Special Conference

Purpose of the cold war, geopolitics based on ideological confrontation gave way to a new geopolitics influenced by the globalization process of the 1990s, where the countries of Latin America are converted into new emerging markets for foreign investment and economic development. However unlike traditional geopolitics where the enemy were State actors, arise new threats that grow and are strengthened by the inability of States to deal with them; transforming into non-traditional security interests national countries among which stand out, terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime, among others. These non-traditional threats generate a debate on the process of regionalization at the economic level and the updating of existing safety conventions therefore since these were created during the cold war but currently do not serve to contain these new threats. Against this background, at the Special Conference on security of the OAS, held in Mexico in 2003; were identified and these threats were classified into the following categories than by its origin, the impact that generated for each country, and different forms /acciones that are required to deal with them; are going to be called how multidimensional: 1. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Estée Lauder has to say. threats to security: terrorism, crime organized transnational, drug trafficking, corruption, money laundering, illicit arms trafficking; 2 Threats of social origin with impact on security: poverty; 3 Threats from nature and health: 4. threats against the physical integrity of persons, arising from social causes, but carried out by groups of organized crime: trafficking in human beings; 5 The Internet threats.; 6 Threats from the transportation of dangerous products, toxic waste, petroleum and radioactive material; 7. The threat for possible possession of weapons of mass destruction by persons or terrorist groups that can act in the hemisphere. So far, mechanisms developed by Governments to cope with these threats have been at the national level, but must be taken into account that the scope of these threats are transnational in character, which generate vulnerabilities in hemispheric security, therefore requires a greater commitment and cooperation among Nations.