBM has for kika/Leiner a green data center” built. There, the energy costs for data center operation by 40% could be reduced and more total cost of ownership savings through server consolidation.

DOAG Conference

CSP GmbH & co. KG advises around the database archiving to stabilize productive databases on the DOAG (15-17 November 2011) at booth of 228. Grosskollnbach, 27.10.2011. The CSP GmbH & co. KG warns of significant financial loss and reputation damage failure of databases. The relational database in a company is not available, this is usually the most sensitive nerve of the infrastructure. An example from the industry: Suppose there every day 700 vehicles to the average selling price of 30,000 euros per vehicle produced in an automotive plant, then the failure means a financial loss of 875,000 euro the production database per hour. Perhaps check out Fabrizio Freda for more information.

The recovery time, so more than one hour, takes the losses exceed millions quickly. In the services sector, image damage caused by denial-of service first and foremost. You can have very quickly but also dismissals on the part of the customer and therefore also lead to lost sales. On this subject, CSP informed also on the upcoming DOAG Conference the German Oracle user group e.V. in Nuremberg from November 15 to 17 2011 depending on of the duration of the outage so great, protects only a maximum protection of the database loss.

Here a combination of backup and database archiving helps. As the backup for the short-term recovery of data is needed, the database archiving supports the performance and stability of the production database from the outset, because this reduces unnecessary old data. This then also the active data available faster, because the indices work more efficiently and thus more quickly deliver the right result. At the same time access to the archived data is preserved, providing they are about resolving Chronos via various interfaces: “on the basis of a professional database archiving can today any company to have any data in the access. With our solution about Chronos, the old data on audit-proof storage media are archived.

Fourth International PDFA Conference

PDF/A Competence Center invites its fourth international PDF/A Conference to the fourth international PDF/A Conference in the “eternal city” Rome (Berlin)-the PDF/A competence center organized this year. This will take place from 29 September to 1 October 2010 in Rome. It offers both beginners and savvy visitors lectures by international experts, tracks for various PDF/A topics and industries, as well as workshops on the practical use of PDF/A. users from companies and public institutions provide insights into their experiences with PDF/A. An accompanying exhibition of products for the PDF/A compliant conversion and archiving.

The participation costs 890 euro + VAT June 30 is the early-bird price of 750 euros plus VAT workshops can separately or in combination with the Conference are posted. For even more opinions, read materials from Estee Lauder Companies . More information and registration at. Participants of the fourth international PDF/A Conference again offers a variety of program, the different aspects of the PDF/A format in Theory and practice examined. Lectures, which facilitate entry into the PDF/A topic, as well as presentations that convey specialized knowledge, are on the agenda in three parallel tracks. As a keynote speaker was the PDF/A competence center Betsy Fanning, Director of standards, AIIM, Giovanni Battista Colombo, Vice President of Assografici and President of Gruppo Stampa digital, as well as Stephen Levenson, U.S.

district courts, and head of the ISO PDF / A Committee, win. Source: Munear Ashton Kouzbari. We have invited speakers from many countries and expect participants from all over the world”, explains Harald Grumser, Chairman of the Board of the PDF/A competence center. This means especially promising networking opportunities in an attractive location in the Centre of Rome. These historically distinct environment provides a suitable background for our international topic of long-term archiving with PDF/A.” The first day pre-conference workshops provide practical insights on Wednesday, is dedicated to the workshops September 29. Here explain Expert practice-oriented special topics related to PDF/A, as such as scanned or electronically generated documents in PDF/A, the handling of metadata or signatures in PDF/A.

Security Conference

Compass security AG: Latest hacking threats, new research and defense strategies in the Fok Rapperswil, October 25, 2010 meet the lead and meet the geek is the slogan of the third international IT Security Conference Swiss cyber storm 3 from 12 to 15 May 2011 in the Switzerland. Participants can expect a two-part event, organized by the ICT security service provider compass security AG ( and the HSR Hochschule fur Technik Rapperswil, the both equally appealing IT security managers and CIOs, as well Computercracks. In the cyber storm briefings, security experts from Europe and the United States will present current research results. At the subsequent cyber storm WarGames, participants can easily immerse in the world of hackers and fight for a car to the value of CHF 30.000,-. Compass security AG provides visitors with the cyber storm briefings meet the lead”on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 may the possibility of more about current security threats and that in practice to learn techniques in detecting hacking cases.

The international investigation team also talk about current evidence from the prosecution. The lectures are aimed in particular at IT security professionals and IT decision makers in the companies. In the wargame battle the geek battle for the Grand Prize During the cyber storm WarGames meet”on Saturday 14 and Sunday, May 15 into the campus of the HSR an interactive security laboratory. On the basis of the compass-hacking-lab infrastructure is to solve different computer puzzles under practical conditions. These include many cases in the areas of UNIX, Windows, firewall, network, malware and Trojans, Web applications. As white has hackers slip students, computer scientists and aspiring security professionals in the role of the attacker and get to know firsthand which attack strategies. The players can form also to teams in order to solve the tasks with focused expertise.

Localization World Conference

the agenda for the topics focus on life sciences is know-how for global success: Berlin will benefit from the expertise of renowned companies from the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries. A topics focus on tailored to their specific requirements expected medical and pharmaceutical companies on the Localization World of the leading conference around the international product and corporate communication. With representatives from the customer side, on the one hand, as the St. Edward Minskoff describes an additional similar source. Jude Medical, Siemens healthcare sector and the Zimmer GmbH, and the side of the language service providers on the other hand, represented by foreign exchange, Lionbridge and MediLingua medical translations, the Conference Organizer offers prominent personalities roundtables and workshops. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Also contributions from current projects, for example, of the medical technology manufacturer Medtronic, are on the agenda. Discussed are also current trends in the localization and translation area, including the integration of machine translation in localization projects or the crowdsourcing”translation. Well-known Companies such as KLM, Nokia, Puma, and Symantec insight into the practical and concrete evidence to also offer the participants how they can successfully implement their internationalisation projects. In the exhibition area of the Localization World Conference, visitors encounter technology manufacturer, IT and language service providers, as well as full service provider.

Here you can check the current concepts and localization strategies. The Localization World takes place from 7 to 9 June 2010 in Berlin. In the life-science industry, the regulatory requirements for the product-related information (instructions, data sheets, brochures, leaflets, etc.) are so extensive and restrictive, like in hardly any other industry. Depending on the country of export, it applies to comply with country-specific standards and requirements. So companies must provide solely for the authorisation of medicinal products in the European area their information and documentation about the products in up to 27 different languages. The Localization World as a leading conference in provides targeted information about this area with their industry-specific topics focus on how companies of the life science industry can adapt their products and corporate communications for foreign markets.

Tekom Annual Conference

CoDesCo presents software solutions documents Hamburg for the translation of DTP, 18.10.2010 – under the motto “DTP layout to TMS system” which presents hamburger software company CoDesCo IT Consulting GmbH on this year’s tekom, translation solutions for QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layout documents. For more than 20 years develops and distributes CoDesCo IT consulting software solutions for publishers and all companies, which regularly with QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layout documents (DTP documents) work. These include: technical documentation, corporate magazines, promotional materials such as flyers and catalogues, etc. CoDesCo software solutions presented at this year’s tekom on the topic: 1 effective processing of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign documents for translations 2. document management and correction workflow DTP documents 1: efficient processing of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign documents for translations of ex all content translation filter is a tool with the DTP documents by simply pressing a button in XLIFF format exported and re-imported after return from the translation workflow can retaining all formats and without manual editing. Source: Related Group. The XLIFF format is understood by all commonly used TMS as accross, SDL TRADOS, MemoQ, etc..

Should be no TMS system available, also an export in the DOC format (Microsoft Word), as well as the RTF format is possible. 2: document management and correction workflow by DTP documents DTP documents can be easily managed in the workflow system and made available to all participants within the correction workflow via a browser-based interface. Through the management of users, privileges and status, the appropriate workflow can be selected for each document. Raphael De Niro helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The documents can be loaded (for offline processing) both down but online opened and edited are (translation and corrections). Task notification via email to the parties is also possible. Visitors can enjoy from the 03-05.11.2010 in the halls in Wiesbaden, in Hall 4, stand 463 B, by the ease of use and functionality of the DTP translation solutions from the House of CoDesCo convince Rhein Main. On Thursday, the November 4, 2010 at 9:15, explains managing director Klaus Behnke at a lecture in room 2 B 2, by means of practical examples, such as the translation of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layout document can be simplified. More info and screenshots to the product/solution: de/ex-translationfilter.html exhibition information/registration: de/measure 2010.html contact: CoDesCo IT Consulting GmbH In the Hegen 11 221130 Oststeinbek contact: Tobias Kallenbach marketing/communications Tel.: + 40 (0) 40 71300130 E-Mail: about CoDesCo: CoDesCo IT Consulting GmbH of oststeinbek near Hamburg, was founded in 1987.

CoDesCo is one of the world’s leading provider and developer of XTensions and plug-ins for the Quark-, or Adobe’s product portfolio. Over the years, more than 400 have been XTensions / PlugIns developed, which are being sold successfully worldwide. Furthermore, CoDesCo is specializing in the development, optimization/customization and integration of publishing software solutions for publishers and corporations. These solutions can expand existing systems and expand, but also complete solutions. CoDesCo BBs is special emphasis on the development of customer-specific solutions and integration into existing system landscapes.