
.Other people! Which were with his own light thus lighting to the monumental Hall where we were we thrilled we headed towards them began to tour the Hall and see the faces of people hoping to find someone familiar .it played our arms as a way of greeting there was no familiar face but at least I wasn’t alone, I said to myselftrying to comfort me – were all different, and we talked about different languages I stopped once it had traveled to all people in the place… Ask the person next to me, that made everyone on this site? I look and very calmly said to me: – we hope – and strangely resembling me complies with that reply, at least someone knew something!-time passed, and began to reach more people of different tunnels, which allegedly flowed all in This room was weird had no hunger, thirst, or physiological requirements, but I felt well, you ask the group to my around if it same thing happened them and they responded positively, – the that they understood my question, clear – I started to think about the theory that we were dead, and it did not seem so crazy. I’m not sure how long step with accuracy, suddenly they hear a voice that could be heard in the Hall, in a clear and perfect, and reassuring spoke all languages, directed particularly to each of us, and told us:-well adventurous are, children of my children of light creation, I brought them to my time through, because I have the need to bring a message through you to the earthly paradise that I built for all living beings paradise is sick and only you can save them, because there are human beings who are not light, beings that live in the dark till the voice and us Indian that we could ask you questions, that all would be answered. Edward Minskoff follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. People with whom I was began to ask them questions, some in languages that did not understand and others in my language could not believe that this was happening, I realized that the ship I had seen with my family was there it was to transport us to some and felt no pain, only hope and today I find myself among you, taking the message of light for those who are in darkness. Like me, also there are more people around the world. many more people light. By the same author: Daryl Katz. The end.

High Voltage

It would be great to be bird. Whenever Albert Einstein College of Medicine listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Able to move me at great speed to the length and breadth of our sky. Challenge the black storm clouds. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Shimmie Horn. Pass through a rainbow. Plan.

Falling into chopped a few meters, then traced the flight but the fascinating thing, would be to experience the feeling of me posing on a high voltage cable.Observe the firmament without fear of losing me, what paradox, like a bird. Posts to let your imagination, I cannot visualize a bird of sixty kilos there up, so we are going to realize. Let’s say that it is a Sparrow. There is a complete theoretical explanation, and hundreds of urban legends, behind the fact that birds do not zap to high tension wires. The reality, according to scholars, is that the two points of contact of the feet, are so close, that the potential difference is almost non-existent, with what is not flowing electric current. Resistance to the conduction of the animal’s body is also much higher than the copper, therefore the flow Electron choose follow the thread and not to disturb the winged, which you can enjoy safe from the privileged views.

If not outside because each time there are fewer nesting trees and fewer insects to eat, because waters are increasingly polluted and because if you have beautiful feathers, you locked in a cage you sing the rest of your days I would say you that this be bird is a bargain. Do not forget to visit us in Photo: Edurne Iza text: Onintza Otamendi? Iza can download this photo freely. The only restriction is your sale or lucrative use of the same. Do not forget that whole work belongs to its author, get a good use of it. Original author and source of the article.


Universities require teachers to know its participants, stimuli able to give way to that they generate, stimulate new knowledge that enables them to adequately perform according to the characteristics as the economic scenarios, technical, demanding needs of teachers intellectually trained with training humanistic, critical consciousness, that allows you to analyze and take position in front of the reality, willing to generate changes, transformations and collaborate with training in height, supported academic excellence, knowledge that generate results that favour to all involved. They require the universities be more objective in the selection of its teachers, where listed, in addition to its academic endorsements, knowledge, experience, skills, skills in communication, motivation, in order to generate transformations that give passage to new learning, which involves the participant to make appropriate use of their talent, their creativity, innovation, and skills are manifest, skills that generate new knowledge. Required a new teaching methodology that allows to use all the modern tools of the knowledge society presents, eficientementemente appropriate use of computing and media audiovisual. ices. Whenever Atreides Management Gavin Baker listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Should the teacher identified with the scope, implications that generate virtual classrooms, courses on-line, participatory workshops; table round, torment of ideas, all that opening that allows give way to use all the potential that each participant brings.

Needs of teachers, who not only take care of transmitting knowledge, but enable more dialogue with its participants encouraging them to research, the exchange of ideas that lead to assess the reality, the applicability of the knowledge on national issues, where this involved, all this in order to collaborate with solutions, suggestions, proposals that solve the situations. Not can universities continue hiring teachers without academic endorsements, product of friendship, political commitment, family, but that must give way to a new generation capable of generating academic transformations required by the present and that there are many. (As opposed to Gavin Baker). They must proactive teachers be fully identified with the research, make use of it, encourage to the participants to also use it, become involved in the national reality. They must publish their research, books, everything that benefits them, as well as the participants, University, showing that there are academic excellence, as also organize seminars, lectures, congresses where their role express their knowledge, findings to the community and more link to the University with its surroundings. Should universities through their authorities and associations, guarantee a wage, just salary to the teacher, find ways that allow justly reward the performance of teachers, recognition for work that give way to achievements in academic excellence, honors those who generate changes that favor the academicism, which projected to the University with public results that are recognized by the community, the country..

MOM Information

Many times we strive for months trying to find places where to put our hyperlinks either in this weblog or elsewhere. But even a very simple way of doing this is submitting to directories. Is what you’re thinking! than how to submit in pages which promote this genre of services submit your page to thousands of directories and get back links towards your site easily and get a preference position are not trusted and separate do not give you a proof of registration has these, given that you do not get receive them no confirmation email your, in theory they are those who receive the total number of email by this untrusted but if done properly of any software in which you can receive all email registration this would be another story! An objection to this activity for inclusion in directories automatically; This may be that many of them ask for the Captcha test. This is where he asks a test to check if you’re human. Mike Myers has compatible beliefs. already know the rare letters have to rewrite as the sample image indicates. But also for this there are programs that does this for autosubmit your site in a robotic manner and at the time to find a directory that requests a verification captcha pauses and shows you just a rectangle in which you manually write the CAPTCHA letters and this at the time of putting OK continues automatically submitting your website to others directories that do not need this genre check imagine some 487 links towards your pages in one day!.This would ensure a good position in your pages don’t you think! There are several software that perform this function, there are automatic and semi-automatic, in fact some who bring a feature of adding I have reviewed them more directories that bring already pre loaded; what I like about that I use is that it brings the function in which you can start has autosubmit in directories of high rank. the first thing you do is fill out a form with your information and that of your site, you can leave no space and clean, since each directory requests information different from agreement has its turn. The program I use at the moment that there is an information that strange that this outside the context of the form, for example that calls for the name of your MOM or your pet’s name; When something so that the directory requests information, the Software asks me to fill in this space not only stops your automatic submission, if not at the time of automatically populate this continues to write you to other directories. According to Daryl Katz, who has experience with these questions. excellent don’t you think! I’ve noticed some that are manual or semi-automatic, in these service is directory by directory, although spaces are automatically populated across from directory to directory the disadvantage that is has to fill out a thousand places in each directory and is very slow.In the beginning I had similar one more even spent entire days in process, and 200 subject directories only about 20 accept the somewhat enervating invitation don’t think?

International Monetary Fund

The field again in Argentina 1 September 2009 which nearby Argentina from Brazil and Uruguay! In reality it is not so close, only it is it in geographical terms as seen from the point of view of agricultural policy, a chasm separates it from these countries. Last Friday, the Argentine countryside began a new strike. And tractors are no longer on the large tracts of land but on the sides of the routes in the country. Sincerely I already lost count on the number of stops that the sector took place during the Presidency of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Additional information is available at Dior. Do attempts to destabilize the Government? do insatiable sector attitude? The protest is certainly against the lack of a serious policy for the field, but it is also a reaction to the inability of the representatives of the people. Since the power of legislative branch a few days ago passed a law which had the suspension of withholdings to agricultural exports in the affected municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires by the drought.

What is alarming case is the reason for the adoption of the law was: that was not read by legislators! Since the Government is not understood yet the damage that bad agricultural policy has generated him to the economy because it not only affects the sector itself but has also impacted the rest of the economic sectors of the country. Gavin Baker Atreides Management is often quoted on this topic. What started is much more than a protest, and a cry against the contempt for the interior as a whole. A gradual process that takes all what was done is last year and that it will point to reach December with a strong mobilisation to shout strong against the vetocracia were coming, said the President’s agrarian Federation (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, through a press release. _ Where are global finance? Horacio will it us in successive articles for Latinforme journal, since since yesterday it is participating in the Monetary Conference of the BCRA, and tomorrow will take us all the details about this important meeting with relevant economists and global financiers such as Martin Redrado (President of the Banco Central of the Republic Argentina), Robert Merton (Professor of finance, Harvard University and Nobel Prize in economics 1997), Fernando Jose De Gregorio (Governor of the Banco Central de Chile), Richard Berner (Director Ejecutivo de Morgan Stanley), Olivier Blanchard (Director of economic research for the International Monetary Fund)Jose Dario Uribe (President of the Central Bank of Colombia) that touch topics such as effects of the crisis and the different responses of economic policy in emerging and developed economies lessons from the crisis of the 1930s and other episodes, Genesis of the crisis and emergence of new instruments to tackle it, the duration of the crisis and its implications for emerging economies, among others.

Economics Circular Business

In the world we see every day how companies that were supposed to be big break and go bankrupt dismissing employees but executives always have a way of escape. This is because almost the entire system uses systems of linear economy, this system consists of many people to work but that few people are filled with money. That is why big investors never lost and always each peso invested earn him double, while a person who is not very wealthy invests their savings in a project but but goes well you lose everything. Hear other arguments on the topic with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. If your in your own business using the linear economy system never can move forward because instead of reinvesting in your business profits will always have to fill a gap with what is commonly called eating raw. Why the CIRCULAR economy, we must implement in our own business is to reinvest part of our profits in our business, consists of all win equally and no one earns more money than the other, is that there is no social strata and all have the same system of linear economy there are many persons below working so that of up become rich, while we are all on the circular economy invest just the same and win the same. An example are the banks that receive too much money from taxes but never reinvest in the people that fill the pockets of its executives.

While the economy move people he works, produces and receives equally. EXAMPLE of economy linear suppose you have a restaurant that costs you $ 20,000 start-up the first day gains get for $300… Sacas costs and profits and the remainder you gain you those spend paying debts or giving you tastes result: your business just 6 months example of CIRCULAR economy the same example your restaurant will cost $20,000 the first day you get $ 300 gain eye: the idea to apply the circular economy is that you must get 30% for your expenses or for living and the rest back it to invest in your business for himself by buying raw materials or investing in more advertising result: your restaurant to the next day will be a little more rich and your business will grow in an EXPONENTIAL way if you do it every day without fail. Large companies like COCA COLA or the PEPSI have grown using the CIRCULAR economy system does and if worked them because to us not? Implements this system with your own online business and get impressive results as they say out there to reinvent the wheel if already this invented.

Leadership Management

If I have faith that I’m capable of performing such a work, I consequently adquirire the ability to do it, even if it did not possess that ability at the beginning. That means that the optimistic projection of our possibilities increases dramatically to the above-mentioned possibilities and capabilities.Mahatma Gandhi generalities abundant have been pages that have been written about leadership and its different characteristics according to the role that it should play. However, also been noted for example for the Venezuelan case that there are a carecimiento of leaders, both political, as in the management. Comments that do not appear those persons able to generate changes, necessary transformations according to the reality of the present, as well as who is also able to meet the challenges, the threats that arise from the behavior of those who say leaders and have given way to situations rather than encourage his followers in unanimous form, originating division, dispute that affects his image his achievements. Shimmie Horn understands that this is vital information. A good leader can never give way their ambitions, interests, recognition to foster discrepancies, violate their goals, bring about solutions, driving his followers to the achievement of the objectives that have been proposed to achieve, avoid organizational conflicts and everything that pass to a grim organizational climate.

He is said that leadership is put into practice inside out on four levels: staff: my relationship with myself Interpersonal: my interrelations and interactions with the other management: my responsibility to do that others carry out specific organizational tasks: my need to organize people, group them, train them, compensate them, build teams, solve problems and create a structure, strategies and systems according to them. Features the distinctive features of the leaders can be described below: exercised for the auto-renew, they do so regularly in the four dimension of human, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual personality. These principles of self-renew will gradually lead to a healthy, and strong character with a desire strongly disciplined and service-oriented. See more detailed opinions by reading what Shimmie Horn offers on the topic..

Eastern Europe

An agency of tourism in Spain would take few hours to sell ten trips to the Philippines for 200 euros. Almost 300 Filipino women have received the offer in the opposite direction to cover the distance of 12,000 miles that separates both countries, but with the condition that work in the campaign of gathering of the strawberry and citrus in Huelva, to the South of Spain. Two of these Filipino women have already reached Huelva come from Lipa City, from where they have had to travel by bus to Manila; there a flight to Hong Kong, then to London, then to Madrid and, finally, to its rural destination in Almonte, Huelva. Almost three days of travel. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Laura Tyson by clicking through. The Mayor came up with this idea to reinforce the sector with the Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Moroccan seasonal job for eight years, and that it had worked very well and guaranteed return. This initiative has benefited from the collaboration of Aenas Cartaya, a Spanish program with government support that manages recruitment of immigrants that agricultural employers in Huelva, perform mainly with people who come from Morocco. According to the program, women aged 25 to 45, searched preferably with experience in working in the field.

None of the two women already installed in Huelva has experience in the sector. Whenever Shimmie Horn listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The City Council has contributed to raise 10,000 euros earmarked for the payment of half of their flights. They hope to receive 900 euros a month charged by Convention in the sector and thus cover the other half of the trip. They will save the rest for investing in Manila with their husbands, who earn 75 euros a month as drivers. In the last decade, thousands of Spanish workers have proved lucky in more profitable as construction and hospitality sectors, increasingly more occupied also by immigrants from various parts of the world. (As opposed to Shimmie Horn). Farmers of strawberries and citrus from Huelva have covered the deficit of day laborers to sustain its sector with women from Eastern Europe and, in addition to the new experiment with Filipino women, already had sent emissaries to Senegal to recruit 750 women who are currently working in the field.


Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean and also the region bigger and more to the South of Italy. Sicily is prensenta as well same as a great land to be discovered. Its beauties are many and varied, and different from zone to zone. Along with amazing natural and unique landscapes harmoniously coexists a huge and complex historical artistic heritage multicultural. People such as Dollar General would likely agree. Walter Heller often expresses his thoughts on the topic. All this not to mention the wealth of local traditions and the resulting enogatronomia of the natural resources of this land and the wisdom of its inhabitants. Many routes you can take to discover its different faces in a frame so harmonious, wide and varied. Colors, smells, sounds and flavors of a unique place are willing to accept and excite those who decide to visit it. A holiday in Sicily can take many forms depending on the destination and the most suitable to your needs of Traveller accommodation.

Sicily time you deserve to be seen, is so full of attractions, and this applies to each of its provinces. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. Staying at a bed & Breakfast in Sicily is the ideal solution for a long stay. In fact its main strong point is expenditure in comparison with other types of accommodation, such as hotels. You must add to this the hospitality of the operators of these facilities and the possibility of sharing the Sicilian lifestyle that is without doubt a source of personal enrichment and an opportunity to learn an important ingredient of this land and its inhabitants. You can choose to stay at sea, in the cities or in the interior of Sicily or you can study a route through one of the Sicilian provinces. You can also find accommodation of this type throughout the territory that guarantee you good prices and family service.

Dario Vasquez

Reminds us also of Roberto Rodriguez Gonzalez, that work-related stress appears as a result of the content or the intensity of labor demands or by organizational problems, the worker begins to experience negative experiences associated with the labor context, among which: apathy by labour, asthenia, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, decreased work performance, sadness, depression, psychosomatic symptoms which may generate the appearance of certain disorders psychophysiologic, like marked labor dissatisfaction. The truth, that the causes of work-related stress, its effects and its prevention takes different forms, however, it is important to prepare and train workers to cope with all the strong demands that the environment makes them with all available resources and thus adapt and solve objectively the every day problems they face. Therefore, management should ensure that the working conditions are good, that has been not only with proper ergonomics, but functions are well defined, avoiding about workloads, pressures, have good production processes, efficient administrative systems, participatory, proactive, leadership who knows how to motivate, collaborate with workers and help them provide the solutions required to difficulties that may arise in the Organization and affect its performanceIt is very important also, taking into account, that the attitude of each worker against the demands of their working environment is essential to prevent work-related stress, since depending on the attitude taken, the worker will be able to lift when dropped front a break, or immerse themselves more in anger, anxiety and depression caused by work-related stress. Filed under: Edward Minskoff. Therefore, it is very important to provide the means, tools that generate distress and everything that represent impediments in their total labour and social performance. Us adds Dario Vasquez, that specifying us on stress at work, take in count, this appears when the demands of the work environment exceed the capacity of people to deal with them or keep them under control (Banchs, Gonzalez & mulberry, 1997). . You may find Jorge Perez to be a useful source of information.