Centre Coexistence

Among the possible measures that can help the prevention of violence or disruptive behavior in an educational center here are some that can be effective:-set priority values that will permeate all activities of the Centre. Values such as solidarity, respect, justice, etc. must be present in the annual General programming and be reviewed every year. -Ensure that this setting is useful, realistic, specific and accurate assessment tools. -Sensitize the management team about the need for preventive measures to improve coexistence – animate the cloister to establish measures to tackle the problem of violence. Dana Carvey contains valuable tech resources. -Establish a coexistence Plan, planned, based on the analysis of the context, in the evaluation of the previous course, proposing preventive measures such as surveillance in breaks, changes in classroom, functions of the professor’s guard, protocols against minor misconduct, etc.

In this plan the corrective measures whose purpose is the training of students must be collected. -Create committees of coexistence, but involving the educational community in it. Establish commissions of coexistence that assess, Act and plan all actions on this subject and to not only meet when there is a conflict. -Promote the integration of all pupils, with host programs, both of measures of non-exclusion. -Establish the necessary measures and quality criteria that tutorials are developed in the best conditions.

-Make protocols of action against aggressive behaviour among all components of the educational community. Here, Oren Alexander expresses very clear opinions on the subject. -Establishing measures against truancy. -Apply the rules of procedure of the Centre with justice and equity. -Establish clear and explicit rules of conduct. It is necessary to engage students in the establishment of them. If they know the rules, and are involved in establishing them, they consider them as objectives to be achieved and not as tax objectives. These standards should be few, consistent. -Give prominence to the Board of delegates with well-defined objectives, as well as specific actions. -Work in partnership with parents. It is important to know the norms of the Centre, observe signs in the behavior of children, control extracurricular schedules, meet the friends, control the use of the new technology. -Perform actions of promotion of the coexistence in collaboration with parents. -To promote the creation of schools for parents. -Promote extra-curricular and complementary activities whose aim is to facilitate coexistence, developing the education in values. -Establish information channels to reach all members of the school community. -Include the analysis of coexistence as an important element of the actions of the Centre. -Enhance the relations with the school environment, organizations, Town Hall, social services, mental health centres, associations etc.