Freedom and Forgiveness

For each error remove a positive lesson, every mistake is a lesson we can move forward. Without hesitation Cushman and Wakefield explained all about the problem. 11. Who does not learn to forgive, difficult to walk. Forgiveness leaves a wonderful feeling of freedom. 12.

The best place on earth where you are at this moment you are in this place can make a heaven of hell only with your positive mental attitude. 13. Removes the doubt, fear, anxiety and worry. Do not forget: Cancer is curable, it kills is the fear of cancer. All logical goal is achievable, what prevents it is doubt.

You are able to achieve from now the change, which limits you is anxiety and worry. Erase your mind of doubt, fear, anxiety and worry. 14. Condition your subconscious mind with positive conscious thoughts. Wherever your faith in yourself, your faith in the tools that God gave you, and believe, were the best, start using these tools and the results will amaze you. 15. The tools are your own thoughts, and no one can help you think or think about you. 16. Assume from now you responsibility that you are what you thought. 17. Commit yourself to what you will think now. 18. Nothing wanted to feel superior to others. If you win with yourself feel superior. 19. The only war is with yourself. The only opponent is yourself. The only person who beat you is yourself. Vencete eliminating repetitive positive thinking concern. Vencete increasing your self-esteem and personal worth. Vencete assuming your present and future. 20.

Storm Ideas

The trend of the new paradigms within the dynamics of knowledge, presents an integrating vision of the methods that have traditionally been developed from the 1970s. And at beginning of the 1970s when the British psychologist Tony Buzan developed a strategy called Mental map. Now our known schemes, graphics and data presentation tables have been revalued; cognitive tools they are called and recognized them as something more than simple presentations of information to an audience little able to follow an exhibition full of figures and very abstract concepts with concentration. The techniques used have been varied: lists, lines, words, numbers, prayers. While these systems have had their unquestionable usefulness, today is known, thanks to recent research, they all employ only a part of the cerebral cortex, preventing the brain to establish associations of stimulate creativity and enhance memory.

Anyone has had the perception of improving knowledge of an issue with a graphic aid. The main elements are visible, as if they were discrete objects, and relations between them are visible, can be seen with the naked eye. The mental maps developed by Tony Buzan are an effective method for taking notes and very useful for the generation of ideas by Association. To make a mind map, one starts at the center of a page with the main idea, and works outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of words and key images. The fundamental concepts are: Organization Keywords Association Grouping Visual memory: Enter keywords, use colors, symbols, icons, 3D effects, arrows, highlights groups of words.

Focus: All Mental map needs a single Center. The mental maps conscious participation van resembling in structure to the same memory. Once you draw a Mental map, rarely needed to be redesigned. Mind maps help you organize the information. Due to the large number of associations involved, mind maps can be very creative, tending to generate new ideas and associations that it hadn’t thought before. Each element in a map is, indeed, a center of another map. Scopes the mental map takes into account the way as the brain collects, processes and stores information. Its structure records a visual image that makes it easy to extract information, write it down and memorize the details with ease. You must be accustomed to use schemas (words United with arrows). Accustomed to imagine situations where apply the concepts they learn. The effort to deliberate in this sense will be rewarding for more reliable memories (those that help to the) time of a review, or a question compromised). The creative potential of a Mental map is useful in a brainstorming session. You only have to start with the basic problem in the Center, and generate partnerships and ideas from it to get a great number of possible solutions. By means of presenting their thoughts and perceptions in a spatial and form through to add colors and images, earn better vision and new connections can be viewed. Mind maps are a way to represent the ideas related to symbols rather than with complicated words as in organic chemistry. The mind forms associations almost instantly, and represent them through a map allows you to write their ideas more quickly that using words or phrases. In everyday life we could apply it a: in planning the personal, professional, agenda of classes, lectures, workshops, distribution of activities, on research, to take notes, summarise information, prepare material, solve problems. Planning. I am a student. Work. Presentations. Storm Ideas. Distribution of tasks.