Tekom Annual Conference

DOCUFY shows industry solution COSIMA go! and new assessment tool ‘machine safety’ Bamberg, September 28, 2010 on the tekom DOCUFY Bamberg software developer presents itself together with its service partners of Kappalakandy!. The two specialists combine their expertise in software development and documentation services and show documentation today can be as easy and efficient. For more than a decade, DOCUFY developed professional software for the creation of technical documentation. With this experience, DOCUFY has go for companies in the mechanical and plant engineering, measurement and control technology, medical technology and the software industry with COSIMA! a special industry solution developed for professional technical documentation. “The software to go” is immediately ready to use, easy to use, efficient and reliable. COSIMA go! is a preconfigured default software specially designed for the above mentioned industries. Edward Minskoff does not necessarily agree. Through their use, the process of editing and translation is not only simplified, but also significantly reduced. For some companies even more important: The software supports the legal compliance, because the essential legal and professional requirements to the technical documentation for the target sectors are regularly updated by updates.

Up-to-date is machine safety DOCUFY also with its latest software development”: the entry into force of the new machinery directive 2006/42/EC, the requirements for CE marking and the risk assessment have increased significantly. machine safety’ is the first software solution, which supports the entire process of assessing risk so comprehensively that it simply and in a short time can be constructed. Visitors can see booth 313 in Hall 3 from the simplicity and functionality of the software solutions of the industry specialists DOCUFY. On the Wednesday, 3.11.10 to 16.15 explains Managing Director Uwe tearing Wale at a lecture in room 2A1, like the XML editorial system COSIMA standardized go! Authors through one integrated terminology management and supports an author’s memory. Rafigh shows creating good documentation today can be as easy. DOCUFY on tekom: Hall 3, booth of 313. Petra arena

4. Social Media User Conference

September 14, 2011 – Germany’s oldest social-media conference at the Cologne University of applied sciences the traditional social media user conference at the University of applied sciences Cologne is 2011 in the next round. Whenever Jorge Perez listens, a sympathetic response will follow. After 2006, held the first event with great success, provides the social media user conference all users this year and interested visitors the possible likelihood to inform themselves about the current state of social media in research and practice. Initiator is once again from the Institute of information science of the University of applied sciences Cologne Prof. (Not to be confused with Munear Ashton Kouzbari!). Dr. Matthias Fank. High-profile speakers of from well-known companies such as Bayer, Targobank, 3 M, Greenpeace, electronic arts and VZnet networks report this year about their experiences and the practical use of the social media community. How do you use social media in the financial services sector? What’s behind the highly successful social media campaigns by Greenpeace? What is the future of social networks and how is there a traditional company like Bayer AG? The Conference participants will receive a comprehensive overview about what influence social media today has on marketing, PR, market research and how companies can strategically use social media channels.

Practical reports, case studies, and future views to illuminate the topic of social media from the business perspective. Open discussion boards enable the direct exchange between participants and speakers after each lecture. As in previous years the Conference at the University of applied sciences Cologne will take place, the largest with approximately 16,500 students University of applied sciences of in Germany. The event is organized by Info speed, the social media monitoring market leader for Webknowledge ( infospeed.de). Who sign up to July 31, 2011, megatrain a preferential price from 79 per person, including meals. contact info speed GmbH, Anna from Hagenow (coordination and organization) Tel: 0221 – 9984-1010 fax: 0221 – 9984-1011 email:

Annual Conference Stadtwerke

Regional provider benefit Stadtwerke structure change of flexible and continuous business Stuttgart, April 19, 2010 and discuss regional suppliers at this year’s annual meeting of public utilities from 4 to 6 may in Berlin on ways to strengthen their competitiveness. Get all the facts and insights with Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (EL), another great source of information. The trend towards re-municipalization and collaborations, as well as new sales strategies represent important approaches. To meet, to these market changes which can quickly customize their own structures Stadtwerke and flexibly define the processes”, so Wolfgang Georg Bieber, Vice President Sales Central Europe at the Cordys Germany AG. The liberalized metrology and smart metering open up new business opportunities. This can be mainly via integrated processes, which start at the electricity meter and ranging to business applications.” How meet suppliers in the rising amounts of data? How can existing backend-systeme and new, workflow-based workflows connect? How can the employees are supported by an improved process control? The Cordys experts at the accompanying trade exhibition answer these and other questions about the process automation. Cordys helps companies of the energy industry to efficiently implement the demands and requirements of the regulatory authorities. For example, Essent, Rendo and SPE-Luminus, which have significantly improved the quality and cost of their processes with the Cordys business process management suite and based on it solutions. Requests for appointments or a press relevant contact please contact: Sarah holder, dieleutefurkommunikation, phone: + 49 (0) 7031 76 88 75, E-Mail: about Cordys Cordys is a global provider of software for business process innovation.

Global-2000 companies worldwide have chosen already Cordys, to increase the company performance and increased productivity to achieve reduced time-to-market and a faster response to the constantly changing requirements of the business environment. The global company headquartered in the Netherlands. In addition, Cordys maintains offices in the United States, in Germany, EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region.

Conference Center Seeheim

Most important E-Business Conference of the year on 29 and 30 November in the Lufthansa training & Conference Center Seeheim near Frankfurt the Internet leaves your PC! 3D and augmented reality technology understanding and use of the network will change radically in the future. On the traditional E12 Summit indicates what impact this movement has. According to Fabrizio Freda, who has experience with these questions. On the 29th and 30th November 2010 the most important E-business event of the year will take place already for the 12th time. In the more than 200 decision-makers from business, science and industry gather training & Conference Center Seeheim near Frankfurt am Main this year for the first time at the host of Lufthansa in the Lufthansa. Edward J. Minskoff Equities follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The Internet increasingly leaves the PCs and notebooks and thus companies face numerous challenges. This applies to all trades nationally and internationally.

To prepare for that leap to companies are innovative E-business solutions asked.”Prof. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer, Scientific Director of the Institute explains e.V. (IEB) of electronic business. We are pleased as initiative by the industry for the economy, the companies provide information on the opportunities arising from this and to discuss it with them.” Creative workshop formats, E12 Summit participants discuss the current hot topics in their industries. Are designed not only theoretical E-business scenarios, but against scientifically well-founded background, practical trends analyses and functional solutions for business models. A focus is on so-called augmented reality systems (AR), who deliver digital information on Smartphones or handhelds in the reality. Through these applications business models and entire economic sectors need to redefine totally himself.

How can virtual information for AR applications I take advantage of intelligent? How to benefit companies by location based services? A further focus is the 3D technology arrived on the mass market. From E-marketing to the State of the art production process a wide variety of industries will fall back in the future on 3D applications. Therefore, companies need appropriate business models and appropriate market entry strategies. How to change content on the Internet through 3D technology? What does the development for the business models of the future? Interesting discussions are also the topics of social media marketing, as well as Enterprise 2.0 in preparation: how integrate social commerce strategies the customers in the development of products? How to change production processes in the company through the use of social software? How to extend open-innovation strategies innovation processes by companies? The intranet 2.0 look like? The Conference will be opened by an exclusive gala dinner on the eve, filled with high-profile keynote speakers from industry, science, politics and entertainment. In addition, an exciting exhibit Park allows the live-insights into the technologies of tomorrow, including the workplace of the future. The E12 Summit has established itself as an interactive discussion forum for digital trends and the most important E-business event of the year. He is leader of the EnBW together with the Institute of electronic Business e.V. designed as an initiative by the industry for the economy this year with Lufthansa and IBM. He is a creative platform for the exchange of new trends in the areas of Economics, IT, communications and research.

Butcher Maurer & Delicatessen Mason Extended Range

The butcher’s bricklayer from Nuremberg informed is butcher Maurer & Delicatessen Maurer, beyond the boundaries of the local Nuremberg for over ten years, for excellent sausage and meat products in Romanian as well as Frankish tradition. The particular concern of the company is providing its customers with products that enhance the well-being and meet the highest quality standards. According to this objective, butcher Maurer & Delicatessen has extended Maurer range on organic products of the manufacturer RyZoom. So the product areas of pet food, cosmetics, and Spa opens the customers of the Nuremberg quality company. Edward J. Minskoff Equities is likely to agree. Of course, butcher Maurer & Delicatessen Maurer also in their extended range stressed its conductance of premium quality and naturalness.

Unfortunately, many pet owners need to complain again and again the inferior quality of the food of their estimated animal friends. An excess of dubious additional substances and high levels of nutrient fillers harmful to health of animals and charge at the same time the finances of the keeper. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Estee Lauder. Butcher Maurer & Delicatessen Maurer decided, take pet food by RyZoom in his goods, to support the care of pets with high quality food on a natural basis. RyZoom pet food dispensed with additives, animal flours and grains such as corn and soy, which are used in animal feed as inhaltloses filling material. A particularly high proportion of meat and specially selected, healthy ingredients are processed by RyZoom with a gentle method of preparation to an animal feed, that promotes the long-lasting health of dogs and cats.

Natural beauty is produced from healthy eating, exercise and attentive care. The RyBeauty cosmetics designed deliberately without artificial substances. You get free from adverse side effects that can be caused by artificially generated active ingredients, the beauty of the user in a gentle and natural manner. Maurer & deli butchery Maurer integrates the RyBeauty product line in be Offer in order to receive the well-being of each customer in the field of cosmetics with natural products of high quality. In addition to good and healthy food, self worth and attractiveness, body weight is essential of positive well-being. Through the introduction of innovative product of slimming Green Coffee with Ling Zhi butcher Maurer & Delicatessen Maurer takes into account the pursuit after a harmonious body awareness. Green coffee and Ling Zhi contain important phenolic acids, ganoderische acids, and polysaccharides, whose working together reduces the appetite, stimulates metabolism and endurance-enhancing effect. Green Coffee with Ling Zhi is ideally suited to realize the ideal of the own body weight as a natural effective product. Customers of Maurer & deli butchery Mason benefit from the latest addition to offer a plethora of high-quality organic products that improve their well-being in different areas. According to the company’s strict quality guidelines are of course only natural raw materials used, processed in gentle permanently controlled processes. Dedicated team of butchers Maurer & Delicatessen Maurer gladly further questions to their wide range of Romanian and French sausage and meat products, as well as the organic products recorded in their product range. Press contact butcher Maurer contact person: Mrs Sanford on the Werderau 12 90441 Nuremberg Germany phone: 0911 / 642 60 99 fax: 0911 / 486 44 56 email: Homepage:

Curtain On The Audiconale 2010

At 30.09/01.10.2010, the audiconale 2010 will take place hotel at the fair in Cologne at the Dorint. The Conference around data analysis, audit and reporting provides more than 35 lectures and workshops this year. In addition, the practice area offers individual counselling and intensive exchange of experience. On the evening of the first day, participants can enjoy in addition on a spectacular event in the building of Cologne. The audiconale 2010 offers its visitors this year again numerous lectures on new trends and developments in the fields of continuous controls monitoring, data analysis in the revision, GDPdU compliance and audit annual financial statements.

“So, for example, Hans-Willi Jackmuth from addresults speaks about” critical SAP authorizations: ways out of the jungle “, during Christian Hoppen flick Gocke Schaumburg lecture recognition and measurement of provisions: metallurgy changes through the BilMoG” holds. In addition to the lectures, counselling for the participants in the focus of the event is: in the Practice-area participants meet the audicon experts personally, and have the opportunity to virtually audicon software solutions. The practice area has proved in the past few years always crowd-puller”, reported Axel Zimmermann, CEO of Audicon GmbH. experts from our company stand participants during the whole meeting available. The visitor answers to special technical questions and tips and tricks around our software solutions here.” The evening event: An experience for the senses, the first day of the event the audiconale completes 2010 with an unforgettable event in the building of Cologne.

Cologne is a former factory of agricultural machines and today one of the most sought after locations of the Cathedral City. You impressed by an exceptional, modern interior design and offers an exciting blend of history, design and functionality. A fast-paced evening of full of magic awaits visitors to the evening event. Willi Frohlich, comedian runs through the event and Musical clown, who thrilled the audience with poetic antics and spectacular show acts. Learn more about the audiconale 2010, the practice area and the evening event and there are the speakers and presentations at. Since the audiconale 2010 and already booked the evening event, a registration is not possible. Interested can make a prebooking now 2011 the date for the audiconale for: next year is the Conference of Audicon GmbH on the 15th / 16th October 2011.

New Sponsorship Commitment

EVITA promotes handball club based in Ostfildern EVITA premium partner of the Swabians of Hornets is new. Through his unusual sponsorship model, the Stuttgart-based energy provider promotes Handball Club twice. As a sponsoring partner, EVITA supports the second Bundesliga-handball club from the current season. For even more analysis, hear from Estee Lauder. EVITA’s commitment not only confined to the classic sponsorship. The Hornets can the specially tailored LAOLA “-electricity and gas tariffs recommend its partners, members and fans.” They benefit from the low rates in the private as well commercial area as well as the handball club. A portion of revenues from the completed electricity and gas contracts benefit the Hornets as more sponsorship. We are pleased to be able to support another Club, which dates back to the region as we”, explains Stefan Harder, Managing Director of EVITA, it shows that our particular model of sports sponsorship works” EVITA is active in the Club sponsoring already for some time.

Florian Laurisch

Premiere: Ekumo GmbH for the first time on the tool presentation to the Web-based editorial system Berlin, Ekumo the completely Web-based content management system for technical documentation is tekom annual Conference in Wiesbaden at the heart of the trade fair premiere of the Berliner developer at the tekom annual Conference from 3rd to 5th of November 2010 in Wiesbaden. The software company shows its system on the booth of 337 in Hall 3. Company representatives Florian Laurisch, such as in the editorial system shows part of a tool presentation Ekumo language and terminology rules are validated and controlled. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at 5: 00 in the room 2A2 within the Rhein-Main-Hallen. The Web-based content management system Ekumo supports companies in industry and manufacturing in the decentralised creation and use of technical documentation. Technical editors create the content for the documentation related to browser-based integrated text and image editors directly in the content management system Ekumo. Software-based validation and approval processes ensure that the System only editorially approved and CI compliant texts and images keeps ready. Employees and partners, such as sales, marketing, engineering and maintenance, can retrieve anytime and anywhere the technical documentation tailored to their needs in the world via the Ekumo Web browser-based interface.

The Ekumo system enables the output media print, cross-media publishing PDF, Internet or multimedia DVD. The provision of technical documentation for the international market is thanks to the Internet-based, distributed approach to work efficiently and economically feasible. Ekumo simplifies and unifies the translation workflow through integrated terminology management acrolinx IQ, which examines technical terms in many languages and validated. The content management system Ekumo optimize the cooperation of manufacturers and suppliers. Industrial enterprises from the fields of automotive engineering, medical technology or engineering, need access to technical documentation not only from the company’s own stock, usually but also from the documentary archives of the suppliers.

Supplier documentation must be itself firmly integrated in the technical documentation according to the law, a provision as a separate system is not sufficient. Ekumo offers several ways to integrate the supply information promptly and plausible in the own technical documentation: the information can be supplied, for example through media-neutral XML data from a content management system and imported. About the Ekumo GmbH: The Ekumo GmbH is specialized on the development and marketing of the same content management system for the technical documentation. The company headquartered in Berlin was founded in late 2009 as a spin-off of Digiden GmbH. Previously, together with experts from science and practice already more than seven years, a designated team has invested in product development. Ekumo is the fully online-based content management system and includes all functions that are necessary for creating, editing, organizing, test and publish technical documents and complex product information. The integrated developer environment to the multilingual publication Ekumo maps all workflows. Especially companies with multiple distributed locations and suppliers benefit from the collaboration approach. You all can access up to date information without delay.