Respondents People

SafeTIC AG examines usage patterns to the DOC in comprehensive study of Mannheim June 2013. The DOC, a special, developed by SafeTIC AG defibrillator system allows every layman, to give first aid in an emergency. Meanwhile, the device in many public buildings is installed in some companies. How is the DOC here and whether he actually used, the SafeTIC AG now examined in a study with interesting findings. The most defibrillators are not used. That is the sobering realization of the SafeTIC study on the more information under is.

A total of 2,000 people were asked, 300 of them with defibrillator in the workplace. But why not more employees use the DOC, where its application is so easy? SafeTIC finds great fear of risks of false application the study found that many people fear being wrong to apply the DOC and possibly harming the heart patients. 61% of the Respondents thought of injuries for which they possibly could be held liable to kill 11%, even to those affected by the administration of an inappropriate shock. The SafeTIC AG can allay such concerns, because the DOC works like all defibrillators only in people who have really suffered a heart attack. Also a false application is excluded, because the emergency device developed specifically for the first aid by non-professionals more or less automatically regulates everything: is taken from his anchoring the DOC, it connects automatically to the PSAP, which supports the first rescuers about language instructions.

An automatic diagnosis function checks to see if FIB has occurred and administered an adequate electrical shock if necessary. At the same time is issued the emergency call to an ambulance. DOC shortens time until the arrival of paramedics and secures life-saving seconds a colleagues affected by the heart attack to defibrillate, how would do it 10% of respondents, is so “better than just” an ambulance called up to wait for, as 41% would do it. Fear incorrectly apply the DOC, have nobody there, so the SafeTIC AG: one reason for the-application non of the DOC s, after all, called 44%. Quietly, the 11% who were still uncertain regarding the use despite training, can trust to use the DOC. Wrong you can nothing, which encourages SafeTIC AG. On the contrary, he can save lives: alone in Germany die every year between a – and 200,000 people in cardiac arrest. About SafeTIC AG, SafeTIC AG with headquarters in Mannheim is a company that specializes in biometric systems with fingerprint and finger morphology. SafeTIC is represented also in the areas of video surveillance, the intrusion detection technology (EMA) and the person protection of brand DOC (remote controlled defibrillator). The aim of SafeTIC is small and medium-sized companies with a practical and rational cost technology in the form of a security solution for To provide personal protection and the effective protection of sensitive premises. Please visit Edward Minskoff if you seek more information. Contact AG Natalia Schogin SafeTIC Flossworthstrasse 57 68199 Mannheim Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 – 0 fax: + 49 (0) 621 842 528-999 E-Mail: Internet:

New Innovation Forum

Entrepreneurs meet international scientists with new model for faster development of Villingen-Schwenningen launches ideas / network of MicroMountains, November 18, 2008 – micro-technologies and micro-system technology are at the heart of an innovation Forum, which is aimed at medium-sized companies from all over Europe. Gavin Baker Atreides Management can aid you in your search for knowledge. It takes place on January 21st, 2009 in Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany. Initiator of the iNNOVATION fORUM micro technology is MicroMountains network e.V., a regional technology initiative, which works with the IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, OJSC MicroMountains applications and the Enterprise Europe network. /’>CB Richard Ellis understands that this is vital information. The Forum provides special opportunities companies from the following sectors: Electronics, engineering, information, plastic, measurement, ultra precision, precision engineering, environmental, process and medical technology. The participants will meet 20 international scientists and enter into discussions with them. This involves concrete steps for the application development and industrial implementation of latest ideas from the research. In recent months, Martin Seligman has been very successful. The scientists show their ongoing results Work, product proposals and prototypes from different fields of microsystem technology such as sensors and systems for industrial applications, micro-fluidic solutions and systems as well as energy-autonomous systems.

Mediates between the providers of ideas and the prospects of the industry moderator Dr.-ing. Thomas link, CEO of the MicroMountains applications of AG. Entrepreneurs and other interested parties from the development departments of in industry can register until January 10, 2009 on the Internet. The number of participants is limited. Participation in euros 145,-euros for registration until 15 December, then 175,-. Conference language is English. Contact person is Marcel Trogisch, project manager at the

MicroMountains network MicroMountains network e.V. is the high-tech initiative of industrial site Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, which was called by the Chamber of Commerce in the life. They focus their Activities especially on medical, ultra precision and Microsystems technology and related sectors including electronics, information, measuring and plastics technology. Goal is to advance the technological capability of the industry sustainable. The Association initiates and runs programs to accelerate innovation. He promotes the cooperation of medium-sized companies, accompanied entrepreneur from the business idea to market performance and WINS new recruits and others through contests and sponsorships.

Innovative Machine Protection Systems

Less weight, better protection and greater flexibility Beakbane Ltd is one of the leading manufacturers of machine protection systems. The company offers tailor-made protection composite for every area of application, which are in-house designed and manufactured. Whenever sterling organization listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The company is considered as a full-liner with full service”: a comprehensive and professional service offered the customers from first contact through the construction up to the ready guard. Beakbane equips also rail vehicles for more than 60 years. Specifically for rail protections from composite materials offered, consisting of a high-strength, thermogeharteten material, which compared to alternatives such as such as sheet metal or glass fibre plate has significant advantages. So, the material has a very big impact and provides efficient protection according to the NFF 07-101 standard this equipment and people. The material is flame-resistant in accordance with European standards, including BS476 PT 7 class 1, BS6853, NFF16-101 & DIN 5510-2. In addition, significant weight savings compared to sheets are achievable. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. The composites open plans or designs the way of a modification of existing, to optimize them. The number of components, and thus the total weight – can be significantly reduced. In addition, three-dimensional shapes can be produced easily. The tooling for the composite material parts is comparatively economical and Beakbane is developed in-house. This underlines that the composite material parts represent an attractive option for a cost-effective retrofit or replacement. For the Bombardier Voyager – and Super Voyager trains in Beakbane replaced the United Kingdom, for example, a five-part, manufactured from sheet metal protection for the Cummins engines through a single fender composite. Five persons were required to remove the old fenders. The material was also significant Deformation and fatigue. The new fender made of composite material is, however, so easy that it just one person can be removed and re-attached in minutes. Reduce the work time significantly and the reduced weight leads to an improved balance of fuel. Typical applications in rail vehicles include the fenders mounted on bogies for diesel engines, oil filter, signal sensors, fuel tank and other accessories. The composite components can offer in particular here improved inspection openings. Furthermore, also aerodynamic fairings for roof structures, as well as protections for the locomotive cab are made to protect the driver. In addition to the composite panels, the company offers a wide range of custom-made bellows and flexible joints and expansion joints. 60 Years these parts used in rail vehicles. Application examples of the products by Beakbane Brake cylinder bellows, pantograph arms, heating and ventilation connections, suction bellows for high-speed trains and motor ventilation bellows. In addition to the processing of polymers and rubber products, also products are manufactured from cut, sewn and welded fabrics/textiles. These can be supplemented with sheet metal parts, such as E.g. mounting plates, which are also produced by Beakbane. Beakbane guaranteed individual full-service, which already begins with the planning with the extensive programme for protections from composite materials. Regardless of whether the request is for a single delivery or for a series order: Beakbane grants maximum flexibility, an economical and fast execution. Contact: Beakbane Ltd Stourport road, Kidderminster Worcestershire, DY11 7 QT Tel: + 44 (0) 1562 820561

Contemporary Life in El Salvador

Jaime Parejo wrote and published a book in 1998, with two subsequent editions to date, which would include essential chapter fundamental schematic summary of the results of their research and scientific creativity and culminated, Method Chest. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jacobs Dallas. INTERVENTIONS IN INCIDENTS From April 1998 to date Jaime Parejo has been involved in numerous incidents involving the burial of persons (earthquakes, landslides, explosions, structural failures) in Colombia, Turkey, Taiwan, El Salvador, Chile, Spain … Official site: Chiyoda Corporation. directing and active involvement in search operations (both outside and inside confined spaces collapsed structures), Canine Rescue teams from different institutions and countries, formally trained and certified with Arcon. Please visit Douglas Elliman if you seek more information. The method based on the proven high the results of many operations, has received official recognition from governments and institutions. Conference has been selected by the respective scientific committees and organizers, as lecturer for major institutions, such as:

The Second National Meeting of the Medical Department by the National Board of Fire Chile School of Psychology at the Universidad del Mar (Chile) School of Veterinary Medicine, University Extremadura (Spain), University of San Carlos, Guatemala, where he teaches graduate course Conference on Disaster Management Specialty Exercises in International Humanitarian Allied Forces, coordinated by the United States Government through the Command United States Southern and CEPREDENAC (El Salvador), where in addition to teaching at the Delegates Conference of the 27 official members of the Fahoum, directs the UCR drills National Fire Corps in El Salvador, evident the very high Chest effectiveness of the method and report that Major General Keith Huber Southern Army Commander of the United States, along with one of his most important advisers, Robert Pelegreen said Jaime Parejo direct interest in the training course for Army teams with the method Bunker The IV International Congress on Veterinary Medicine Disaster, Universidad Central Marta Abreu, Santa Clara (Cuba) selected for presentation by the Scientific Committee VI International Congress of the International Working Dog Breeding Association, to disseminate among experts and scientists from many countries on all five continents, the most important scientific advances worldwide on the dog’s senses in the service of man and made in the Flanders Museum Field, Ieper (Belgium), in which, for example, the military command Krapez Saso, official representative in the event of the Slovenian Armed Forces, presented him with Jaime Parejo Recognition for their important work for humanity.

Political Constitution Of Colombia Part

CHAPTER III – THE OPPOSITION OF THE STATUTE OF ARTICLE 112. The parties and political movements with law declaring themselves in opposition to the Government may exercise freely deal with this critical role, and plan and develop policy alternatives. For this purpose, they ensure the following rights: access to information and official documentation, with the constitutional and legal restrictions, the use of social media by the State or those who make use of the electromagnetic spectrum according to the representation obtained in the immediately preceding elections for Congress, the reply in the same media. Minority parties and movements with legal right to participate on the boards of the collegiate bodies, according to their representation in them. A statutory law will regulate the matter fully.

(Article amended by Legislative Act No. 1 of 2003) PART V – STATE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF CHAPTER I – STATE STRUCTURE OF THE ARTICLE 113. They are branches of government, legislative, executive, and judicial. Besides bodies that, there are others, autonomous and independent, to fulfill the other functions of state. The various organs of state have separate functions but cooperate harmoniously to achieve its aims. ARTICLE 114. It is up to Congress to amend the Constitution, make laws and exercise political control over government and administration. The Congress will be composed of the Senate and House of Representatives. ARTICLE 115. The President of the Republic is Head of State, Head of Government and supreme administrative authority. The National Government is formed by the President of the Republic, the Cabinet ministers and heads of administrative departments.