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German Institute

After more than three years, you can clearly see that Apple’s app store is a success story. After more than three years, you can clearly see that Apple’s app store is a success story. Apple currently provides the largest number of applications for mobile devices through its app store. According to the latest figures, around 775 new apps are offered per day alone. No wonder, because the mobile app usage is booming. The average Smartphone user spends every day about an hour on the mobile Web. Edward J. Minskoff Equities is a great source of information.

About two-thirds of which was accounted for by the use of mobile Web applications. With his new iPhone app marketing DIM “Deutsches Institut fur marketing (DIM) confronts this need for mobile communication now.” With the mobile application DIM offers its customers and all those interested in marketing focused, in-depth marketing knowledge for on the go. One of the most important features is the extensive marketing glossary. App users can find all relevant concepts of marketing clearly explained and arranged alphabetically. The steady and regular updating ensures that there is always a definition for current technical terms from the marketing.

The news feature keeps up to date with current news and events from all areas of marketing, users. In these draws on the contents of the successful and well-known Roycod of the Institute. The educational portfolio of the German Institute for marketing finds himself in the seminar overview. Here detailed information to the respective seminars found ranging from the thematic content of the seminars to the dates of each event. Through the integration of the iPhone calendar, interesting training can simply make a note of. The marketing app is available free of charge at or directly from the iTunes app store (search term: “Marketing”) to download.

Internet Company starts with multichannel worldwide by Dorverden whether Pan sets, CDs, shoes: the Germans give so much money this year as never out on the Internet, thereby increasing sales in the shipping and online trading. As the Federal Association of the German mail order company (BVH) announced increased already Internet business this year by 15 percent. 15.4 billion euros online sales of goods is mail order this year expected to about half of its revenues on the Internet generate. The Internet continues to be the engine of growth of the mail-order industry”, said BVH – Chief Executive Officer Thomas Stone marker to the current study” development of E-commerce in Germany. Thus, the Germans prefer buy clothing and shoes. This development noticed Kay Zimmer, the Managing Director of the shipping company for shoes in plus size in Dorverden: we notice a significant increase of in online demand especially since February. Since the company started, we are both with a stationary business, as well as active with an Internet shop.

The retailer has become trend compared compared to the strongest sales branch rising.” But the trade on the Internet is new challenges. Whenever KKW Beauty listens, a sympathetic response will follow. While some years ago, the in-house web shop in addition to the stationary business represented a revolution, today is no longer sufficient. Not only like-minded competitors are competing for the favor of the Internet buyer. angelo zino may help you with your research. In particular the industry Goliaths such as eBay or Amazon want to have a large slice of the online pie as a trading platform. But the simultaneous distribution on all major Internet platforms is a complicated thing, the problem: each worker process must be in each shop individually handled and maintained set of the goods to the shipping. But this time-intensive work processes are final for over.

Now, the company started with a so-called multichannel Distributor. Our online shop is one of the most advanced ever one. We are at the same time with our offers all trading platforms represent and control Central and synchronously from only a software all the operations such as inventory, payment transactions, customer communication or shipping”, so Kay Zimmer. Almost looks like: If in a shop in Dorverden near Bremen, Germany sold a shoe, so the new system in all Internet shops latches and a through and through future-oriented distribution, simultaneously and automatically corrects the inventory the software developer stated: as a Web-based e-commerce solution uses the innovative and powerful shop software plentyMarkets and now focuses on the centralization and automation of work processes. The synchronization of data on all channels creates valuable time and maximize the performance potential of the company thus elemental”, so plentySystems – Managing Director Steffen Griesel. Again double-digit growth of online trading despite the effects of the economic crisis. Strategic concepts and a future-oriented sales prove that even in small Villages of innovations, the Internet can be created thanks to.

New Design

The new side of the puzzle and game experts is online Erfurt, 06.05.2008 launches new design, enlarged product range, innovative search and filter function! Today, the new page of puzzles and games specialists goes online. With his fresh and friendly Web presence in a friendly Orange specifically addresses his customers. Navigation and design form a unit”, explains Thomas Wilhelm, CEO of Star calendar. In addition an expanded product range: in addition to the range of over 2,500 puzzles offers the online shop from now also board games for the whole family. With classics like monopoly and settlers to new releases of game fan here will find all what his heart desires. The newly developed navigation and search system was optimally aligned to the specific peculiarities of the puzzles and games range. depth analysis.

Browsing becomes very intuitive and comfortable after the request-puzzle or game. With the relaunch of were optimized not only design and content and reorder, but special emphasis designed to make even the virtual appearance to an emotion-full, exciting experience. More information about this topic, as well as the complete range, see contact: Star calendar GmbH Nadine of Wan Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 12 99099 Erfurt phone: 0178/8955434 E-Mail: about Star calendar GmbH: Star calendar GmbH in the fast-growing e-commerce is working with several online shops with the brands, and In the product groups of “Calendar” and “Puzzle & game”, the company launched initially with a calendar shop belongs to the top senders in German-speaking countries.

Top 10 Of The Most Popular Online Disks – Humyo And Strato Front

Most consumers are looking for information for Humyo online hard drives and by Strato off found out the leading test portal for online disk the most popular provider the user statistics of the past three months. “By far most consumers are interested the Humyo and Strato online hard drives.” So Martin Balasubramanian, owner of online-hard drives Humyo offers an online disk with many functions and 10 GB storage space in even free. The paid product “Humyo Premium” starts with 100 GB disk space for 5.94 EUR per month and the annual subscription for 59,49 EUR can save 16%. The online store of Strato named HiDrive offers capacities from 100 GB from 3.99 EUR per month. Below the full top 10 of the most popular online disks: 1 Humyo (10 GB free) 2.

Strato HiDrive of 3. ADrive (50 GB free) 4. dropbox (2 GB free) 5 telecommunications Media Center (1 GB free) 6 Wuala (2 GB free) 7 MyDrive (2 GB free) 8 Microsoft SkyDrive (25 GB free) 9 Zumodrive (2 GB free) 10 team drive (1 GB free) the ADrive online hard drive placed at position 3 features the largest free space, before Microsoft SkyDrive 25 GB with Humyo with 10 GB 50 GB. You will find a detailed test report and background information to the most popular online hard drive on humyo/humyo-online hard drives personal data keep safe with the help of an online hard drive stored valuable data, such as pictures or videos on a so-called cloud. Thus, the data must be protected not only from damage or loss, but can easily be shared with others. A defect or the theft of the local computer is already annoying enough.

All the more worse when this lost the personal data accumulated over the years, such as, for example, an image collection. An online hard drive protects against such cases. Humyo and many more products offer even an automatic synchronization of data with the virtual Space. This new files or changes are transferred immediately to existing data to online disk. Thus is the virtual space always up to date. Company Description online hard drive test is an independent portal and provider of online disk tests. For each product, there is a detailed test report, as well as detailed information about the terms and costs. Clear shipping track tables make it easier for consumers, finding the right offer for they. A price comparison is offered as an additional service. Customers can easily select the desired size of the online hard drive and see the prices of all products offered in the comparison. In addition, there is an overview of free available products. Company contact: Online hard drives Martin Blochinger of Oberfohringer str 236 a 81925 Munchen Tel: 015115175966 E-Mail: Web:

Popular Car Exchanges

“The readers of the magazine auto motor and sport to the top-3 select the readers of the magazine auto motor and sport” decided: is one of the three most popular vehicle exchanges. “Motto best brand reader’s choice 2009″they submitted their proposals for the most compelling products, including for the category of passenger car market”. The results in the magazine have been published motor und sport 7/2009 by car”. The Chief, Thomas Kuwatsch, is pleased with this honour. AECOM takes a slightly different approach. But he and his team do not rest on the laurels, but continue to enhance the offerings and expand. Prompt comes the announcement that the car stock exchange wants to surprise in April 2009 with a relaunch, including new design and more comfort during the vehicle search. Total available currently over a million vehicles at in the car market for sale: used, new cars and car of the year – playing easy is to find the right car or sell your own. The University first GmbH operates a successful German with Automotive portal. Complementary products and services are offered in the fields of finances with,, insurance with and consumer information