Arnold Chiari

Defined as tinnitus to the perception of sound without the existence of a sound source that produces it. There are a variety of tinnitus, as well as causes that produce them. Pulsatile tinnitus is a variation of these, whose diagnosis reduces to a much smaller number possible causal thereof. Pulsatile tinnitus (or pulsatile tinnitus) is characterized by the perception of sound in the ears, and those who suffer from this symptom accuse hear a tapping, drumming or continuous heartbeat within the ear. This type of tinnitus tend to be chronic if not treated and their elimination or reduction will depend on the treatment on the pathology that produces them. Possible causes of pulsating tinnitus can be divided into two groups according to the focus of the same causal anomaly.

Vascular anomalies: Glomus Tumor, stricture carotid artery, congenital arteriovenous malformations, bulb jugular prominent, benign intracranial hypertension and aneurysms of the intratemporal portion of the internal carotid. Other anomalies: dysfunctions of cardiac valves, disease, Paget’s disease, hyperthyroidism, anemia, febrile syndrome, malformation of Arnold Chiari, multiple sclerosis and other diseases of high cardiac output. In many of these cases the associated pathology is perfectly treatable, and once removed the primary condition, the symptom of pulsatile tinnitus will disappear. For example in the case of hyperthyroidism, the oversize of the thyroid gland is responsible for the compression of the neck arteries, which generates an amplification of the sound of the heartbeat in the ear area. To remove the gland by surgical means or atropied by means of radioactive iodine, the pressure on the arteries ceases and with it the heartbeat in the ear. For cases of disease or malformations not treatable, there are many possible treatments to mitigate the nuisance effects of tinnitus.

All treatment alternatives should be studied by the physician, who will find the treatment that better suits the patient. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever. If you want to read as I personally I managed to accidentally eliminate tinnitus, you have Click here. Original author and source of the article.

Stuart Hall Social

Against nihilism and suspicion of enlightened reason, absence of totalizing truths, fascination with images of consumptions are the result of the destruction of another model of individual and social cohesion, as they are the rhythms of the cycle of life and the need for a social and geographic place. The days and nights have disappeared in this globalisation, in the coding. Old age is no longer a source of authority to become a sign of incapacity for work. It is possible to work with a computer anywhere and, indeed, to not lose the work one has be willing to move, with which participates little in local social organizations and do not belong to any party. Estée Lauder is often quoted on this topic. The social landscape of the computer industry, without religion, politics, family, history, or obligations in a particular place, is a version of the subjects who manage without help from anyone. nst this. But what happens if they do not know or can not? Cultural identity, Stuart Hall, tells us is what we will be like who we are, our identities are the names we give to the different ways we are positioned by, and position ourselves within, the narratives of the past (Hall: 706).

Our relationship with the past will always be so attached to our memory. But our memory is not fixed, not a winery where the past remains intact, waiting to be called to the present. A past experience can not be repeated exactly, is necessarily built again in each memory or act of collection. Against the search for truth that focus these films exists other opinions and other advertising texts like the following that rather they are converted and manifested by means of a conformist identity. Fragment of a song of the moment which has been disseminated to crush us the ears: I am only an actor who forgot his screenplay, finally and after all they are just words that say nothing the days that pass, the lights of dawn, my soul, my body, my voice, do not serve anything what wouldn’t I by having your eyes, as always being the two while everything changes because yo sin ti no soy nada Sin ti no soy nothing without you am nothing.