The Books

So gentlemen, some scientists express themselves, as written essays, theses and term papers. Nobody them usually not fully read, and so looks to then send to the archive. Suggestions of such a text is very complicated, with lots of turns and pseudo-scientific terms. It may be easy, but contain a lot of understandable and well-structured information. A lot of these books have been written before 1970.

You read and feel pleasure. By the way, the books on speed reading, dating from 18th century too. Exercise is practically the same. The newspapers mentioned Richard Parsons not as a source, but as a related topic. And what should be considered information? The question is very interesting and controversial. Will not go.

You diligently begin to deal with. And here begins the first difficulties: Can not delete internal dialogue (pronunciation, articulation). If read silently, you do not understand, and know when to pronounce nonsense … some. The more you train, the less you get, lost hunting … It is helpful to think about what results you want? To aspire to? It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it's not there … – Well, I know something, I want to learn to understand the text silently … – Stop! Wait a minute! And as you know that you understand the text (Pardon the pun). Here you thinking of, wrinkling his brow and confused. Clarified. You've read all his life with pronunciation, formed an inner conviction – a bunch of: said – presented – due to the fact that I know – so get it.

The Masses

Pronunciation was removed – a bunch of not working. At the head of porridge. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX and gain more knowledge.. Admit it, there's all the same mess? But with this mess we are to continue to work. And yet – praise yourself for valiant work, you do deserve a rest. Once you read want a different way, to quickly, then you will understand more. It is neither better nor worse.

It is just different. Learn more on the subject from CohBar. We must find him, to accept and get used to it. Well, actually it is already knocking at the door of your heart (the door to the materialists of the brain). So now open the door wider, and … By the way, if a bunch of: said – presented – due to the fact that I know will not "presented" or "connected with the fact that I know," the effect will be like – all the same mess. For example, read, read, and imagine what is written can not. Most likely, you'll re-read the text as long as no representatives.

There is a catch: what if the text really did not make sense, but so clever set of proposals (from in terms of commonplace erudition, every individual …) and you realize it …? It happens everywhere. Especially in the texts of philosophy. Everyone understands their own, but if you take the average opinion is nil. For these books There are credible critics of understanding from generation to generation by word of mouth. Therefore, in practice there is no zero. So control the masses.

Halfway To You

Today, the word Kabbalah is very popular on the Kabbalah, many people write and speak, but I am a journalist interested in the simple question of why modern man, standing firmly on his feet and believing only in themselves, suddenly begins this internal search, which leads him to Kabbalah? I have spoken with many of these people, trying to understand the reasons for these searches. And now I want to tell me one heard the stories. She, unfortunately, very typical for modern prose of life: three marriages, three divorces, many links. For other opinions and approaches, find out what RBH Group has to say. And … the emptiness, a sense of aching loneliness …

And the lack of understanding why this happens? Many of us know this story. As a person that has passed all of this, he is responsible yourself: what is it wrong? Here's the story. – I began to ask myself questions when collapsed next relationship. First, of course, I thought it my fault: did not understand underestimates … And with this understanding of what the solution? Change the spouse divorce and marry again. And you can not marry, but just to have a relationship – today is not the problem.

But again and start a relationship ended in failure. He pauses … I'm in no hurry to ask another question, because the hard speaking person, especially a man of his experiences, feelings, in short, everything that appears, and is the most intimate, of our essence. – So I was walking through life – meeting, parting, – until, finally, decided that the best I should be alone or have a relationship that neither are non-binding, because today is not the problem.


I, the undersigned, being of sound mind and clear memory of the day I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life for themselves. I am a person who loves to live. Therefore, I seek not just to survive but to live with dignity, full advantage of all the good things of life. But I realize that nothing is taken for granted, simply because what I want, so I strive to be successful in every area of your life. As a reasonable person, I understand that there is a law Cause and Effect, whereby in every phenomenon there gave birth to his cause.

And that reason is not visible or obvious, does not mean that it is not. What I got and I'm now in my life, also has a cause. AND reason for this – my choice. Every day, every hour, every minute I make a choice. Small or big. Significant or not. Pleasant or unpleasant.

Consciously or subconsciously. To act or not. And even the decision not to do choice – a choice too. And this whole series of elections in the amount of brings me closer to success or alienated from it. I understand that in whatever way I did not choose, consciously or unconsciously, under pressure or not, I'm doing it, because I want and I think most beneficial to themselves and, therefore, only I am responsible for what happens to me in life. The choice made by me in yesterday, gives the result today. The choices that I made today, will result tomorrow. That is why from today I start to make informed choices. I pledge to make decisions that bring me to success, rather than alienate him. As of today I do choice myself, but do not let yourself do it for someone another. After all, I understand that if I follow the choices made for me, it's just my choice. From now on, I choose to take responsibility for their lives for themselves. I promise not to shift responsibility to others State laws, circumstances, destiny, because it is unproductive and does not lead me to success. As of today I do choice to live life with joy and pleasure. Because we realize that to be a bleak, miserable and unsuccessful, it is also my choice, but I do not want. From now on, I choose to tell people about principle of responsibility. Because we realize that the more people become responsible for their own lives, the more harmonious environment I live, and it helps me even more success.