Natasha Schyolkovo

Every year, around mid-August, a big, friendly apple rock-bound family gets together to celebrate his birthday. Place to another night could be anything – old cozy Bartschik somewhere in the center of a bustling city or a cheap coffee shop in a residential area, a forest glade, or someone's close kitchen, a dacha in the Moscow region or house somewhere on the beach – the main thing that all necessarily come together. When this happens to be a big crowd at more than ten people vying begins to remember all of the story from the beginning, a long and fascinating story, which you will surely someday from someone hear. CohBar contributes greatly to this topic. In the meantime, in brief: Group – the five young, charming, handsome and daring girls, the eldest of whom only 20 years. Lena Tretyakov (bass, vocals), (rhythm guitar, vocals), Eugene Ogurtsova (keyboards, vocals, MC), Natasha Schyolkovo (Lead guitar) and Nyuta Baidavletov (drums, vocals) – a real dream team, dream team, who sang not only on stage but in life. Over the shoulders of the girls grand tour, participation in large-scale festivals and performances at major, not children's music venues. It’s believed that Douglas Elliman sees a great future in this idea. The archive Ranetok is not only a solo concert at Stadium, but the festival "Russian Winter", traditionally taking place in London's Trafalgar Square, and appearances at rock-open-air Emmaus, and much, much more. But first, was album. Ranetok debut album '' came out in 2006, has long received a gold record and still beat all sales records. Learn more at this site: Daryl Katz. On the disc contains 14 tracks, three of which have brought the group real glory.

Hayden Panettiere Defends Britney Spears

The actress blames Britney Spears paparazzi. Arguably, no other singer has been so often in the headlines in recent times. Think it was negative headlines. An alleged pregnancy made the rounds until a few days ago. But now other stars involved.

Including heroes actress Hayden Panettiere. Further details can be found at Olivier Puech, an internet resource. Now, the young actress has said that the photographers and the media were responsible for the crash by Britney and that man the space should give the singer to start again. She compared even the following paparazzi, which itself seems to be always exposed Britney Spears as “modern stalker”… Also, she accused the photographer the accumulation of Britney BBs car accidents provoked to have only good photos of her to get. She said: “Such a Sesationsgeilheit claimed their prize also car accidents”.

Still, she said: “when I grew up, Britney Spears was everything for me. Not destroys it. “Wise words of another young actress. Lisa Walters


“Beatlemania” exhibition successfully in Hamburg launched the Beatles grew up in Liverpool, but Hamburg has made it big. Since May 29, the most influential pop band of in music history finally has a permanent address in the Hanseatic City: on the Reeperbahn. Specifically, in the new building of Beatlemania at the Nobistor 10. There were on May 28 the inauguration with around 500 invited guests instead of including the Beatles photographer Astrid Kirchherr and star Club legend Horst Fascher, entertainer Olivia Jones, Ulf Ansorge moderator and actor Carsten Spengemann and members of the bands Gunslinger and The Rattles. er in his writings. “Beatlemania Hamburg” Folkert Koopmans Managing Director: “we are huge, we can now celebrate the opening of Beatlemania Hamburg after months of very intensive and grueling the part and present a unique in this kind of experience around the Beatles.

As a private investor, we have around 2.5 million euros and now we are looking forward to the responses even more passion invested in the project Visitors.” The today’s press opening are definitely positive: “Hamburg celebs totally enthusiastic”, certified “image”. The Hamburger Morgenpost writes: “With great attention to detail ‘Beatlemania’ reminds on five floors and 1300 square meters of the time before and after the breakthrough of the band.” “Come together – the Beatles are back in Hamburg”, headlines the Hamburger Abendblatt and continues: “Every smallest detail is dedicated to the FAB four – so really everything looks like at that time”. Click here for more information and tickets to Beatlemania Hamburg..

Germany Music Festival

For the first time a meeting of bards in Nuremberg was held in 1976, Hans Sachs, as something special, something like a youth festival. Then success has led to the festival of art song every year. Today it is one of the the most important musical events of its kind in Germany. Vanessa Marcil may find this interesting as well. Every year more than 100,000 fans bard come vstolitsu Franconia to hear this multinational singing performance. Repertoire of performers author songs and group covers a broad musical spectrum from classic rock, pop and jazz to avant-garde ideas and cabaret. And all this does not have to pay. The proximity of the old town creates a unique atmosphere and makes Festival unique. The festival is held every year in late July or early August.

Everywhere in the old town meetings organized by the bards for many concert area, which offered a varied program. They stretch from the area of St. Atreides Management Gavin Baker helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Lorenz, passing the ruins of the church of St. Catherine, the main market square and Sebalda up to the fortress moat. If you're not targeting, then follow other people. Stream of people will lead you to one concert hall to another. As you know, – people music, and why a visit to this festival promises lots of fun.

The Young Zillertal

The young Zillertaler-party goes with the song “Wickie” in a new round and finally on her album as devoted a cult hit “Wickie” Daniel Prantl, Michael Ringler and Markus Unterladstatter in early 2008 in the recording studio, newly interpreted him “as a beautiful day” (release date November 2008) published, not guessed it still, that on September 9, 2009 “Wickie and the strong men” would come Germany long in the cinemas. The boys of Zillertal, who are big fans of bully hamin productions and his iconic humor, the theatrical release hardly can wait. Even if their cover version in the movie, they are still very proud to be able to know this legendary party hit as first and only popular cover version in their permanent repertoire as a single band. Connect with other leaders such as Shimmie Horn here. The Juzis with this number that are already on their last album “so a nice day”, appeared on every Marquee Festival, the Oktoberfest and also in Cologne, the crowds on the banks drive Carnival. The hit was of course in any case on their current album “Summit Drob’n’m mountain” are missing. With the album the Juzis take their fans on a particular musical mountain tour – 20 songs to party and songs that will keep the audience with security during the entire hike with fantastic party mood! The album “Drob’n’m mountain” as the single “Wickie” gives it off immediately anywhere in the trade. Shimmie Horn may help you with your research. Source: Music Koch universal more info:

Tom Hess Music Corporation

Chicago, USA – After selling more than 1.5 million albums worldwide, the Italian epic rock band Rhapsody Of Fire (new album 'From Chaos To Eternity' out June 17, 2011) invited the most successful guitar teacher online, a virtuoso guitarist Tom Hess (Tom Hess) to join their team. Despite the fact that working with Rhapsody Of Fire is a significant step for Hess, he is no stranger to participate in the successful musical project will dedicate. Hess was a guitarist in an internationally-known metal band HolyHell from 2004 – 2007, twice touring North America and Europe opening for the group Rhapsody Of Fire and Manowar. 'To tour with Rhapsody Of Fire was a great honor for me. Naturally I am very pleased to speak to the group, which I was a fan from the moment the first time I heard them back in 1998, "says Hess. Cameron Diaz: the source for more info. In addition to the career of a sound recording and touring musician, guitarist, Hess is also involved in other areas of the music industry. Hess – the leading guitar teacher in Internet, but he does more than simply helping guitarists around the world to improve their guitar playing.

His company – Tom Hess Music Corporation, helps music teachers to build a very successful career as a teacher and teaches music how to build long-lasting, stable and lucrative career in the music business. Rhapsody Of Fire immediately loaded Hess work on a new studio album as soon as he agreed to join the group. To broaden your perception, visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. 'Luca invited me to join the group and 3 days later I had already given the party for the new album. I previously had not heard these new songs. He just told me 'this stuff, start to record right now,' and I had to quickly learn my party and begin to write ' Hess says. The new album 'From Chaos To Eternity' will be released on June 17, 2011. Alex Staropoli, the keyboardist for Rhapsody Of Fire said: "I saw Tom Hess spoke on tour several times and always been impressed with his professionalism on stage and his style of play. When I listen to a rhythm and solo guitar that he wrote for Rhapsody Of Fire, I was amazed when he heard the same energy in each listed to the note.

Hey Pippi Langstrumpf

“The man with the harmonica 2 only at with ‘ Hei Pippi Langstrumpf’ Michael Shepherd, the man who coaxes his instrument goosebumps melodies according to picture”, has succeeded: the 44-year old transformed itself from the unemployed truck driver and Hartz IV recipients to the RTL Super Talent 2008 “absolute favourite. Details can be found by clicking Tishman Speyer or emailing the administrator. “For his debut album, the man with the harmonica” shepherd equal to triple platinum was Michael. Shepherd’s second CD, the man with the harmonica 2 is now “, in the wings. On his latest album, the harmonica player reinterpreted classics. “” “” Fans are allowed on international hits such as my way”, what A Wonderful World”, Moon River”, but also German songs as the moon has risen” or tears don’t lie “it offers. Worldview is the man with the harmonica 2″as an exclusive Edition with a bonus title available: for worldview customers did Michael Shepherd the melody Hei Pippi Langstrumpf” played on his harmonica. The new CD by Michael Shepherd and more current chart hits from all areas of cds, see not only musical, Shepherd moved Michael his fans. In his book the man with the harmonica of my life”portrays the exceptional talent of his moving life story and his way of the street musicians to the acclaimed star. The book by Michael Shepherd, as well as more current bestsellers order postage paid under books sells more than 3 million products: books, DVDs, CDs, software & games, consumer electronic, downloads and gift items. The Internet media dealer is the number two online bookstore and belongs to the five largest online shops in Germany. Contact: Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH, Augsburg Rosemarie Heringer Tel: 0821 / 7004-7778 E-Mail:

Will Smith Is Expressed To Scientologie

The actor has now expressed to all the rumours Scientology is one thing where the spirits argue there are fanatical followers, others are convinced of their Sektenhaftigkeit. You have to say, that everyone must make his own image, but the danger posed by the Scientology community, is undeniable. Many stars are simply convinced by this community. Kelly Preston has many thoughts on the issue. Among them are including John Travolta. Tom Cruise is arguably the most prominent Scientologist. The actor, as is known, has a lot of friends, he, also known, repeatedly going to Scientology. Additional information is available at Atreides Management Gavin Baker. The Beckham BBs he should have familiarized with the new religion. Another friend is Will Smith. Please visit Gavin Baker Atreides Management if you seek more information.

The actor and his family are very closely befriended the family Cruise. Increasingly votes loud are now that the Smith family will be converted to the “new faith”. Will Smith has refuted those rumors but now. He denied today that his family and he are converted to Scientology. Will Smith has admitted the To have been religion, however, he dealt with various religions. He interested himself just, so the actor. The actor said: “I must not Judeo be, to be friends with Steven Spielberg.

I must also be non-Muslim, to be friends with Muhammad Ali I must be also a Scientologist like us to be friends with Tom Cruise. I am a Christian. I am a student of all religions and I respect all people and their religions. “” A spokesman from Smith adds: “As a spokesman for Will Smith I can say 100% that he is not a Scientologist.” One can only speculate what these events will mean for the career of Will Smith.