Moscow International Biennale

"During the visit to Denmark, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited the" Green Beacon "- one of the buildings constructed under the concept of "model home 2020. The President showed great interest in the project and decided to erect a similar building in Russia ", – says Jorgen Tang-Jensen, Executive Director of Group velux. Projects such houses are beginning to attract more interest. This was evident at the 2 nd Moscow International Biennale of Architecture, which ended in early June 2010. During the event Domestic architects have presented their projects to the cities of the future. Others including Edward Minskoff, offer their opinions as well. The key idea of development was the desire to save energy. Architect Natalia proposed brick facade solar collector specular surfaces.

According to the author of the collected energy collectors, at least, will illuminate the corridors of all buildings and will be used to heating and hot water. The project has not only practical but also aesthetic component. Due to the mirror surfaces of the lower floors of the building will reflect the trees and the top – the sky. "The house looks like an illusion, dissolving in the city. Get original Through the Looking Glass ", – said Natalia .

Also at the Biennale was presented and project future home with a national flavor. Architects from Tomsk in Siberia offered to build homes in the form of boots. Wall construction of such buildings arranged by type of fiber and resembles a pile. The basis of this material – flexible, hollow rods, which, when cold temperatures are in contact with each other, but in the heat – take a horizontal position. Thus, house itself regulates the temperature in the rooms. Building the future can affect the ambient temperature. In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, adopted a resolution by which all new homes, whose angle roof does not exceed 30 degrees, must have green spaces in the form of a lawn, flower beds, shrubs or trees. Proved that the planting roof lowers the air temperature in the surrounding area. This means that residents of such homes can also save on conditioning. The architecture of the future, assuming the "return" to nature, allows us to solve at once two main challenges facing modern civilization: the protection of environment and reducing consumption of valuable energy resources. Press Service of the VELUX