Brazilian Education

To constantly search this autonomy of the school through the democratic management is enters the pedagogical idealizaes of the professionals of the education, but to preserve the rules that conduct the ways of the school atrelando them it the undeniable necessity of that it assume its social role, through the directed public politics to the education, performance way is one another one with which they have to deal and to insert in this day. This attitude, however, is not easy of being taken, nor neither of being consummated. It requires, more than participation, correct management of devices, indifferently to be, these, human resources or not. Richard Parsons is often mentioned in discussions such as these. She is at this moment that fits to the citizen to inquire itself: but, if she is notable who so that a manager or has equipped (either composed it of manager and excessively professional correlatos or school and community) obtains to arrive at the platform of the adjusted consolidation inside enters its action of the democratic space that the current model of management school, related here, considers to it and what the public politics disponibilizam to it, why the System does not grant this attribution to it? The reply for this question she seems to be in the demand of the societies for Education in the whole world as reply to the impact of the process of globalization for them suffered gradual, throughout the last years. E, in view of so prominent manifestation, practical and immediately efficient the attention how much to one it forms more direct, at least in the context of the scene of the Brazilian Education, where the pupil not yet reflects, in general, the student model whom the society really needs, in the current days, seems to be come back toward the manager, even though in face of the context of the democratic management. In this line of thought, LCK (2000, P..

Superior Education Dom Bosco

Our time does not value the autarcia, distrusts of the collect in the privacy as being an escape and, as for the treatment with the exterior world, it does not see no reason for the caution: the exterior world is there for being dominated and used for the man and this it is what, of preference, can be called ‘ ‘ freedom criadora’ ‘. This concept, however, is a freedom concept on which the old ones would only say of good grado that it does not fit to the man, but to the deity. In the Antiquity, finally, the freedom is not no end in itself exactly. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ron Beit. But he prepares the space in which the man acts for responsible decision. Essential he is what it makes of the freedom. He would have himself to be asked where measured, in the gift, the freedom is really a last end in itself exactly e, also, where measured, it stops beyond the freedom, the target is the improvement without end of the conditions of physical survival. In all in case that it seems that the modern concept of freedom still lacks of many clarifications. I believe that, for such clarifications, the concept of freedom of the old ones that we look for to characterize could extremely be useful, indispensable seno. >New York Global Group.


For in such a way, the PCN present a conception of directed language it interaction and always to be associated to real a communicative situation with the contents equal, however, the systematization and deepening must be differentiated. In the case of the writing the PCN will go to not only foresee and alphabetical the systems, and yes, the discursivo character, the direction, understanding, etc. ortogrficos. In way to these facts, they start to be problematizados the grammar concepts that would be thus divided: the normative one, that it would be a set of rules that must be followed; the descriptive, a set of rules that are followed, that they allow to speak of the language, to describe it, to say as is that it functions in the communicative process and to show as she is that she is said and if writes in this language; finally, the internalizada one, joint of rules that the falante dominates. The inefficiency of the education of the Portuguese language in the education system that prioritizes, par excellence, the education of the grammar with an end in itself exactly and not the functionality of the traditional method that places the professor of Portuguese language as the only detainer of the referring knowledge to the use of the language, it discloses the necessity to search new perspectives pedagogical. This because the adopted traditional model in the school made possible the sprouting of the antipatia, on the part of the pupil, not only to the study, but the proper Portuguese language thus contributing for the bankruptcy of the education system as a whole, therefore the abilities of writing and reading are indispensable for the development of the reflection in the too much areas of knowledge discipline of them curricular. Valley to stand out the propagation of the social preconception that the school through the linguistic preconception promotes, making with that sanctioned dialects less are considered as made a mistake; the lapse committed for innumerable professors, mainly of the first series, not to consider the linguistic and cultural luggage of the pupil, being thus promoted a rupture between the school and the reality. .