Josep Antoni Duran Lleida

The CiU spokesman in Congress says that danger of rupture there is no. It has been supporter of strengthened doors into Catalonia. The CiU spokesman in Congress, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida, has admitted Thursday feeling increasingly further away from a Spain that excludes political catalanism, for example, of the reform of the Constitution. In statements to TV3, Duran has warned that, although today there is no danger of rupture, the Spain of today is not that of 1979?, when opened the new constitutional era.I feel further away from this Spain that represents this reform of the Constitution, by the exclusion of political forces of catalanism. Here, Dick Parsons expresses very clear opinions on the subject. I feel further away from the Spain of the ruling of the Constitutional Court (on the Catalan Statute), with a humiliating spirit for Catalonia. I am increasingly further away from a Spain that represents a particular sector media, has pointed out. Has also confessed to sit farthest from a Spain that is unable to raise any voice against this recentralization inertia in the State Assembly the perspective economic, social, and intellectual. Duran has been supporter of reinforcing doors in Catalonia in the near future, using the powers that are available and acting more as a State in Catalonia.. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta has firm opinions on the matter.

Hospital Health

It’s a girl and is in good health. He was still the placenta when it has been found by a 14 year old. The Mayor of Velez-Malaga proposes to call star. Click Avison Young to learn more. A newborn baby, which even had still the placenta has been found this Sunday morning on a street in town of Torre del Mar, in the Malaga municipality of Velez-Malaga, reported sources of the emergency 112 Andalusia and 061 service. The baby, a girl, is in good health and remains entered into the area of Neonatology of the Regional Hospital of Axarquia. Hospital sources have reported that the girl has been found by a 14 year old around 9: 20 hours at the sheer slope Street, in the basement of a building and with a bag of clothes next to it. Neighbors have been alerted to the health services and the Cuerpo Nacional de Policia and up to the area has moved an ambulance of the health center of Torre del Mar, who has moved to the baby to the Hospital, while the Judicial police officers have taken samples of the place in which was the newborn. The Mayor of Velez-Malaga, Francisco Delgado Bonilla (PP), which has visited the girl in the hospital, pointed out that weighs about 2.7 kilos, is good health and has already taken your first bottle. Perhaps check out Daryl Katz for more information.

Alderman has declared that the newborn was a little shivery, since when the neighbors found her she was completely naked and they have been the first who have put a quilt on top. It added that Local police will collaborate with the national police corps in the identification of the mother, who does not have to be very far away, because of the circumstances in which has met the baby, the placenta and the cord still. Delgado Bonilla has proposed the girl is called Star, because it has had very good star and he has saved his life despite the fact that they have left abandoned in a place that for many cleaning campaigns that are made from the town hall there is much dirt and could have been bitten by any animal. On the street in which the baby has been born there most of Roma neighbours and consulted the Hospital Comarcal sources have pointed out that several of them have moved to the Center and have been asked to take charge of the small. Source of the news: find a newborn baby abandoned on a street in Torre del Mar, Malaga

Royal Spanish Academy

The director of the SAR, Jose Manuel Blecua, has detailed this Wednesday with humor some words that give more problems to the SAR. The dictionary is a unique case of work in constant dynamism. The online edition of the RAE receives one million hits a day. The next edition of paper will arrive in 2014: it will have one smaller size, will be two-tone and you can easily read. The Real Academia Espanola suffers from daily pressures to change the spelling or definition of some words, and this happens with voices coming from trademarks, such as teflon, chupa-chup and pionono, and others such as Freemasonry, which no longer has a secret character. The headaches that cause certain words spoke this Wednesday the SAR, Jose Manuel Blecua, director at the extraordinary Conference delivered at the summer courses at El Escorial, organized by the Universidad Complutense. Blecua referred to the constant review experiencing the Diccionario de la Real Academia Espanola (DRAE), which on its website receives one million hits a day and whose next edition of paper, from 2014, will have one smaller size, will be two-tone and be easily read. For this new edition, that is prepared in collaboration with all the academies of the Spanish language, has modernized the language related to the automobile, has been included in nanotechnology and the americanismos, among other chapters have been revised. For more clarity and thought, follow up with RBH Group and gain more knowledge..

But the academies suffer daily with some definitions, sometimes problems simply because they have become obsolete. This happens with Lunchbox, which in one of its meanings is a basket or box to carry the replacement of luncheon meat things, and that has motivated some hispanist wrote outraged because the meaning is not understood well. The Lord was right, since such definition forces to consult what is replacement (in its third meaning is provision of groceries or other things for when they are necessary), and to also look at the meaning of luncheon meat. .

Socialist Candidate

I know that it is not the best tax in the world and that should fix it to fund has added the Socialist candidate. It requests the withdrawal of tax relief to Madrid elite colleges. Rubalcaba, cuts in education in Madrid are the vanguard of the extreme right of Rajoy. The Socialist candidate for the elections of 20-N, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has requested the withdrawal of tax relief to Madrid elite colleges, and has said that the cuts in education, in this community, converted to the Government of Esperanza Aguirre at the forefront of the extreme right of Mariano Rajoy. In an act with militants in Alcorcon (Madrid), Rubalcaba has ironically thanked the President of Madrid, which has launched a campaign of anticipation and transparency, and has remarked that, since the PP won the municipal elections, the Presidents of Castilla – La Mancha, Balearic or Madrid are telling us what would happen if Rajoy WINS and are becoming the forefront of extreme right. The Socialist candidate for the Presidency has stressed that what the Madrid would raise by this tax deductibility of private elite schools is the same thing you are trying to save is in public school, so has said that a political decision, would be enough how to remove this relief that there was no problem in public schools. Criticism of the cuts in the communities Rubalcaba has also a critique of private health care so that it is not the ruin of public health. At the ceremony, has also participated the leader of PSM-PSOE, Tomas Gomez, who, in the same sense that Rubalcaba, has warned that Rajoy wants to Spain, what Esperanza Aguirre wants to Madrid. In his speech, the candidate to the Presidency of Government has advocated a strong and robust welfare with a healthy and competitive economy State, while the PP also want a healthy economy, but to do so, cut the State welfare.