Testing Children In Schools

February 18 Odessa Volunteer Citizens Commission on Human Rights on the streets of Odessa have collected 30 signatures on a petition against the psychological and psychiatric testing of children in schools. Jorge Perez spoke with conviction. In Odessa and region repeatedly obnorodyvalis evidence that children from some of the orphanages and boarding schools for the “bad” behavior, manifested in an attempt to protect themselves from rough obraschenieya by some employees of these institutions, were sent to psychiatric hospitals, where they stuffed a variety of psychotronic drugs, in order to “pacify.” Of course, before the child is sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, he is given the assessment based on the opinion, namely, “conduct disorder”, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,” and so on. “I’m Peschanskom orphanage am 3 years and we are constantly experiencing the bullying teachers and terrible psychiatric pills. Under most conditions Gavin Baker Atreides Management would agree. Recently, when Zoe and Elvira would escape them stripped, and all taken to the street and beaten so that they burst the skin, “- said Dima, who was forcibly kept in the boarding house. ” And this is not the only case in Odessa, and throughout Ukraine. Nowadays, children can become “guinea pigs” for psychiatrists to give psychiatric testing at the school or other educational institutions, in particular social type, so the collected signatures will be sent to the Government of Ukraine to reform this area. For more information contact:,.

CCHR was founded in 1969 Church of Scientology and the internationally renowned author, Dr. Thomas Sacom, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of retired New York in Syracuse. While victims of psychiatry were a forgotten by all a group of people languishing in appalling conditions in mental hospitals scattered throughout the world. Therefore, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights formulated the Declaration of Human Rights in the field of mental health, which serves as a guide for reform in mental health.

Integral Trans Gymnastics

Such a trend in Russia is not – is the highest degree of self-discovery and recovery. Trance – a functional state of the psyche, which varies the degree of mind control over the processing of information. Trance accompanied by certain changes in brain activity in the healing medicine recognizes when a person gets ten times more rest than during sna.Trans integrated exercises (one of the oldest Russian-Egyptian technology to create lines of yoga) – an integrated approach to improving the system of his mind, spirit and technique tela.Dannaya together all in one, all parts of the body are restored to of spontaneous movements. In the trance state of consciousness there is no control over the movements of the physical and emotional stress goes away, mind returning to normal. Man gets rid of many pathologies such as motor and emotional lethargy, fatigue and exhaustion of mental resources, sleep disturbances (insomnia), and various manifestations of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases, respiratory diseases, including asthmatic conditions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, autonomic disorders, heart disease, endocrine disorders, loss of potency, and the effects of brain injury. For more clarity and thought, follow up with brightwood and gain more knowledge.. Man in the application This technique performs a variety of complex, usually long, often stereotyped motor acts in obedience to his inner motivations, without fear or sense of time.

At the same processes are implemented self-knowledge and self-regulation aimed at the gradual normalization of disturbances due to internal reserves organizma.Trans integral makes it possible to engage in gymnastics and the men and women regardless of age, as well as children with the age of eight. During the occupation of the integrated trans gymnastics man opens up new skills, knowledge itself is, life is perceived by the new, restored intuition, there is a strong immune system. Trans integral gymnastics helps to normalize an arbitrary relaxation time of skeletal muscle, which is especially important in sports. A good result is when to operational and post operational periodah.Zdorove – a state body that provides an efficient synthesis and accumulation of biological energy and its rational use and quick to fill in activity.

Spoiling The Death

Damaging to death is one of the strongest magic of actions aimed at destroying the magic of his enemy, or who in the opinion of the person, suggestive damage to his death, he was a hindrance. Difficult to talk about moral principles the person doing the damage to death, as well as discuss any other magical act aimed at creating problems to your neighbor, but this happens in a magical practice. Spoiling for death is an expression of the evil, negativity, anger, all the negative emotions that have accumulated in the one who did damage to his death. But not negative emotions and create damage to death, and targeted a magical effect that has certain characteristics and consequences. Go to one of these signs include a total and permanent bad luck getting people into trouble. People say "about attracts trouble." Yes, that can be said about unlucky person, but if these cases end in injury if a person is often enough and not on their own is on the verge of death, we can assume the presence of damage to death.

Another important sign of damage to their death can be spontaneous emergence of serious diseases that are not diagnosed or treated by modern medicine. Edward Minskoff shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Man begins to fade in his eyes and nothing can help him. There is also a list of signs of damage to their death can be attributed the absolute apathy of human reluctance to live and fight. He becomes indifferent to his loved ones, family and work. He often seek to be alone, thinking about something. Seeing these characters can speak, or that a person serious psychological problems, or he was subjected to such influence as the damage to his death. Steffan Lehnhoff has many thoughts on the issue.

Certainly, signs of damage to his death should motivate you to make to help the person to explain what is happening. Having diagnosed damage you can strengthen or refute their hypothesis. But it's important not to forget that the damage to his death, in addition to a magical component, has also a psychological one. Take care of the person, apply all efforts so that he was easier, and then you can find a way out of this situation.

Academic School

The social inclusion constitutes, then, a bilateral process in which the people, still excluded, and the society searchs, in partnership, to equate problems, to decide on solutions and to accomplish the equalization of chances for all, (SASSAKI). The practical one of the social inclusion rests in considered principles until then uncommon, such as: the acceptance of the individual differences, the valuation of each person, the convivncia inside of the diversity human being, the learning through the cooperation. The diversity human being is represented; mainly, for national origin, sexual option, religion, sort, age, race and deficiency. Nir Barzilai, M.D. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Academic of the Course of Pedagogia of the University of Passo Fundo Soledade Campus. What it is an inclusive school? We say that to the inclusion when the school does not exclude some of its pupils or children and young candidates the school registration in reason of any individual attribute of the type: sort (sex), color (etnias diverse), deficiency (physical, mental, visual, auditory or multiple), social classroom (economic situation partner), conditions of health (virus HIV, epilepsy, syndrome of tourette, mental upheaval) and others.

In an inclusive school, all the pupils, with or without some of these individual attributes, study together in the same classrooms. All thus different ones, therefore, nobody is equal. If the individual difference between the people did not exist, nor the least would exist the diversity between the same ones, therefore each individual holds an only definition. Each one with its initiatives, attitudes, ways to think and to act. Thus constructing and creating its proper identity. Relation the worked concepts, I believe that the society has much to move in relation to the acceptance of the differences, and to perceive that rare we will go to find people ' ' normais' ' , this is something inadequate of if to say for a child, since small we must clarify doubts the children, whom an immense diversity in the school of children exists is that the differences are blossomed next to them and fit to the professor and the family to collaborate with the differences perceiving and accepting, that nor alive and equal one to be all we are different and we need respect and acceptance.

Fertility Issues

This article inside argues the construction of the meanings and felt developed by women with problems of the reprodutrio context. With the objective to identify to which the faced difficulties and to demonstrate the psychological states that had been modified in relation to this problematic one. To emphasize the necessity of a psychological boarding in the reprodutrio treatment, with the objective to work the happened questions of the infertility and the possible treatment. One expects to contribute through the bibliographical revision with contents that they make possible in the agreement and the psicoteraputicas and multiprofessional interventions. Word-key: Reproduction, Infertility, sterility, woman, psychology. Throughout the evolution human being, one of the main factors was the preservation of the species, with this the reproduction always represented an axial item.

Concepts on infertility and sterility, represent for many women, today synonymous of pain and suffering. Valley to stand out the difference enters infertility and sterility. The infertility represents the incapacity to after conceive one year of sexual relations not protected (six months if the woman has 35 years of age more than) or the incapacity to keep the pregnancy until the term. Whereas the sterility is a irreversible condition that hinders the conception. (MENDONA. 1988, p23) the medicine comes developing techniques and methods to treat the problems on infertility and feminine sterility. However, few studies exist that analyze the psychological processes that involve these problematic ones. Although the transformations observed in the related practical conceptions and to the infertility, based mainly on the advance of the scientific and medical knowledge, the condition of infertile if has constituted in a pack for the women, crossing history centuries and breaching geographic and cultural limits.

It is observed that the social imposition of the maternity for ‘ ‘ woman normal’ ‘ the personal and social consequences of reproductive problems, with examples that enclose different societies and historical moments. Inside of the bibliographical survey of the productions in the area of searched psychology, some describe criticize and comments that will provide to one better agreement and theoretical basement. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Interventions in the psycotherapies in patient citizens to the disequilibria and deriving clutters of the problematic ones generated by the incoherences partners of the elaborated stigmata of the infertility and the sterility. The present article will evidence the infertility and the feminine sterility, more necessarily the psychological processes from the diagnosis, since the medicine has developed many methods and treatments, however disrespecting the psychological aspects.

Brazil Motivation

An environment where the perspectives are very limited, almost unanimously will lead to a process of discourages consequently and to the desmotivao. Official site: Estee Lauder. Other forces as religiosidade, escolaridade, politics, economy, health, among others, complete the picture of factors stimulants, or desestimulantes, to the individual and that they contribute for the state of maintenance of the motivation. As examples of as external factors they can modify the state of motivation of the individual, the author will take its proper experience at two distinct moments, first, the referring one to its ingression in the Bank of Brazil and, as, the recent exchange of administrators in the agency where it works. At the first moment the stimulaton for the motivation came of the family, in special of the wife, stimulated who it to the participation in the competition for ingression in the bank, stimulating it during all the process and of its immediate superior, fellow workers mainly. The participation of the family came in the form of resignation for the lost hours in leisure and the time where the presence of the father and the husband was not possible, face to the time excused for the study and, still, for the suggestion of that it was possible, in view of the potential presented for the same, at least for them. In such a way it had a positive alteration in its motivation, since the same it was leaving a conturbado process of resignation. In this process it also had the superior participation of then the immediate one, in the institution where it had entered the resignation after. This superior was participating of the competition also and the stimulaton came of the exchanges of experience and colloquies in relation to the plan of career in the company and of feedbacks. At as the moment, the stimulaton came of the exchange of administrators, therefore the previous one was remained impassvel to the accomplishment of feedbacks for commanded its, as well as in relation to accompaniments of the results, giving only never to seem in relation to the negative points and standing out the strong points.

The Movements

Historically, the person with deficiency? not importing the type of shunting line? she always dealt with the manipulation of its identity, initially in the family, later in the school and other social spaces, in which she establishes interactions. In after-modernity, the speech of the inclusion is had and of the acceptance of the diversities, tolerance sends regards to it and the respect with regard to the people with deficiency. Some speeches on inclusion allude to the model deficiency physician-doctor as fully surpassed, it enters the principles of the movements in favor of the inclusion proclaims it ' ' celebration of diferenas' ' , ' ' solidarity humanitria' ' , in clear option to deal with the diversity, inside of a not-critical perspective – not problematizando the question of the identity and the difference. We act as a lawyer that the understanding of the practical one of the inclusive education must leave of the knowledge of the form as pertaining to school community chore daily with the people with deficiency, where the actions can be understood in the natural environment of occurrence. Thus, it is not possible to divorce the actions and conceptions the actors of the partner-cultural context in which they are inserted. This sends to the circulating conceptions of identity in the schools that practise the inclusion. But the possible inclusive education, inside of the objective conditions of the schools that, generally, it differs from the official proposals. We understand identity as well more than a biological or psicossocial reality; it is related to the joint elaboration of each particular society, throughout its history, something that has to see with rules and social norms, the social control and the relations of being able. Iniguez (2001) points that the identity notion is born of the relations and social interchanges that allow an identification with that they encircle in them and a differentiation in relation they.