World Medicine

Despite the abundance of the diseases that exist today in the world, on developments in the field of medicine to talk positively. Every year, people are giving the Hippocratic oath, save millions of lives. Recently decade in the world medicine has done a lot of discoveries that allow us to look into the future love of life. In our time, heads of state are well aware that the future of medicine segodnyaschny for the newest developments on the these goals each year are allocated millions of dollars. This allows scientists to perform research and create a vaccine against dreadful diseases, medical equipment and drugs, allowing to save millions of lives. Such diseases such as plague, tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria prevention measures pressure gradually recede. Over the last decade made a big breakthrough in the creation of a vaccine against HIV / AIDS. This coup occurred in the field of cardiology.

A technology of stenting, with the support which is being treated with coronary heart disease, strokes and heart attacks. With the newest method of balloon coronary arteries appeared ability to cure people who have observed cardiovascular disease. By this scourge of modern cancer are, in fact they carry the majority of human lives. At the clinics, only introduced the world equipped to detect the early stages of such diseases and prevent their formation. In 2007, scientists made a startling discovery – mature skin fibroblast cells can be converted into embryonic stem cells. Thus, the scientists reasoned that skin cells can become any tissue progenitors, and hence they can be used to cure diseases of the spine, central nervous system, diabetes and cancer. Several years ago a new technology treatment for prostate cancer – one of the most common disease in older men. At the change of chemotherapy came Technology Cryotherapy cold air or healing.

In the area of prostate argon gas is introduced, the prostate is frozen, and cancer cells are killed at low temperatures. Just recently made another breakthrough in the field of medicine, physicians failed to make the first face transplant, the patient now feels well and is in rehabilitation. According to specialists, the operation was successful.

Children Optics

Create an account a child often is not easy: because their requirements are much tougher, since the weight of the points and finishing with their quality, as in conventional optics narrow range of children's glasses. Solves this problem in optics Kids Theatre: its range is practically guarantees the selection of the desired option – you can find here as children's frames and sunglasses. Great choice – an important point, because children (especially older) want and are entitled not just good look in glasses, but differ from their peers, to use glasses as a fashion accessory. Gone are the days when children had to walk into ugly spectacles, because anything else just was not there. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Energy Capital. Girls will enjoy the hundreds of shades pink, caramel, or brilliant iridescent pearl, and all that – combined with the original design and decoration in the form of flirtatious hearts, flowers and stars. For young fashionistas also have a model with rhinestones.

For today's dynamic boys – large selection of colors, shapes and details of finishes, fluorescent colors, rubber inserts on the earhook. Materials for the frames – metal and cellulose acetate to withstand intense pressure. Without hesitation Gavin Baker explained all about the problem. Inside, a medical office, where the ophthalmologist will check your vision and a prescription, as well as advise you on the wearing of contact lenses and selection. Qualified consultants will select well-fitting frames and lenses to it, to answer your questions, and the next day you will receive the order. Discount Children's Room in the optics will be interesting for adults too: it is at a very attractive price you can choose for themselves a good frames and sunglasses. This model of previous collections from the salon, "Optik Chuev" – and they can be purchased at a discount of up to 70% of the cost! In anticipation of the new summer season, it will be very successful in the acquisition, the main thing – to know where to go for regular glasses: in Chekhov, 68 (corner of Pushkin), the Children's optics. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is likely to increase your knowledge. Phone 'Child optics' in Chicago: 250-66-66.

Testing Children In Schools

February 18 Odessa Volunteer Citizens Commission on Human Rights on the streets of Odessa have collected 30 signatures on a petition against the psychological and psychiatric testing of children in schools. Jorge Perez spoke with conviction. In Odessa and region repeatedly obnorodyvalis evidence that children from some of the orphanages and boarding schools for the “bad” behavior, manifested in an attempt to protect themselves from rough obraschenieya by some employees of these institutions, were sent to psychiatric hospitals, where they stuffed a variety of psychotronic drugs, in order to “pacify.” Of course, before the child is sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, he is given the assessment based on the opinion, namely, “conduct disorder”, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,” and so on. “I’m Peschanskom orphanage am 3 years and we are constantly experiencing the bullying teachers and terrible psychiatric pills. Under most conditions Gavin Baker Atreides Management would agree. Recently, when Zoe and Elvira would escape them stripped, and all taken to the street and beaten so that they burst the skin, “- said Dima, who was forcibly kept in the boarding house. ” And this is not the only case in Odessa, and throughout Ukraine. Nowadays, children can become “guinea pigs” for psychiatrists to give psychiatric testing at the school or other educational institutions, in particular social type, so the collected signatures will be sent to the Government of Ukraine to reform this area. For more information contact:,.

CCHR was founded in 1969 Church of Scientology and the internationally renowned author, Dr. Thomas Sacom, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of retired New York in Syracuse. While victims of psychiatry were a forgotten by all a group of people languishing in appalling conditions in mental hospitals scattered throughout the world. Therefore, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights formulated the Declaration of Human Rights in the field of mental health, which serves as a guide for reform in mental health.

Integral Trans Gymnastics

Such a trend in Russia is not – is the highest degree of self-discovery and recovery. Trance – a functional state of the psyche, which varies the degree of mind control over the processing of information. Trance accompanied by certain changes in brain activity in the healing medicine recognizes when a person gets ten times more rest than during sna.Trans integrated exercises (one of the oldest Russian-Egyptian technology to create lines of yoga) – an integrated approach to improving the system of his mind, spirit and technique tela.Dannaya together all in one, all parts of the body are restored to of spontaneous movements. In the trance state of consciousness there is no control over the movements of the physical and emotional stress goes away, mind returning to normal. Man gets rid of many pathologies such as motor and emotional lethargy, fatigue and exhaustion of mental resources, sleep disturbances (insomnia), and various manifestations of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases, respiratory diseases, including asthmatic conditions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, autonomic disorders, heart disease, endocrine disorders, loss of potency, and the effects of brain injury. For more clarity and thought, follow up with brightwood and gain more knowledge.. Man in the application This technique performs a variety of complex, usually long, often stereotyped motor acts in obedience to his inner motivations, without fear or sense of time.

At the same processes are implemented self-knowledge and self-regulation aimed at the gradual normalization of disturbances due to internal reserves organizma.Trans integral makes it possible to engage in gymnastics and the men and women regardless of age, as well as children with the age of eight. During the occupation of the integrated trans gymnastics man opens up new skills, knowledge itself is, life is perceived by the new, restored intuition, there is a strong immune system. Trans integral gymnastics helps to normalize an arbitrary relaxation time of skeletal muscle, which is especially important in sports. A good result is when to operational and post operational periodah.Zdorove – a state body that provides an efficient synthesis and accumulation of biological energy and its rational use and quick to fill in activity.

Sclerosal Procedure

The method is based author's method of using a special hand technique, developed by Fedoseev, NV 'Hand lipoplasty' – it's completely independent branch of non-surgical liposuction. Cameron Diaz takes a slightly different approach. The method was developed based on years of practice to rejuvenate the tissues through a radical restructuring of the subcutaneous fat and increase skin turgor. Work is proceeding on the problem areas the figures, which have dense the consistency of fat and practically do not react to diet, fitness, and standard procedures in beauty salons. This fat is called sclerosal. Imagine a fatty lumps that are enclosed in impermeable fabric (it is called fibrosis). This fibrous tissue does not pass to fat no matter how you would not have tried.

It is isolated from the body. Sclerosal fat occurs during puberty, it also becomes chronic calorie fat (fatty lumps gradually increase and become overgrown by fibrous membrane impermeable). During the procedure itself is no destruction, 'burning' of fat occurs. If you are not convinced, visit Daryl Katz, New York City. Just is not going away dense fibrous walls and capsules are enclosed in individual fat cells and their clusters. The fact is that during the procedure in the tissues of the treated area of concern is the accumulation of specific enzymes, mediators and reactive oxygen.

But between sessions under the influence of these substances is just going loosening and disintegration of fibrous tissue, destruction of membranes of fat cells and splitting of the fat. Such 'recycling' extends to a 3-to 6 weeks after procedure. Cleavage products of fat excreted naturally by the kidneys and liver (via our system of elimination). During the course can lead a normal life, is familiar to you food. AND The term 'course' here is relative – the intervals between treatments are not limited, since you took that as a result of the procedure, it will not return. And – note – no 'washboard'. 'Hand lipoplasty' – this is not a fight against obesity – is figure correction with exquisite accuracy. Figure machined under your individual order, removing annoying you 'fixed landing' surplus. For example, getting rid of the "jodhpurs" visually lengthens the leg to a few centimeters, it is transforming the skyline. The result of correction is stored for a lifetime.

Economical Eco

Private Clinic for Reproductive Medicine has concluded a cooperation agreement with the government agency – the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction in the conduct of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Now couples with infertility can conduct IVF with no queues at concessional terms, without leaving the city. Using the comfort of private medicine, patients can simultaneously use the free services of the state institutions. Chris Sower may not feel the same. Previously, patients had to go to IVF in the capital or major cities – Samara, Ekaterinburg. The first stage of IVF – Ovulation stimulation – patients are still at the Clinic of Reproductive Medicine, which is located in the city center and takes no queues every day, including weekends. This saves time, busy people. The second stage (embryological) – cultivation and embryo transfer is carried out in Center for Family Planning and Reproduction. For residents of Chelyabinsk work with embryos is carried out without payment.

Thus, IVF is much cheaper, easier, more affordable! Desired pregnancy appears to as soon as possible, especially important for families for years waiting for the appearance of the heirs. Other leaders such as angelo zino offer similar insights. Clinic for Reproductive Medicine has a rich experience of cooperation with various medical institutions. In particular, more than four years it – a satellite partner Samara successful Medical Company MK IIR, since 2009 is the clinical base of the Federal Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Kulakov (Moscow). Director of Clinics PhD Elena Kanaeva believes that mutually enriching cooperation agency professionally. The joint efforts of colleagues bring better results and increase the efficiency of complex manipulation. At the same time, it allows patients to enjoy the benefits doubled and even achieve savings of more than 50 thousand rubles during in vitro fertilization in the joint program. For information: In vitro fertilization – a modern method of fertility treatments from the category of assisted reproductive technology. The method used for fertilization can not be a natural way. Is to combined egg and sperm outside the body of the embryo growing in special circumstances, close to nature and the subsequent introduction of embryos into the uterus for gestation pregnancy.

China Energy

Bioresonance therapy and its history is rooted in antiquity. 3000 years ago in the East China began to develop such a trend in medicine as acupuncture. This science is relevant to understand the disease as a system complexes that occur at some level. But this disease of the whole organism, because the separately existing diseased organ in the body can not be. If the violation occurred in the body, we see only symptom, which reflects what's inside the body fails, which is allowed to enter this symptom. On one of the homeopathic conference devoted to 100 anniversary of Dr. Reckeweg, sounded a very interesting definition disease.

In the hall sat a few thousand people who agree with this definition. So what is the disease? "Illness is a blessing – given to a person that would realize his wrong moves." Perhaps it is not quite applicable to our conditions, when we do not have time to think about what we are doing wrong. We have such a rapid run, that the soul had once thought. Nevertheless, the disease – is something wrong that has happened in our lives, and every disease gives time to reflect on the fact that all the same we are doing wrong, why we get sick. Chinese medicine says that man is circulating energy. And the energy inherent in each body moves on meridians. There is life energy, which is given to man by birth and redistributed in the process of life. All organs are connected with each other a system of meridians and energy transfer occurs.