Gangster Wedding Party

For many millennia, people have learned not only to develop, create, learn and work, but also the good rest. History has a lot of different events, entertainment and various events. Special place among the celebrations is a wedding, a wedding celebration. For many people this is a significant step in life, the birth of a new family, the official conclusion of their loving union. So every couple wants their wedding to be exactly the best, unusual and unforgettable.

There are many types of weddings, each one is unique. Today I want to talk about theme weddings. In particular, the gangster’s wedding. Stylized wedding requires careful preparation, developed the script. For guests ordered the costumes in the style of Chicago’s 30th (at the entrance to his offer to change clothes or add to its appearance accessories that era), working undercover by gangsters animators, contests and sweepstakes, dedicated to this subject. Playing jazz band, performing music of the time.

Supervises all these actions, an elegant master, in the form of the well-known character America’s 20s – Al Capone. Our musical ensemble HAT ON has repeatedly spoken at such events. Living out of five musicians, a singer and a dancer always a winner two looks at the scene, has more opportunities to create interactivity between artists and audience. Musicians in starched shirts with cufflinks, wearing pants with suspenders, standing patent leather shoes, all in elegant hats … On a gangster wedding Strict dress-code. Usually our speech is divided into two parts. In the first official part of the group plays tunes performed by Negro jazz musicians of America 20’s. All present passed the spirit of the time – the American way life since the Great Depression and Prohibition. In the middle of the night, when the passions and the fun increases, begins to sound incendiary swing, hot jazz … On request, the second part of our program, we include contemporary songs, club hits, disco and rock ‘n’ roll, which is always perceived by the public at all ‘hooray’ and perfectly complement the wedding party dance marathon. The most important thing in the conduct of a gangster wedding – this is competent organization. Typically, we work in close tandem with the lead, set picks them up and with our musical pitch, energy, pass it to the auditorium. To the first hour after the event, guests are not lost interest in the idea of a gangster party, the facilitator should be ready for one hundred percent. Always keep the atmosphere warm room jokes, make it so that the bride and groom have always been in the spotlight (Prior coordination with them). The entire program should be bright and moderately rich. Then, your wedding will long remain in your memory, and he will bring a lot of positive holiday, light emotions.

Christmas Gifts

From the history of Christmas gifts tradition to give gifts on this day has for many centuries. The ancient Egyptians were presented by each other vases with gifts. They wish it was written: "The discoveries, the good '. The Persians gave eggs – a symbol of fertility and healthy offspring. In ancient Rome, Christmas gifts were purely symbolic – it could be a bunch of grapes or a branch of laurel.

And the Japanese have an ancient tradition to give Daruma doll made of wood or papier-mache. This doll – a reminder of who lived sometime Buddhist monk Bodhid-Carmi (butt-Daruma), who spent 9 years in a cave in a continuous meditation. Having the Daruma doll, a Japanese make a wish and draws her one eye. If the During the year, the desire to celebrate, doll painted the second eye, and if not – next New Year's Daruma burned at the stake. Gifts from Santa Christmas gift – it's not just a token of the loved one. It's a surprise little wonder, perhaps even a talisman for the whole next year.

Usually New Year's gifts are packaged in beautiful gift box. Often they are put under the Christmas tree, although many prefer to deliver personally. Children in New Year's Eve waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. Nir Barzilai, M.D. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Many of them even wrote him a letter with a request to fulfill some desire. For parents, these letters – a good opportunity to learn what exactly they want the baby, and the chance to create for him miracle, putting his dream gift under the tree. Miracles for adults, but about the wonders of dreaming is not only children but also adults. Special gifts we are waiting for loved ones. And they themselves come up with pleasure, wonder what surprise and please close man. So you want to guess the desire to loved ones, to find a unique gift that will always remind us. However, to give advice here is useless, because no one better than we do not know our family and that they need. Gifts for all New Year's – a wonderful holiday. New Year's present, not only want to please family and friends. After all, we are surrounded by many people with whom we contact on a daily basis or on a case by case basis. Share the joy of about the approaching holiday and wants to them. This could be a Christmas card, or a beautiful decoration for the Christmas tree, or a symbol of the coming year. Hear from experts in the field like Atreides Management Gavin Baker for a more varied view. New Year shopping at the online store Unfortunately, such a pleasant process like buying a pre-holiday gifts, vanity often takes place is not so, as we would like. Crush, queues, and disappearing before our eyes assortment of goods in the shops. As a result, instead of positive emotions – irritation, fatigue, frustration. Save a great Christmas mood and not tired of the pre-holiday rush today can help online retailers of gifts. Comfortably ensconced in an armchair in front of a computer You can quietly be pleased to choose Christmas gifts for family, friends and colleagues. And if you get bored go shopping alone, you can make them and the company, it does not matter, you are near your 'companion' or other end of town, or even in another country – talking with the messenger, you can share links to favorite things and share experiences from shopping.

Holiday Cottage

Despite the fact that summer is over, the desire of citizens to remove a cottage for the weekend and spend the weekend with pleasure does not become less, quite the contrary. What could be nicer than rent a cottage for the weekend in Moscow and outdoor recreation in a good company? Only outdoor recreation, with the familiar comfort for Muscovites in the cottage for the weekend. All this is available without a visa, long flights and tiring trips. All this is available only for a few kilometers from the city in his native and beloved childhood suburbs, just rent a cottage for the weekend on Kashirskoe highway. Rent a cottage weekend will be the perfect option for those who are not ready to give up fabulous sums for flights abroad and stay in expensive hotels, but it wants to relax away from the hustle-bustle of the city. Or for those who by force of circumstances can not go far from Moscow, but he wants to spend the weekend so that they are remembered for a long time that is rent a cottage for the weekend. Think about how many benefits there are from a weekend at the cottage. Eg fresh air.

We all know that the environment of our city is such that even outside the office or apartment, no fresh air only in the cottage for the weekend. There are exhaust fumes, smoke, fumes and other "charms", but there is no fresh air, looking like no. Now imagine what pleasure can bring every breath below city: the smell of pine trees, fresh cool autumn morning, clear air, and perhaps the smell of barbecue and roasted on the coals near the cottage, you only need to rent a cottage for the weekend. .