Beautiful Legend

As the chronicler once mighty Shah Jehan, the ruler of the Mughal dynasty that ruled India in the mid xyii century, came the thought that a huge amount of jewelry available in its treasury, best used for the construction of the throne. By imperial order to work the best artists were involved. Seven years later, the throne was ready. If you would like to know more about Arthur F. Burns, then click here. Its coated with enamel and diamonds, thickly strewn with sapphires, emeralds, agates. Over back were pictures of two jeweled peacock, and between them – a tree with leaves of jewels, diamonds, emeralds and pearls. According to the French jeweler Tavernier, who happens to see the throne in xyii mid-century, it is worth at least a million pounds. A century later, the Persian ruler Nadir Shah of Kabul sent a chapter in India's Mughal Mohamed Shah ultimatum, which were the words: 'I came to take also from India Persia, the famous Mughal throne.

" A few weeks later at the Punjab plain, the battle was fought, from which emerged the winners of the Persians. Throne, among other treasures went to Nadir Shah and stayed with him until the death in battle with Kurds. After that, according to one testimony, the throne was defeated by the winners apart. But other records reported that the Kurds captured no 'Peacock Throne', and his skilful imitation. The original is left untouched. And it was he who in the late xyii century into the hands of the British, who decided to forward it to London. In the strictest secrecy throne was brought to Bombay, where he was transported to the sailboat 'Grousviner' that the next day left the port.

Eugen Battleship

Later in the hunt for the 'Bismarck' joined damaged in battle 'Prince of Wales'. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX is open to suggestions. At 18:46, he and the cruiser 'Suffolk' in pursuit of the German fleet reached the distance of an artillery attack. 'Bismarck' opened fire on British ships, but after five rounds, the target missed. After half an hour at a distance volley by 'Bismarck' approached the battleship 'King George'. Followed by fire from the German battleship, but again to no avail. Shortly before, Admiral Lyutens ordered the 'Prinz Eugen' exit and follow the fleet to refuel. From this point on the way 'Bismarck' and 'Prince Eugen' dispersed. As it turned out, forever After the collision with the 'King George', 'Bismarck', despite the lack of fuel, managed to escape, but the tear was impossible – the battleship is in range detection radar, which had British ships.

Despite this, the exact location of the German ship was unknown, the British had only to continue the persecution. But late at night, at 23:00, 'Bismarck' Ball detected patrol boat 'Modoc' American coastal defense. An hour later after the discovery of the German battleship was attacked by torpedo aircraft 'Swordfish' ('Swordfish') from the aircraft carrier 'Viktories'. One torpedo-caliber 450 mm hit 'Bismarck' in the middle of the starboard side and damaged the conning tower, oberbotsman Killed Kurt Kirchberg. At 1:31 the night 'Bismarck' caught 'The Prince of Wales'. The Germans had shot two volleys, but to no avail. However, the German battleship 3:10 suddenly altered course to starboard, and the British have lost sight of him, and 'Bismarck' failed to detect with radar.

World War

This was due to the fact that the bath was associated with a rustic way of life, and urban population would keep pace with the times. The emergence of new models of stoves gave impetus to a revival of interest in the traditions of Finnish saunas. Prior to 1870, urbanization was held Finland to a party. Then began to appear stone buildings and apartment blocks, lined with water and conduct electricity. In the early 19 century there were a surprising innovation – a bath, and the European innovation acquired in the eyes of the Finns continental Chic and sauna seemed old-fashioned and rustic.

Apartment buildings for many decades excommunicated their tenants from saunas, public baths and there is not universal. In the public baths there are separate sections for men and women, as well as private rooms, which can be rented for a single family. In addition to offices for washing, large baths were also massage rooms, and sometimes even the treatment rooms in which wish to call banks. For regular customers provided a detached sauna where you can not argue with other bathers on to what temperature to heat steam bath. In many public baths were a special chapter of the Finnish saunas, bygone, along with 50-ymi years of xx century. At the end of World War ii in , there were about 150 public baths, and in 2000 left only two. The third epoch in the history of the sauna came with the spread of electrical stove to replace the fryer and stoves with chimneys.

Inverse image of an electric stove was invented in the late 30th years. However, the war halted economic development until the end of 40th years. Electric stove appeared safe and easy to use. All that is needed – push a button and an electric voltage will heat the stones. As for the electric stove does not need a chimney, a sauna can be built anywhere, even in the next room, which is natural impossible with a stove, melt wood. Electric sauna will finally solve the problem with public baths. With the 50-ies of baths were built in the basements of apartment buildings, so that they could use of tenants. And now almost all the apartments are equipped with individual sauna next to the bathroom, which is a feature of Finnish urban housing. These mini sauna equipped now and in the hotel rooms. A Finnish addition to the international standard.