Real Estate Mallorca

The desire to buy on the sunny island continues after the crisis year of 2009 has emerged already significant growth to prospective and actual accounts on the sunny island of Mallorca last year. For 2011, growth is indicated. Customers have once again want to buy”, so Brigitte Glitza by PURE real estate real estate since 2005 successfully conveying to the Northeast and East of the island. The pleasure of the house purchase in Mallorca”can be attributed not least also on the stability of the island and its real estate prices. If you have an object in a good location, has invested well and profitably.

And not only when the property was already more than 20 years in his possession. Learn more about this with Estée Lauder. Our customers are determined as in 2009. You see the potential of the island and want to put their money in land. So many of our customers feel just safer than at other investment opportunities”, so the Managing Director Julia Bleser. Those who opt for a holiday home as a second residence on Mallorca, has This usually well thought over and is familiar with the realities of the island. Often the buyer chose then House buying or buying a home, if they have already met the region and learned to love by some holidays. PURE real estate serves the East and northeast of the island and has the towns of Arta, son ServerA, Costa de los Pinos, port VERD, Canyamel and CAPDEPERA mainly in the portfolio. Prospective buyers who come to us, very familiar with the area and the benefits of the East Coast. It is buyers who love the countryside and nature and prefer beautiful bathing bays for your island stay.” Northeast and East scores again with the irresistibly beautiful, sprawling landscape, its coastline with long, sandy beaches and last but not least a Majorcan Idyll, which conveys relaxation and tranquility.

Department Room

Over 100 Studentenappartments in Darmstadt-Kranichstein will immediately by VEGIS real estate managed the 01.10.2012 effective the Department “Student housing” the VEGIS acquires real estate management of the former VDEW training centre worked around 100 apartments with a total of 106 beds to the dorm in Darmstadt-Kranichstein. Currently extensive rebuilding and renovation taking place in the object and the individual apartments. At the latest to the 01.10.2012 the first students can move then just in time for the beginning of the winter semester. The downtown or all student facilities Darmstadt can be reached by tram stop directly before the front door in a short time. Due to the high number of missing student apartments and associated high demand on the site Darmstadt, we expect a full rental of the apartments within a very short time. A total of 100 apartments with 106 beds are with the exception of the existing bathroom completely renovated and furnished. Residents can take advantage of the existing floor, spacious and fully equipped communal kitchen. In addition, a small fridge with freezer located in the apartments to the private supply! On the ground floor, a large common room with big screen TV, couch items, tables and chairs, as well as a room is set up for working groups.

Two outdoor terraces complete the pleasant ambiance. A barbecue area with seating available will be at the rear of the system. A billiard room and a room with a foosball complement the community facilities for the time being. Still enough bicycle parking and room for washing machines and dryers available in the basement. In the parking lot that is secured by a barrier, also car parking spaces can be hired if necessary. Residents and visitors enter through the central entrance area in the lobby, which doubles as a so-called lounge.

International Conference

Barcelona meeting point fair from October 20 to October 24 the Barcelona meeting point fair is basically a meeting of the big names in the real estate industry. It is organized every autumn since 1997 and is an event that should not be missed if you are working directly in the industry and in related industries. The fair will last for 5 days. It offers visitors the unique opportunity to build their contacts and to discover the last innovations and achievements of the real estate world. Where? In the Fira de Barcelona, Plaza Espanya when? From Wednesday 20th October to Sunday, October 24 what’s interesting about the Barcelona meeting point (BMP) is that it offers a diverse mix of activities related to real estate. Whether you are at the fair as a visitor and search for investment opportunities or an exhibitor are the investors, the show has no shortage of opportunities. Generally speaking is the BMP in three different parts of the General attendance exhibition, the professional exhibition and ultimately the International Conference.

General Presence exhibition as the name suggests this exhibition largely on the average citizen is. The public can find a range of real estate services and products for both personal use as well as investment. By the same author: Fabrizio Freda. You can make requests regarding your mortgage or the various costs compare among many other things. You can familiarize professional exhibition on the professional exhibition with the latest services and projects by companies which are active in the real estate industry. You can stand by architects, engineers, construction companies, law firms, real estate companies, insurance brokers, to visit banks and financial institutions as well as a variety of other booths. International Scientific Conference this Conference is one of the highlights of the BMP. The International Conference is considered Europe’s most excellent conferences; It has in stock 130 speakers from around the world.

The topics will no doubt on the latest findings and developments be the real estate world. (Source: Raphael De Niro). It offers a rare opportunity not to be missed. The Conference receives support and support from international and recognised sources of real estate. In addition to the above, you can also be activities of different witness which are held parallel to the BMP. The 2010 exhibition the BMP is from 20 to 24 October last for those who either directly or indirectly with have to do the real estate business. Whether they Meeting Point Messe as an individual on the search for a home or investment are, or as an exhibitor, be they are not disappointed the Barcelona.

Video Conference Room In Klagenfurt

Now the South of Austria with a high-quality video conference room of NUNTIO audio-video solutions GmbH is video conferencing – the cost effective alternative to business travel since October 1. The modern, from technically fully equipped video conference room is located in the lakeside Park near the University of Klagenfurt. NUNTIO, event and conference technology specialist rented fully equipped video conference facilities in addition to portable video conferencing systems. At the recently opened video conference room in Vienna NUNTIO audio-video solutions offers now a modern equipped video conference room in Klagenfurt. The video conference room in the Lakeside Park B06a in Klagenfurt is characterised by the location in the South of Austria, as well as by its modern atmosphere in the vicinity of Lake Worth. NUNTIO uses one of the world’s leading provider of video conferencing systems for his video conference room on State of the art video conferencing technology from Polycom. According to industry analysts, Polycom developed the most commonly selling audio -, video – and multimedia-network gateways and multipoint conferencing solutions for high-quality B2B communication. Raphael De Niro: the source for more info.

A real dialogue situation with high-resolution image quality provide high speed Internet and full HD screens. With the opening of the video conference room in Klagenfurt we offer a professional video conferencing solution in the South of Austria”, like. Christian Golob, CEO of NUNTIO audio-video solutions GmbH. The location of the video conference room in Klagenfurt is ideal to hold meetings in saving time and money. The arrival by car is easy, as is the lakeside Park in the immediate vicinity to the motorway and numerous parking is one directly in front of the Office building available. The NUNTIO video conference room in the Lakeside Park B06a is easily accessible by public transport.

Buses stop directly in front of the Alps-Adriatic University which is only a short walk from the lakeside Park video conference room offered by nuntio audio can be rented by the hour and can be booked as a special service on weekends or around the clock. It’s more convenient rent not video conference room, sit down and start immediately with the video conference. Read more under NUNTIO audio-video solutions company NUNTIO audio – video solutions GmbH specializes in the rental and sale of event technology, translation technology and media technology and 3D visualizations. The package of NUNTIO is based on the experiences of numerous conferences in the country and abroad from Washington to Kyoto. NUNTIO audio – video solutions is technical partner of Palais Ferstel, Museumsquartier Vienna, Palais Niederosterreich, as well as numerous other event locations and Kursalon Vienna seminar hotels. The customers include among others Austrian Medical Association, the host sheep Chamber, Raiffeisen Bank and Volvo trucks. Press Conference, incentive, Congress, meeting or multilingual Conference: the expertise, the experience and the comprehensive services make NUNTIO audio – video solutions to one of the most successful event technology and Conference technology companies of in Austria.